
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Documents from the Manuscript Collection at the NYHS Relating to Elazerus Brewer

File no. 43 from Abstracts of Early Monmouth County Court Papers, Part II, is a collection of four documents obtained from the New York Historical Society that relate to Elazerus Brewer of Monmouth County.

No. 43, Docs Mss NYHS (Elazerus Brewer)

Elazerus Brewer (1730-1820) was a son of Adam Brewer and Deborah Allen, is believed to be a grandson of Jacob Brouwer and Annatje Bogardus, and is a great-grandson of Adam Brouwer and Magdalena Verdon. He has been profiled here in numerous posts and there is no need to delve into him any further in this post. Use the search feature to locate other posts regarding Elazerus Brewer.

The documents were viewed and transcribed by a correspondent of William B. Bogardus back in 1985 or 1986. I am not certain about this, but the documents may have first been located by Lawrence Lippert, who authored, "The Paper Trail of Elazerus Brewer," published in The Monmouth Connection, vol. 23, no. 5 (May 2012), and featured in the post of May 19, 2013.

The four documents do not provide any genealogical information, but do offer a little insight into the 18th century life of Elazerus Brewer. The Peter Brewer to whom Elazerus (Lazerus) Brewer addresses a letter in 1762, cannot be identified with certainty, but the idea that he is the son of Sybrant Brouwer, and a cousin of Elazerus is as likely a possibility as any. Sybrant Brewer's son, Peter, was baptized on 30 March 1720 in the New York Reformed Dutch Church. He has been stated to have probably married Cornelia Thong on 14 April 1740 (Bogardus, William Brower. Dear "Cousin": A Charted Genealogy of the Descendants of Anneke Jans Bogardus (1605-1663) to the 5th Generation - and of her sister, Marritje Jans. Wilmington, OH, U.S.A.: Anneke Jans and Everardus Bogardus Descendants Association, 1996, chart 7B) and may have married Margaret Bogert around 1750 ("Brewer-Bogart (inquiry 96)," Somerset County Historical Quarterly vol.4 [1915], p. 80). In June 1800, Margaret Bogert, wife of Peter Brouwer, was a member of the New York Reformed Dutch Church (NYGB RECORD 62 [1931]: 44). Please take note that the two sources given for Peter Brewer's possible marriages did not provide source citations for their statements, and more thorough research on Peter Brewer (Brouwer) is required.

BGB 404

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