
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Some Previously Unreleased Material for Brewers in the South

Here are a few documents in PDF format that I've found will combing through the collection of material that has been sent to, or otherwise accumulated by me over the years. Many items just get "filed" as they were not of particular concern to me at the time they were received. Hopefully they will be of use to some of you.

Howell Brewer and Ambrose Brewer Timeline. This was compiled by Foy Varner back around 2010, and he wishes to pass on the caveat that some inferences may be incorrect. An example being that "Tice's" Creek might be Tyson's Creek or perhaps Tick Creek, which are just a few miles from each other. Those with specific questions should contact Foy directly.

I've mentioned in the past on numerous posts, the William B. Bogardus Collection. The, currently offline, Brouwer Genealogy Database had a page of links devoted to many of the files originally collected by Bill Bogardus, which I scanned and placed online so as to be available to all who were interested. Many are currently offline do to the meltdown at RootsWeb. Hopefully they'll be back, but who knows when or even if they will be. I had the collection back in the winter of 2008-09, and digitized perhaps 70% or so of what I had. While most of the correspondence and documents were related to the Brewer, Brower and Brouwer families with origins in New Netherland, New York and New Jersey, there were a few from outside the area. Here now are a few that relate to Brewer families with origins in the southern states:

John C. Brewer (b. 1817, Randolph Co., NC) son of William Brewer and Elizabeth Cavaness, in Biographical History of Tippecanoe, White, Jasper, Newton, Benton, Warren and Pulaski Counties, Indiana, Vol. 11 (Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1899). A brief biography from a late 19th century "mug book."

Descendants of John C. Brewer and Mary Elizabeth Wilhite (no author or date). Family Group sheets. The compiler is not stated. The family originated in Randolph County, North Carolina and then relocated to Morgan County, Indiana.

Records of Terrell Brewer and Descendants of North Carolina, b. 1796, son of Nathan. This consists of compiled Family Group sheets, compiler not stated, for Terrell Brewer (1796-1856), son of Nathan Brewer (mother not stated) and his wife, Margaret Rushton, and for their son Josiah R. Brewer (1827-1902) and his wife, Margaret Elmore.

History of Brewer Family of North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana and Illinois..., by the Officers of Brewer Family of N. C., Tenn., Ind. & Ill. (names then stated, dated 1936). Fourteen pages (typescript) which is not the complete document. Focused on descendants of a Thomas Brewer "born 1760-1770 in perhaps NC or SC, Md. or Va."


This Abstract of the Will of Thomas Morris of Greensville County, Virginia, dated 9 February 1782, was made and provided to me by Diane Daniel in early 2015. Mentioned in the will is his son-in-law John Brewer who also is appointed as one of the executors. John Brewer was married to Thomas Morris' daughter Bethiah Morris. John Brewer relocated from Brunswick Co., Virginia to Hancock Co., Georgia by 1794. He was a son of George Brewer and Abigail Wyche, and a grandson of George Brewer and Sarah Lanier.

Brewer Families of Moore and Southwest Chatham Counties, North Carolina, by David V. Brewer. This is a 220 page PDF which should prove to be valuable to those searching for their Brewer lines in North Carolina. David is a co-administrator of the Brewer DNA Project with focus on the "Lanier-Brewer" sub-group. He can be contacted through the Project's main webpage.

I'll continue to look for documents and files not yet online and will add them via blog posts like this as they appear. So, check back often.

BGB 586


  1. Chris,

    A heart-felt and genuine thanks for unloading all of this material. So far, none of it has ruled in anything as far as my own particular Southern Brewer questions go, but they've definitely ruled out some things so I don't keep barking up the wrong trees.

    Anyway, if you find anything specifically on George's son Nicholas and his descendants, let me know.

    1. Well, you are welcome. If anything regarding the descendants of Nicholas Brewer comes my way I will certainly post it in the pages of the blog. And if there is anyone else out there who can add some info on Nicholas' descendants, please send it along and we'll place it online. Use the Comments field, or if it is more info than can be handled there, then send it on to me and I'll place it online as an individual post.


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