
Monday, November 26, 2018

More Browers in Montgomery County, New York Wills

The probate records for individuals named Brower, found in Montgomery County, New York, that are from the earlier half of the 1800s can be found in the post of November 9, 2018. The last wills on that post are from volume 7 of the Montgomery County Will books. There are no wills for persons named Brower (or Brewer) found in books 8 through 14. The first will that I find after volume 7 is in volume 15. I have not found any wills for individuals named BREWER in the Montgomery County will books.

The Will of David Brower of Mohawk. Montgomery Co. Wills 15:145. All just debts and expenses to be paid. To wife Rebecca the use and possession of all real and personal estate during her natural life, and mentions support and maintenance for her sister Gitty Groat. After the death of wife, to the children of my daughter Anna, the wife of William H. Post, all my real estate. To daughter Anna, wife of William H. Post, $1000. Rest and residue to granddaughter Gertrude Post. Appoints wife Rebecca and son-in-law William H. Post, executrix and executor. Dated 18 January 1874. Codicil dated 17 September 1879, changes the clause in his will devising the residue of his estate from granddaughter Gertrude Post, to the children of daughter Anna, wife of William H. Post. Proved 13 October 1879.

The Will of Jacob Brower of Palatine. Montgomery Co. Wills 15:502. To wife Christina F. Brower all my estate real and personal. Appoints wife executrix. Dated 12 July 1880. Proved by George Yost of Minden and Dwight E. Floyd of Ephratah, 2 May 1881. Appearing before the Surrogate's Court on 2 May 1881 are Christina Brower, Oscar Brower and Elizabeth Christiman, the widow and only heirs of Jacob Brower.

The Will of Christina Brower of Palatine. Montgomery Co. Wills 20:499. Dated 17 May 1888. Christina Brower, widow of Jacob Brower. After all debts and expenses are paid, all property, real, personal and mixed to my son Oscar Brower, him to pay my daughter Elizabeth the sum of two hundred dollars. Son, Oscar Brower, appointed executor. Signs with her mark. Witnesses: Abram Saltsman and Hannibal Saltsman. Proved 8 January 1894.

The Will of Mary Brower of Charleston. Montgomery Co. Wills 21:568. Funeral charges, expenses and debts to be paid, executors authorized to sell real and personal property to cover debts if necessary. Residue to Charles I. Conover or his heirs. "My kind friend" Charles I. Conover appointed executor. Dated 22 February 1896. Witnesses: Edward Veeder and Charles Nietsch, both of Charleston. Proved 20 September 1897. [The 1892 New York State census records a Mary Brower, age 74 in the Town of Root. This placed her year of birth at about 1818. A Mary Brower, born 29 July 1818, died 19 August 1897, is buried in the Christian Church Cemetery, Charleston Four Corners. She was previously married to James Chambers who died 9 November 1868, age 59 yrs. They had a son Albert J. Chambers who died 9 January 1859, age 7y 1m 16d.]

The Will of Oscar Brower of Palatine. Montgomery Co. Wills 23:282. After all debts and expenses are paid, all estate real and personal to my wife Sarah E. Brower, who is appointed executrix. Dated 24 February 1896. Proved 1 July 1901. [Oscar Brower is a son of Jacob and Christina Brower who's wills are found above. There is no evidence that he had any children.]

The Will of Henry T. E. Brower. Montgomery Co. Wills 24:217. codicil dated 22 July 1895. Proved 9 August 1906. Henry T. E. Brower of the Town of Mohawk, Montgomery County. Debts and funeral expences to be paid. Beloved wife Alice Brower, the sum of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000). Also all horses, wagons, etc., household furniture and items excepting an old silver stick candle holder and four old painting given to nephew Henry T. E. Brower. To the Protestant Episcopal Church of Fonda (known as Zion Church), $2000. Description of real estate given to wife mentions being bounded on the north by John H. Brower. After wife's death, the Lower Farm to nephew William H. Brower. After death of wife, the Upper Farm to be sold and proceeds given to nephews Henry T. E. Brower and William H. Brower and nieces Annie Major, wife of Hugh B. Major, Maggie Brower, Emma Brower, and Ella Brower, to be equally divided. Provision in the event that his wife should have a posthumous child. Names wife Alice Brower and nephew Henry T. E. Brower executors. Codicil adds Hugh B. Major as an executor.

The Will of John H. Brower of Fonda. Montgomery Co. Wills 26:337. Debts and funeral expenses to be paid. Expenses for administration of estate to be paid. "I have heretofore contracted for a monument and family markers for all graves to be erected and placed upon my cemetery lot now owned by me in the Pine Grove Cemetery at Tribes Hill." To Nicholas Van Vranken of Vischers Ferry, my antique mahogany table and one dark colored table cabinet used as a photograph cabinet, other items. To Hattie Van Vranken, wife of Nicholas Van Vranken of Vischers Ferry, $5000, and other items. To Hattie Eliza Van Vranken, great grand-niece, of Vischers Ferry, gold watch, etc. To friend and neighbor, Cora Van Antwerp of Fonda, my Regina music box with cabinet full of all records conected thereinth. To friend and neighbor Elizabeth Sammons of Fonda, single iron bedstand, etc. To Alice Brower, widow of Henry T. E. Brower, one straight backed cherry chair, etc. To friend and neighbor, Annie E. Weirs, wife of William Weirs of Fonda, brass lamp, etc. Leaves items to Margaret Slater, granddaughter of Mrs. Peter Leonard of Fonda; my son-in-law Edward Heimberger of Mohawk; the Fonda High School (books, Atlantic Monthly Magazine, etc.). To Brower Van Vranken, grandson of my deceased wife Eliza Brower, all household goods, furniture, etc., not already mentioned, the house and lot and other buildings in Fonda, and the house lot situate at Vischers Ferry on condition that he execute a good and sufficient deed and conveyance of said property to be made by him to his mother Hattie Van Vranken...within one year of my decease. Legacies to neighbor and faithful friend Susan Leonhardt, wife of Peter Leonhardt of Fonda; neighbor and faithful friend Frances Van Buren, wife of Barney Van Buren; Israel Pelott of Cohoes, New York a former and faithful employee. To my daughter Hettie Heinberger, wife of Edward Heinberger, my homestead famr of 152 acres in the town of Mohawk, the family Bible and other items. Appoints as executors, son-in-law Edward Heimberger, and friend Jay Van Duseu of Fonda. Proved 23 Oct 1911 by Harry Y. McNeil and Jene S. Sitterly.

BGB 623

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