
Monday, July 31, 2017

Brewer DNA Project Updates on YFull's YTree v5.05

YFull has released an updated YTree which is now v5.05. With this new tree our Brewer DNA Project's subgroups stand as follows:

Adam Brouwer Subgroup: Six members are on the tree. The terminal SNP (haplogroup) defined as E-Y19643 with two of the four members in a subclade defined by E-BY6245. The two are known first cousins. In addition there are two more members who have taken the Big-Y test with FTDNA whose analysis by YFull has not yet been completed. Of the eight total, only one can trace his ancestry back to Adam Brouwer with traditional research. The subgroup needs the participation of other known and provable descendants of Adam Brouwer in order to identify additional subclades.

Jan Brouwer Subgroup: Five members on the the tree. The terminal SNP is defined as I-Y7214. Time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) is estimated at 350 years before present (ybp). The subgroup has a sixth member who has taken the Big-Y test for whom we await YFull analysis. This subgroup includes members with the surnames BREWER or BROWER and some with the surname ROSE. Additional ROSE and BREWER/BROWER descendants are needed to identify more recent subclades.

Brewer-Lanier Subgroup: This subgroup now has 19 members on the YTree. Three additional members are awaiting Big-Y results from FTDNA or are awaiting analysis by YFull. The terminal SNP defining the group is defined as I-Y15031. Subclades are defined by I-Y21524 (two members), I-Y23708 (four members) and I-Y29640 (five members). Brewer-Lanier is certainly the most successful group to date in terms of participation.

Ambrose Brewer Subgroup: Two members. The terminal SNP is R-Y18435. The two members include one BREWER and one SMITH. More members of this subgroup will need to be tested in order to get a better idea of when the BREWER-SMITH common ancestor lived.

Arthur Brewer Subgroup: Two members. The terminal SNP defined as J-Y18401.

John Brewer of Sudbury, MA: Our one member is defined by R-S1051. He is presently grouped with two others not known to be BREWERs with a time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) estimated at 3700ypb. The testing of more descendants of John Brewer will be needed to place this subgroup on its own branch.

Hubert Brower Subgroup: One member is defined by R-Y30608 which is a subclade under R-Z29713. This subgroup does have eight members in the project and Big-Y testing of others would better define the terminal SNP for the subgroup.

Under Consideration F Subgroup: R-Z1, which is a broad haplogroup with many subclades defined below it. Our one member traces his ancestry back to Essex, England. The subgroup has one other member and a Big-Y test for that member should help refine the placement of this subgroup on the YTree.

An Ungrouped Member: We have one member who is ungrouped within the Project (in other words no STR marker test matches within the Project). His ancestry is traced to Gloucestershire, England. YFull defines his terminal SNP as I-Y15575 a subclade of I-Y15902.

Thanks to all those Brewer DNA Project members who have participated. Participation in this endeavor requires taking a Big-Y test with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) and a follow up of analysis of the test results by the independent company, YFull. Please contact the administrators of the Brewer DNA Project with any questions.

BGB 561

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