
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Church Records (Part V): New Jersey

This next set of files from the William B. Bogardus Collection represent church records from locations in New Jersey. As always, it is suggested that users of these files consult the original source cited.

Hamilton Square Baptist Church Marriages, 1837-1854. Extracted from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, volume 6, no. 3 (January 1931). There are two marriages here. Andrew Brewer to Ann Tindall in 1841, and Ezekiel R. Ridgeway to Sarah Brower in 1849.

Burial Records of the Old First United Methodist Church, West Long Branch, New Jersey. The page here is from the book of the same name by George Castor Martin, published in 1974. Page 2 has a list of thirteen Browers. West Long Branch is a borough in Monmouth County. Prior to the Civil War it was known as Mechanicsville, and then in the 1870s was called Branchburg. Prior to 1908 it was a section of Eatontown.

Lutheran Church in New York and New Jersey, 1722-1760. The complete title is Lutheran Church in New York and New Jersey, 1722-1760: Lutheran Records in the Ministerial Archives of the Staatsarchiv, Hamburg, Germany, by Simon Hart and Harry J. Kreider (1962). Page 81 is photocopied and there is just one curious entry right at the top that reads, "P. S. Concerning [Hendrik] Brauer, the members in Rareton wanted to bring information about him but no one knew much about him." The letter this is followed by a letter from 1735, so it may be from that time as well.
Unfortunately, page 80, which I imagine carries the full letter and date was not copied. I can't help but wonder if this snippet of info pertains to the Hendrick Brouwer, who with wife Rachel de Bon, had a daughter, Sara, baptized at the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church in Somerset Co., New Jersey in 1727. The footnote attached to [Hendrik] Brauer's name in this entry says, "See Protocol, Lutheran Church in Albany County, protocol pp. 73-76.

Middlesex County Marriages: Cheesequakes Baptist Church, Marriages Performed by Rev. John Fountain. The extracts of three marriages are taken from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, volume 44, no. 3 (September 1969) and volume 45, no. 1 (January 1970).

Baptist Marriage Records of Reverend Thomas Barrass, 1831-1868. One extract from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, volume 38, no. 1 (January 1963). Samuel B. Snyder to Matilda Brewer, 1850.

Saddle River Reformed Dutch Church, 1811-1925. The source of the extracts in this file is not stated, although page numbers are referenced. There are memberships, marriages, baptisms and cemetery inscriptions (a few of each). Some of these are online at "Dutch Door Genealogy." But here too, the original source is not cited. Saddle River is in Bergen County, New Jersey, and most (if not all) of the names and families found here are found in the earlier records of the Hackensack and Schraalenburgh Dutch Reformed Churches.

Washington Presbyterian Church Records: Marriages, 1817-1849. From the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, volume 30, nos. 3/4 (July/October 1955). One marriage: William Lisk to Susan Brewer, both of Franklin, 1839. Franklin is in Sussex County, New Jersey. Washington is in Warren County, New Jersey.

There are seven new files above. The mention of Hendrik Brauer of Rareton, with a possible connection to Albany needs to be pursued further.

BGB 320

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