
Monday, December 2, 2013

More Records of the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church

Back in the spring of this year I had placed online some PDFs of the Records of the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church (Montgomery Twp., Somerset Co., New Jersey) that were published in the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, volumes 17 (from page 80 on), 18, 19 and 20. In addition, there was a post dedicated to the "Earliest Baptismal Records of the Church of Harlingen," which appeared in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, volume 40. I would normally suggest using the "Search this Blog" feature at the right to find the original posts, however, it is presently not working. This is a Google Blogger problem that seems to occur every so often (it has been unavailable for better then a week, and it effects all blogs created with Google's Blogger). In the meantime (until it is fixed), if you do a general Google search (at their main page) using the search terms, "Reformed Dutch Church of Harlingen, Brouwer Genealogy," (without the quotes) you should get the posts from this past spring right at the top of the search list.

The purpose of this post, is to add three more PDFs to what is already online. The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey had begun publication of the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church records with volume 15 (1940). Below are links for the records as published in volumes 15, 16 and 17 (to page 64).

Harlingen RDC Records, GMNJ v. 15 (1940)

Harlingen RDC Records, GMNJ v. 16 (1941)

Harlingen RDC Records, GMNJ v. 17 (1942) (to page 64)

The introduction in volume 15, at page 2, mentions the "Earliest Records" that were published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, volume 40 (1909), and describes them as "inaccurate and generally unsatisfactory," and what appeared in the NYGBR is reprinted in the GMNJ, volume 15, "corrected, of course."

I only took the time to compare one record between the two versions. It was the only record that pertained to a BROUWER in the NYGBR version. At page 284 of NYGBR, vol. 40, is the baptism record, dated Oct. 15, 1727, of "Sarah, dau. Henry Brewis & Rachel Bunn.; wits.: Rachel Crom & Margaret Crom." The corresponding record, as it appears in the GMNJ, vol. 15, page 61, gives the child's name as "Sara," the parents as "Hendrik Brouwer, Rachel Bon," and the witnesses as "Willem Krom, Margriet Krom."

BGB 351

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