
Saturday, June 4, 2016

YTree v4.5 And An Update To The George Brewer Branch

Well that did not take long. YFull has released their latest version of their YTree, now called v4.5. With this new tree a subclade as been created out of the George Brewer branch defined by I-Y15031 as was seen on v4.4. Please see the recent post of May 26, 2016.

The new subclade is defined by I-Y21524 and can been seen on the new v4.5 tree. Our two Brewer DNA Project members who form this subclade are id nos. YF05626 and YF04443. Please see the May 26th post for their EKAs. In short, I-Y21524 is a branch of I-Y15031. While all six participants are defined by I-Y15031, only two are defined by I-Y21524.

We do have lineages for each of the six current "Lanier-Brewer" Group members who comprise this branch of the YTree. They can be found online at the "Brewer/Lanier Pedigrees" page of the "Brewer DNA Project Pedigrees" website. To locate these particular pedigrees you will need the FTDNA kit numbers that correspond to the YFull id numbers. They are as follows:

Subclade I-Y15031
YF03764 = 367860
YF03577 = 103928
YF03395 =  63362
YF03277 =  22950

Subclade I-Y21524
YF05626 = 296620
YF04443 =  15737

Once again, a great deal of thanks goes out to those members of the Brewer DNA Project who have participated. Continued participation by other descendants of George Brewer of Brunswick County, Virginia, will further add to and refine a tree of the descendants of George Brewer.

PDF version of this post 

BGB 515

1 comment:

  1. As of this past week a seventh member has been added. He is identified as id:YF05926 and has presently been placed on the I-Y15031 branch.


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