
Friday, September 28, 2018

New Haplogroup Designation for the Hubert Brower Sub-group, R-Y84707

The haplogroup designation for the Hubert Brower sub-group of the Brewer DNA Project has been updated. I am picking up this new information from a post by Hank Graham, administrator of the Brewer DNA Project, to the Project's Activity Feed page (only accessible to members of the Brewer DNA Project).

Previously, the Hubert Brower sub-group was represented by only one member who had taken Family Tree DNA's Big-Y test and who had their test results analyzed by YFull and placed on YFull's YTree. That one member was recognized by the terminal SNP labeled R-Y30608 which can be seen on YFull's current YTree (v6.05.13) here as a subclade of R-Z29713. This subclade (R-Y30608), according to YFull's analysis, was formed 1800 years before present (ybp) or about the year 200 AD.

A second member of the Hubert Brower sub-group has since taken the Big-Y test, and further analysis of his results by YFull now establishes the two descendants of Hubert Brower by the terminal SNP R-Y84707. This can be seen on the current YFull YTree as a subclade of R-Y30608. The estimate of Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) as calculated by YFull is 375 ybp, or about 1625 AD. Hubert Brower came from Germany to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1726, with a wife and three sons, and was likely born during the decade prior to 1690. This estimate by YFull does pre-date our estimate of Hubert Brower's birth, however, YFull's estimate is based on the test results of only two descendants.

As of this post, the Hubert Brower subgroup has nine members who have taken Y-DNA tests with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA). As mentioned, two of those members have advanced their testing with the Big-Y test (know known as the BigY-500). FTDNA identifies the two member's common terminal SNP as R-BY91798, which is different than what YFull uses. This is a common occurrence between different Y-Chromosome analyzing companies. In fact, the two members share a number of common terminal SNPs, any one of which could have been used as the primary identifying terminal SNP on a YTree. Unfortunately, FTDNA does not publish a YTree that can be viewed online by anyone. But, we can safely assume that the two different SNPs (R-Y84707 and R-BY91798) are equivalent and probably represent the same placement (location) on any YTree.

If more descendants of Hubert Brower would take the BigY-500 test and have YFull analyze their results, we would likely see the haplogroup designation for Hubert Brower's descendants become even more defined and clear. Those interested in doing so, should contact the Brewer DNA Project at Family Tree DNA.

The link to the Hubert Brower subgroup on YFull's YTree, found at the right under Brewer Y-DNA Project, has been updated.

BGB 606

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