
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

More Brewer and Brower Deeds In Fulton and Montgomery Counties, New York

There were a few different families, possibly distantly related, others not related, named Brewer and Brower living in Montgomery County, Fulton County and Saratoga County, New York in the late 1700s and through the 1800s. A good number of the deeds found in the Fulton County Indexes likely do not pertain to the Brewer family that we're presently interested in (that being the family, or families, that includes James Brewer, John Brewer, the two Daniel Brewers and Russel Brewer and Gardner Brewer (see the last post and the post of October 28th). In this post we will just provide some abstracts to those records. Links are to pages at, New York Land Records, 1630-1975, Fulton County, and to the Land Records of Montgomery County. (Links to specific indexes are found here). Back on September 4, 2017 I provided links (but no abstracts) to Brower deeds in Saratoga County, and on September 5, 2017, to links for Brewer deeds in Saratoga County.

Those below are all recorded in Fulton County Deed Books and are duplicated in Montgomery County

Vol. 1, p. 35. Gysbert van Brakel of the County of Albany, yeoman, to Hendrick Brower of the Town of Schenectady, shoemaker. Dated 6 December 1744. Mentions a patent dated 6 May 1725 to numerous individuals (named, please refer to the image) for land lying in Albany County on the north side of the Mohawk River about five miles above Fort Hunter...called Canada Creek or Kill "and in the Indian language Secaondaniegoe..." containing 8000 acres of land. Hendrick Brower pays two hundred and twenty pounds for the parcel bought of Gysbert van Brakel, which is described. This is a very lengthy deed with a lot of names of early land owners and property descriptions that might make it a candidate for a thorough transcription. The Hendrick Brower here would be the Hendrick, baptized 25 December 1706 at Albany, son of Hendrick Brouwer and Maritie Pieterse Borsboom, and a grandson of Willem Brouwer and Elizabeth Drinkvelt. The deed is also found in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 1, p. 166.*

Vol. 2, p. 136. Adam Van Slyck of the Town of Palatine, Montgomery Co., to Arent Brower of the same place. Dated 3 May 1796. For two hundred and ninety four pounds, a parcel of land in the town and county aforesaid. The boundary description mentions a patent "granted this day to Harman Brower." The deed was recorded on 17 February 1804. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 9, p. 41, where the handwriting is better.

Vol. 2, p. 169. Adam Crysler of the Town of Johnstown, Montgomery Co., farmer, and Mary his wife, to Wilhelmus Brower of the same place, yeoman. Dated 8 July 1804. For $2639, a parcel lying in Butlersburg in the town and county aforesaid in a patent granted to Walter Butler. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 2, p. 256 (a better copy).

Vol. 2, p. 321. Harmen Brewer and Margareth, his wife, of Palatine, Montgomery County, to Wilhelmus Brewer, of Johnstown, Montgomery County. For $500, a parcel of land in Johnstown. Dated 11 October 1806. This deed is also found in Montgomery County Deeds, vol. 10, p.19 (with clearer handwriting).

Vol. 3, p. 157. Samuel Seals of Broadalbin, Montgomery Co., to Abraham Brewer of Broadalbin. For $1056, a parcel of land in Broadalbin being a part of Lot no. 6 in the Sacandaga Patent. Bounded east by Lot no. 5, and west by Lot no. 7. Bounded north by Daniel Reepel. 35 acres. Also a second lot of 54 acres. Dated 5 May 1810. Also at Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 12, p. 163.

Vol. 4, p. 113. Adam Crysler of the Town of Johnstown and Mary his wife, to Henry Brower and Philip S. Root of the same place. Dated 1 October 1814. For $500, land in the Town of Oppenheim, Montgomery County, being part of a large lot number 27 in a patent granted to Sarah Magin and others. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 14, p. 578.

Vol. 8, p. 353. William Brewer and Aseneth, his wife, of Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., to Peter Rob of the same town. Dated 8 April 1830. For $415.50, a parcel lying in the town, county and state aforesaid being a part of Lot no. 74 of the Sacandaga Patent. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 27, p. 475).

Vol. 8, p. 358. William Brewer and Aseneth, his wife, of Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., to Allen Soles of the same. Dated 8 April 1830. For $662.50, a parcel lying in the town, county and state aforesaid being a part of Lot no. 74 of the Sacandaga Patent. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 27, p. 488).

Vol. 9, p. 366. Martin Huntley and Magdalenhy his wife of Florida, Montgomery County, to John Brewer of Duanesburgh, Schenectady County, for $100, a parcel of land in Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., bounded on the west by the west bank of the Chulenunda(?) Creek and by the lands of Joseph Collins, south by the lands of John Oshoun, east by the lands of John Oshun and Anthony Oshun, north by the lands of Henry Pawling. 72 acres. Dated 25 January 1832. Nicholas Hill, Jr., witness. Also at Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 30, p. 415.

Vol. 10, p. 482. John Brewer, of the Town of Amsterdam, and Peninah/Paulina, his wife, to Martin Huntley of the Town of Florida in Montgomery County, for $1000, a piece of land lying in the town of Amsterdam, Montgomery County, bounded on the west by the Chuctinunda Creek... Mentions boundaries with Joseph Collins, John Ostrom, Anthony Ostrom, and the lands formerly owned by Henry Pawling. 72 acres. Dated 9 January 1834. John Brewer's wife's name is recorded as both Peninah and Paulina in this deed, but she signs with her mark as Peninah. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 34, p. 284.

