
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Some Browers and Brewers During the American Revolutionary War

There is a large number of men named Brewer and Brower who served on the Patriot side during the American Revolutionary War. File MIL RR-46 from Box 5 of the William B. Bogardus Collection, is two pages from Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution, April 1775 to December 1783, by Francis B. Heitman (Washington: The Rare Book Shop Pub. Co., 1914)

MIL RR-46 Brewer, Officers of the Continental Army

There are three Browers found on page 123. The first, Andrew Brower (Massachusetts) is a bit of a puzzle, as I do not know of any Browers in Massachusetts at the time of the Revolutionary War. His name may be in error for Brewer, or even for Brown. There is, however, an Andrew Brower, who on 2 May 1763, had a daughter, Rachel, baptized in the Lutheran Church in New York City. Andrew's wife was named, Alge, and I do not know where, or even if, he fits in among the known Brouwer/Brower families of New York City.
The second, Brower is  Garret Brower (New York), and he would likely be the son of Abraham Brouwer (1717-1792) and Aefje Van Gelder. Garret lived in Dutchess County, was married to Mary La Foy, and died prior to 4 February 1796.
The third Brower, is Henry Brower (Pennsylvania), Ensign in the 3rd Pennsylvania, 25 Aug 1779. I have not been able to determine who this Henry Brower is, although Henry/Henrich Brewer/Brauer, who was living in Bedford Co., Pennsylvania in 1773, may be a possibility.

The second page of this file, lists a number of men named Brewer from Massachusetts, as well as a Jonathan Brewer (New Jersey) who was a 2nd Lieutenant with the 3rd New Jersey, 29 November 1776, and a Captain Lieutenant (sic) with the 4th Continental Artillery, 14 March 1777. He was taken prisoner at Germantown, exchanged, and resigned in February 1779. I have not identified this Jonathan Brewer.

BGB 385


  1. Captain-Lieutenant is a legitimate rank in the AWI. In an infantry battalion, they're the most senior lieutenant, next in line for any vacant captaincy. They seem more common in the artillery regiments, but I don't know why.

    1. Thanks for the clarification. I was unfamiliar with that rank.


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