
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pieter Brouwer and Antje Van Dyk

In the previous post of September 15, 2013, mention was made of the couple, Pieter Brouwer and Antje Van Dyk. It was stated that it was most likely this Pieter Brouwer, who recorded as Peter Brewer, of Shrewsbury, was the man who died intestate and had administration on his estate granted to his widow Anne on 22 September 1759. After a bit more research it does appear that this placement is correct and that Antje Van Dyk married, in 1761, James Johnson, a.k.a. Jacobus Jansen/Janse/Janze. This would confirm that her first husband, Pieter Brouwer/Peter Brewer, was deceased by at least 1761.

What follows is a timeline of events for Pieter Brouwer, Antje Van Dyk and James Johnson. The set of records are an excellent example, and a terrific way to illustrate, just what researchers can expect with regards to the recording of names in a location such as Monmouth County, where the provincial and county government was English, but the some of the churches were Dutch. How a persons name appears in a particular record is dependent upon who recorded the event. In the English controlled government records, such as probate and conveyances, we find names written in an English variation, while in Dutch churches, with Dutch ministers, etc., we see names written in the Dutch variation. The deceased Pieter Brouwer/Peter Brewer was a son of Jan Brouwer/John Brewer and Helena/Lena/Hilletie/Mardelena Van Cleef/Van Cleve.

26 December 1737 - Baptism at the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church of Peetres, parents: Yan Brouwer, Lena, no witnesses recorded. ("Harlingen," Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey 17:80).

21 March 1756 - Baptism, Reformed Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown, of Joannes, parents: Pieter Brouwer, Antje Van Dyk, witness: Antje Brouwer. ("Freehold-Middletown," GMNJ 25:91). [The witness is likely Annatje Brouwer, paternal aunt of the father Pieter Brouwer, and wife of Abraham Lane/Laan.]

22 September 1759 - Administration on the estate of Peter Brewer, of Shrewsbury, died intestate, granted. Bond of widow Anne, James Harkinson and Thunis Amack as Adm’rs. John Hans, Jr. fellowbondsman. (Calendar of New Jersey Wills, 3 (1751-1760) in New Jersey Archives, First Series, 32:40).

23 September 1759 -  Baptism (Freehold-Middletown) of Petrus; parents: Pieter Brower, Antye Van Dyk, witness: Hendrick Brower. ("Freehold-Middletown," GMNJ 26:22). [The witness would be a brother of the father Pieter Brower. Although the record is not specific to the effect, the baptism would have been posthumous and the child was certainly named for his recently deceased father.]

24 March 1761 - Marriage License, New Jersey, issued to Anney Brewer, Monmouth, and James Johnson, Monmouth. (Marriage Records, 1665-1800, in New Jersey Archives, First Series, 22:54). [Note here the tendency of English clerks to record a woman's married name rather than her own surname.]

24 April 1763 - Baptism (Freehold-Middletown) of Mayke; parents: Jacobus Janze, Antje van Dyk, no witnesses recorded. (GMNJ 26:62).

7 July 1765 - Baptism (Freehold-Middletown) of Johannis, parents: Jacobus Janson, Antje Van Dyk, no witnesses recorded. (GMNJ 26:94).

26 July 1767 - Baptism (Freehold-Middletown) of Joseph, parents: Jacobus Janson, Antje Van Dyke, no witnesses recorded. (GMNJ 31:23).

10 May 1772 - Baptism (Freehold-Middletown) of Antje, parents: Jacobus Janson, Antje Van Dyk, no witnesses recorded. (GMNJ 31:64).

29 May 1774 - Baptism (Freehold-Middletown) of Jacobus, parents: Jacobus Janse, Antje van Dyk, no witnesses recorded. (GMNJ 31:68).

1 June 1803 - Will of James Johnson, Sr., of Howell Twp., Monmouth Co. Wife Anna to be supported by son James during her life. Names children, John, Joseph, Mary. Executors: sons John and James, friend Benjamin Brewer. Inventory dated 18 June 1804 was taken by Thomas Cooper and John A. Brewer. (Calendar of New Jersey Wills, 10 (1801-1805) in New Jersey Archives, First Series, 39:245). [Benjamin Brewer is likely the brother of Pieter Brouwer, the first husband of Antje Van Dyk, while John A. Brewer was a son of Aris Brouwer and Neeltje Cooper, a nephew of Pieter and Benjamin.]

A will or probate file for Antje/Anne Van Dyk, who would have been recorded as Anne or Anna Johnson in the probate records, has not been found. Church records other than those of Freehold-Middletown have not been check for other baptisms. Howell Township was incorporated in 1801 from portions of Shrewsbury Twp., Monmouth Co., New Jersey.

The above helps us conclude that the estate administration of 22 September 1759, of Peter Brewer, of Shrewsbury, is a record that almost certainly should be applied to Pieter Brouwer, the first husband of Antje Van Dyk, and not to the Pieter Brouwer who's widow, Antje Berge, was a member of the Reformed Dutch Congregation at Middletown in 1731.

BGB 316

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