
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Discounts on Upgrades at Family Tree DNA

Family Tree DNA is currently running sales on many of their DNA tests, and on upgrades for those who have already joined. The sale prices are good until December 31, 2013.

As of this writing we have twenty-six members of the Brewer DNA Project who belong to the Adam Brouwer sub-group within the project. That is, each of the twenty-six either can confirm, with traditional genealogical research, their direct ancestry back to Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island, or, if they cannot demonstrate their complete direct ancestry, are close genetic matches to those who can, to the degree that it is certain that they too, descend from Adam Brouwer. Of the twenty-six, only seven have been tested to the 67 marker level with their Y-DNA test. The other nineteen have been tested at the 37 marker level or lower. We would like very much to have more of the Adam Brouwer sub-group members test up to at least the 67 marker level. We believe that having more data, from as many individuals as possible, will help us narrow down the possible ancestral lines for those who have not yet been able to complete their direct ancestry back to Adam Brouwer.

The same can be stated for the Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L. I. sub-group. Here we also have twenty-six participants who are descendants, plus two others from Europe who are apparently related to the Jan Brouwer descendants but in a generation that pre-dates Jan Brouwer himself. Of the twenty-six descendants, thirteen have already tested at 67 markers.

Additionally, we are still looking for our first direct descendant of Willem Brouwer of Beverwijck, and one for Hubert Brower, immigrant to Philadelphia, to join the project.

(See the Y-DNA test results page at the Brewer DNA Project website).

The regular price for an upgrade from the 37 marker level to 67 markers is $99. Currently, Family Tree DNA is offering the upgrade for $79. This is good until December 31, 2013. This presents an opportunity for us to get more current members up to speed with the others who are already at 67 markers. It is also a terrific opportunity for new members to join. The Y-DNA 67 marker test for new members, regularly priced at $268, is now on sale, until December 31, 2013, for $189. We would especially like to see more direct descendants of Adam Brouwer and Jan Brouwer, who already can confirm their direct ancestry to either Adam or Jan, join the project. The more confirmed lineages that we have, the better chance we will have of finding the missing links for those who can not yet prove their direct ancestry.

For existing members to order an upgrade, first log into your personal account at Family Tree DNA. Click on the "Order an Upgrade" button in the top right hand corner. Next, select "Order a Standard Test." From the drop-down menu next to "Products," select "Y-refine37to67." The sales price of $79 will automatically appear in the field.

We hope to see some upgrades, and we hope to see more new members. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Richard Brewer, through the e-mail links at the Brewer DNA Project's main page. Thank you.

BGB 348

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