
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Estate of Col. John Brower, Randolph County, North Carolina, 1815

The estate file of Col. John Brower of Randolph County, North Carolina can be viewed online at It is found in their North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979 database. The file is 34 pages and an image by image overview follows.

Image 1 - File cover. Brower, Col. John 1815

Image 2- John Long, executor of the estate of Col. John Brower dec'd made oath that Rubin Wood, dec'd is charged in the books of John Brower dec'd... Dated 3 May 1815.

Image 3 - Cover page. Brower Bond

Image 4 - Bond of David Brower, Adam Brower and Jacob Brower. Dated 10 April 1817.

Image 5 - John Long, executor of John Brower, v. David Brower and Adam Brower. May 1817.

Image 6 - Order to the sheriff of Randolph County to deliver David Brower and Adam Brower to the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions on 1 May next to answer to John Long. Dated 8 July 1817.

Image 7 - Cover page. David Brower.

Image 8 - Promissory Note dated 18 Apr 1814. Signed by David Brower and Adam Brower, promising to pay John Brower six hundred fifty nine dollars and twenty two cents.

Image 9 - Cover page. Writ to lay off one third of the land of John Brower to his widow.

Image 10 -  Order to the sheriff of Randolph County to lay off and allot to Catharine Brower, widow of Col. John Brower, dec'd, one third of all land, etc. that John Brower was possessed of at his decease. August 1816.

Image 11 - Cover page. Jacob Brower.

Image 12 - By order of the August 1816 term, an account of the land of John Brower, dec'd. By the guardian of minors Sarah, Daniel and Betsey Brower - Jacob Brower gdn.

Image 13 - Inventory of the estate of Col. John Brower. Arranged by the name of the buyer of items from the estate. Includes "John Brower of Cris(tian)", "David Brower of Jacob," and others.

Image 14 - Second page of the inventory of the estate of Col. John Brower. Eli Brower and Adam Brower are listed.

Image 15 - Same as image 14. Another copy of the second page of the inventory of the estate of Col. John Brower.

Image 16 - Third page of the inventory of the estate of Col. John Brower. Sarah Brower, Nicholas Brower, and "John Brower of Nicholas," are listed.

Image 17 - Fourth page of the inventory.

Image 18 - Same as image 17, fourth page of inventory.

Image 19 - Fifth page of the inventory. "David Brower of Adam," Abraham Brower, Catharine Brower and Jacob Brower are listed.

Image 20 - Inventory totals.

Image 21 - List of notes and accounts due the estate of John Brower at time of his death. Includes notes upon Nicholas Brower (3), David and Adam Brower, Jacob Brower, and John Brower.

Image 22 - Continuation of list of notes. X'd out.

Image 23 - Blank page

Image 24 - Petition of Sally Brower, Daniel Brower and Betsey Brower, infant children of Col. John Brower dec'd. Jacob Brower, guardian of the petitioners, ordered to offer at public sale the remaining two thirds of the lands of John Brower, and the petitioner's interest in the remaining one third after the death of John Brower's widow.

Image 25 - Cover page of petition with date August 1816.

Image 26 - August term 1816. Petition of Sally Brower, Daniel Brower and Betsey Brower, children of John Brower late of Randolph County deceased, infants under the age of twenty one years...Jacob Brower, guardian. Mentions that John Brower died in 1814. Mentions a last will and testament naming John Long as executor.

Image 27 - Continuation of petition. Mentions that John Brower's lands adjoined those of Thomas Jones, Isaiah Pickett and Christian Kime. Signed by Jacob Brower, guardian.

Image 28 - Last page of the petition.

Image 29 - Cover page. Cathrine Brower's Dower.

Image 30 - Dated 31 October 1816. Order for the laying off of one third of the land of John Brower dec'd to his widow Catharine Brower. The land is described as 627 acres more or less on Sandy Creek in Randolph County.

Image 31 - Second page of order. Property bounds are described.

Image 32 - Third page of order. Signed by those instructed to lay out the land.

Image 33 - Account of John Long, administrator of John Brower, dec'd.

Image 34 - Order for the sheriff of Randolph County to collect from the estate of John Brower, twenty dollars for a debt from 2 January 1802. Issued 5 September 1816.

The property of Col. John Brower is mentioned on this web page, "Abram Brower House, Liberty."

Items from the sale of Col. John Brower's estate are mentioned in this post at Notes on the History of Randolph County, N. C. (tenth paragraph down).

More on Col. John Brower and the Browers of Randolph County, North Carolina to come in future posts.

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  1. More about John and Catherine Brower to add to your collection.

    Capt John Brower is mentioned in Militia court martial minutes 16 Sep 1801, 14 Sep 1802 and 14 Nov 1802 starting on pg 21 of 95. Also Pg 43 - 13 Sep 1809 2nd Major John Brower presiding over court and Pg 48 - 7 Sep 1812 1st Major presiding over court. I presume he was promoted to Colonel before his death as the title of Colonel is mentioned in estate records.

    From the FS Randolph County tax lists - Catherine, the widow, is taxed in 1819 (Catharena Brower widow 207a on Sandy Creek), 1820 (Catren Brower 209a on waters of Sandy Creek), 1826 (Catherine Brower, 209a on Sandy Creek; next to Daniel Brower), and 1829 (Caty Brower, 209a on Sandy Creek).

    30 Apr 1838 Randolph County Deed where heirs of Col John Brower, dec’d sell 274a of land. Heirs James P Montgomery and Sally his wife of Orange Co, NC and Peter Julian and Elizabeth his wife of Randolph Co, NC sell their 2/3's share to Daniel Brower (Randolph County deed bk 21 pg 296). This may include the land left to Catherine during her widowhood.

    The earliest record found is Pg 100 of 951 Civil Action papers - 16 Jul 1787 “I do herby depart John Brower Jr to summon John Staley to appear before the Justice of the Court of Randolph to be held the second Monday of September next. To give evidence in behalf of Jacob Brower in a certain matter then & there defending between Jacob Brower plaintiff & Adam Coble defendant. Him fail not given under my hand this 16 of July AD 1787. R W Lain? Sheriff”.

    Note there is a John Brower with 522a in the 1779 Randolph County Tax list. Also in Civil Action papers John Brower (pg 102 of 1037) and Christian Brower (pg 89) are summoned to court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions on 10 Dec 1781 on behalf of John Barton Plaintiff. No record of John's summons being executed. Christian's summons is executed 3 Dec 1781. I’ve assumed these records belong to father of John Brower, Col.

    Pg 50 of 851 of Randolph County Court minutes. 11 Dec 1788 “John Brower charged with begeting a bastard child held on the body of Catherine Richardson. Ordered that he pay unto the said Catherine the sum of ten pounds, one half in three months and the other half in twelve months and that he enter into bond with sufficient security to indemnify the ? as to the maintenance of said child and to perform the order of court. Ke? gives for security Christian Brower in the sum of one hundred pounds.” I suppose this could be the same Catherine that later becomes his widow.

    John Brower is mentioned many times in the court minutes. In Feb Term 1805 he became a justice of the court. “Acumanisions? signed by his Excellency the Governor appointing ...John Brower... Justice ? was produced to court (pg 530 of 581). During this time he also may be been a member of NC General Assembly in 1801, 1803, 1805, 1809 (pg 257).


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