Vol. 13, p. 289. Peter Ferguson and Amanda his wife, of Broadalbin, to David Brower of the same place. Dated 1 April 1836. For $1000, a parcel of land in Broadalbin, being a part of Lot no. 164 in Glens Patent. The boundary description references David Brower's line. Also in Montgomery Co. Deeds, vol. 42, p. 457.

In addition to the above, I find three deeds that are indexed in Fulton County under Abraham BROWN, but indexed in Montgomery County under Abraham BROWER. In examining the deeds in both it looks (to me) that the Fulton County copy is less clear, but can be read as BROWN, while the Montgomery County copy looks like BROWER. Below are links to both copies of each deed.

Fulton Co. Vol. 12, p. 98, and Montgomery Co. Vol. 39, p. 61. 15 August 1835. Pardon Allen of Broadalbin, Montgomery County, party of the first part Abraham Brown/Brower of the same place, party of the second part. This is a lease from Parden Allen to Abraham for a parcel of land in Broadalbin. Malinda Allen, wife of Pardon Allen also signs. Recorded 21 May 1836.

Fulton Co. Vol. 12, p. 100, and Montgomery Co. Vol. 39, p. 63. Dated 2 June 1824. Joseph Wait of Broadalbin, yeoman (party of the first part), to Abraham Brower, blacksmith, also of Broadalbin (party of the second part). Lease from Joseph Wait to Abraham Brower for a parcel in Broadalbin. Recorded 21 May 1836.

Fulton Co. Vol. 12, p. 102, and Montgomery Co. Vol. 39, p. 65. Dated 12 May 1836. Zenas Hathaway of Broadalbin, to Abraham Brower of Broadalbin. For $500, a parcel in Broadalbin being part of Lot no. 7 of the smaller lots into which Lot no. 1 of the subdivisions of Lot no. 4 of the 21st allotment of the general partition of the patent Kayaderosseas (sic) is subdivided... Containing 32 and 1/2 acres. Ch. M. Rogers and Samuel P. Brower are witnesses. Recorded 21 May 1836.

The records that follow are found in Montgomery County, but not in the Fulton County Books

Montgomery Co. Vol. 1, pp. 12-13. Harme and Arent Brower are among numerous grantees in a deed from Peter Remsen, of the City of New York, merchant (the grantor). There are many individuals mentioned in this record, many of them recognizable (to me) from New York City research. They were owners of the lands in the Kayaderosseras Patent. Dated 10 June 1769. This deed is followed in the same volume on pages 14-15, to Harme Brower and Aron Brower, with others, for land in the Kayaderosseras Patent. Peter Remsen of New York City, merchant, is attorney for the grantors, who are numerous. (See this Wikipedia page for more on the Kayaderosseras Patent. Also see here).

Montgomery Co. Vol. 8, p. 249. 27 October 1795. Arent Brower, of Palatine, to the Trustees of the Union Academy of Stone Arabia, for consideration of eight pounds, a quarter acre of ground in Stone Arabia, "beginning on a due east course from the North East corner of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in Stone Arabia..."

Montgomery Co. Vol. 10, p. 184. William B. Garrison of Johnstown, grantor. "Whereas in and by the last will and testament of Arent Brower formerly of the Town of Palatine..." fifty acres of land in Hansen's Patent are devised to Wilhelmus Brower, nephew of Arent Brower... This appears to be a clarification of the terms in Arent Brower's will. William B. Garrison received a consideration of one dollar from Wilhelmus Brower. Dated 10 October 1806.

Montgomery Co. Vol. 14, p. 513. Henry G. Brower, of Johnstown, to Philip L. Root of the same place. Dated 27 February 1815. For $35, twenty-five acres located in the Town of Oppenheim. (See the deed above involving Adam Crysler to Henry Brower and Philip L. Root).

Montgomery Co. Vol. 16, p. 336. Dated 20 March 1819. Abraham Brower and Phylotha his wife, of the County of Montgomery, to Hammond Healy, for consideration of $700, a parcel of land in Magin's Patent in the Town of Oppenheim, part of Range number fifty-two...containing fifty acres.

Montgomery Co. Vol. 19, p. 309. Dated 25 August 1821. John Brower and Phebe his wife, and John Brower, Junior and Elizabeth his wife, and Abraham G. Brower, all of the Town of Johnstown, Montgomery County, to John Holland of the same place, for $268, a parcel of land in the Town of Johnstown.

 There are also numerous deeds involving David Brewer, in some cases with "others" found in the Montgomery County indexes. We'll have to examine them separately. 

*Fulton County was created out of Montgomery County in 1838. Apparently deeds from the years prior to 1838 were copied and recorded in Fulton County in thirteen volumes (numbered 1 to 13). Fulton Counties "own" records start in 1839, with a new set of volumes starting with volume number 1. There are two sets of deed books in Fulton County for volumes numbered 1 to 13.

BGB 621

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