
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Nathaniel Brewer, Chatham Co., North Carolina, Law Suit, Part II

For a background explanation of this post, please see Part I.

Page 5 is a summons for Thomas Snipes, Esquire, James Powell, Isaac Petty, Philip ? and George Brewer to appear at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, the sixth day of April next, to testify on behalf of William Littlejohn and George Ashton (plaintiffs) in the matter against "The Heirs of Thomas Brewer" defendants. Dated 6 October 1804.

Nathaniel Brewer Case, p. 5
Page 6 lists the plaintiffs vs. the heirs of Thos. Brewer, to the April 1805 court.

Nathaniel Brewer Case, p. 6

Pages 7 and 8 are again a statement of the plaintiff's case and lists the defendants. Here it is noted that on page 7 the name "Thomas Brewer" is crossed through and "Nathl Brewer" written above.

Nathaniel Brewer Case, p. 7

Nathaniel Brewer Case, p. 8
Page 9 is difficult to read, but my best with it is "The defendants plea that the property was not fraudulently conveyed - Jury at April Term 1805 find that the said ? Nathl Brewer to Thomas of the ? File 1800..."

Nathaniel Brewer Case, p. 9
To be continued...

BGB 517


  1. I believe that the section of the last page you transcribed as "? File 1800" should be 1st Feb 1800.

  2. After looking at the original of p. 5 at Family Search, I believe the surname of Philip is West. I do know there were numerous Wests in Chatham County. I am a West descendant as well as a Brewer descendant.


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