
Sunday, December 23, 2018

David Brewer/Brower - Land Records of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, New York

At the end of the November 13, 2018 post we mention numerous deeds found in Montgomery and Fulton Counties, New York, which involve a David Brewer. Let's take a look at them here. Arranged here chronologically by the date of the deed. Links to the indexes for land records in Montgomery and Fulton Counties, New York can be found on this page.

21 January 1828. Montgomery Co. 27:503. John Cameron and Catharine his wife of the first part, to David Brewer "of the town and county aforesaid" (although no town or county was previously mentioned) of the second part. For $1100, "all that one equal fourth part, piece or parcel of land," being in the Town of Florida, county of Montgomery. Bounded by the Mohawk River on the north, by Rufus Truesdale and Caleb Billings, deceased, on the east, on the south by Don Carlos Burt and John Snook, and on the west by John Wemple, containing 209 acres "more or less as the same was possessed by Coll McGregor in his lifetime." Recorded 11 May 1830.

13 May 1829. Montgomery Co. 29:23. David Brewer and Maria his wife of the Town of Florida (of the first part) to Don C. Bent of the same place (of the second part). For $154, a parcel of land in the town and county aforesaid beginning at the line of a lot owned by Henry Mallory, east to the land of said of Duncan McGregor. Eight acres more or less. Signed by David Brewer and Maria Brewer (her mark) in the presence of Deodatus Wright and Timothy Downs. Recorded 5 march 1831.

1 October 1830. Montgomery Co. 29:21. David Brewer and Maria his wife of the Town of Florida (first part) to Don C. Bent of the same place (second part). For $125, a parcel of land in Florida, Montgomery Co., bounded south by the highway, west by the lands of George Smith the taylor (sic), north by land leased by Peter Newkirk of Orphrius Brockway, east by lands of Warren H. Curtiss, being about three fourths of an acre more or less. Signed by David Brewer and Maria Brewer (mark) in the presence of Henry H. Belding. Recorded 5 March 1831.

2 March 1833. Fulton Co. 11:13 and Montgomery Co. 35:31. The later record is easier to read. David Brower and Betsey his wife of Broadalbin, of the first part, to Allen Burr of the same place, of the second part. For $200, a parcel of land being ten acres out of the north east corner of that certain farm situated in Broadalbin aforesaid heretofore belonging to Jacob Brower and now owned by the said parties of the first part... The description of boundaries includes land bounded by Welcome Capron. Recorded 21 May 1834.

6 February 1835. Montgomery Co. 43:24. David Brower of the Town of Johnstown to John J. Brower of the same place. For consideration of $170, a parcel in the Town of Johnstown beginning at a stake on the division line of William H. Brower and David a line between John Fisher and David a beech tree between John J. Brower and David the beginning containing four acres. Signed by David Brower in the presence of John Morrell. Recorded 10 March 1838.

1 April 1836. Fulton Co. 13:289 and Montgomery Co. 42:457. Peter Ferguson and Amanda his wife, of Broadalbin, to David Brower of the same place. Dated 1 April 1836. For $1000, a parcel of land in Broadalbin, being a part of Lot no. 164 in Glens Patent. The boundary description references David Brower's line.

1 April 1836. Montgomery Co. 39:77. David Brower & Betsey his wife of Broadalbin, to Charles Sunderlin of the same place. For consideration of $500, a piece of land in Broadalbin bounded on the north by Ira Wells' lot, on the east by the highway, on the south by David Demarest's lot, on the west by Isaac R. Roads' land, containing one acre. "Yielding and paying thereto annually to the heirs or assigns of David Campbell original leasor of said premises a certain rent as the same is reserved in the original lease..." Recorded 21 May 1836.

13 October 1837. Montgomery Co. 47:374-375. Timothy Truesdale, Clarissa Truesdale, Rufus Truesdale by his guardian David Brewer, David Brewer & Elizabeth Brewer of Florida, and James Billings and Jane Billings of the same place for consideration of the sum of $100 paid by William Billings...a certain piece of land in Florida, "being that portion of the farm of which Caleb Billings died seized described in a map executed by John L. Frost surveyor on the 21st day of October 1837 as lot number three...containing seven and nine tenths testimony whereof the said Timothy Truesdale, Clarissa Truesdale, Rufus Truesdale, Hannah Truesdale, Hiram Billings and Syman R. Billings by his guardian David Brewer & David Brewer & Elizabeth Brewer & James Billings & Jane Billings have hereto set their hands and seals..." Acknowledged by those who signed on 31 March 1844. Recorded 26 June 1844.

13 October 1837. Montgomery Co. 47:375-376. Same parties as in the deed above (47:374-75) including David Brewer & Elizabeth Brewer, convery to Hiram Billings, a parcel of the farm in Florida formerly of Caleb Billings, identified as lot number five. Acknowledged 31 March 1844. Recorded 26 June 1844. Two more deeds follow. On pages 376-377, the grantee is Rufus Truesdale, and on pages 377-378, the grantee is Timothy Truesdale.

13 August 1838. Montgomery Co. 44:17-18. David Brewer of the Town of Florida, to George W. Merwin of the same place. For $200, a parcel of land in Florida, "being part of the farm owned and occupied by the party of the first part" (David Brewer). The boundary description begins at a point on the south side of the Erie Canal. Recorded 3 October 1838.

4 December 1840. Montgomery Co. 46:543. Harman J. Brower of the Town of Lowville, Lewis Co., New York and Agness his wife of the first part, to David Brower of Mohawk in Montgomery County of the second part. For the sum of $55, a parcel of land being the northern most part of the farm which Harman De Wandeler formerly owned being in the town of Mohawk in the county of Montgomery...beginning at the western boundary line of a farm formerly belonging to Daniel Fisher now belonging to Albert the lands formerly of Peter A. Couyue & Deborah his wife but now of the lands of one the place of beginning...being a part and parcel of the farm of which John Brower late of the Town of Mohawk died seized and contains twenty acres and a half. Recorded 5 December 1840.

17 December 1844. Montgomery Co. 51:213. David Brewer of the Town of Florida of the first part (grantor) to Garret V. Putman of Amsterdam, of the second part (grantee). For the sum of $1000, a parcel of land in Florida bounded on the west by Alexander McGregor, on the south by John and William McClumphy, on the east by Daniel McMichael, and "by the lands of the party of the second part heretofore conveyed to him by the party of the first part." On the south by the highway leading from Henry Mallorys to Schoharie Creek and by the Mohawk River. This being land heretofore conveyed by John Cameron and Catharine his wife to David Brewer by deed dated 21 January 1828...and reserving eight acres previously conveyed by David Brewer to Don C. Bent... David Brewer signs with his mark in the presence of James Voorhees. Recorded 18 December 1844.

4 June 1845. Montgomery Co. 53:282. Samuel Sweet and Dianna his wife, of the Florida, Montgomery County, to David Brewer of the same place. For $300, a parcel of land in the Town of Florida, bounded on the north by the Erie Canal, east by the lands of Timothy Truesdell, south and west by the lands of Rufus Truesdell, containing about eight acres of land, being real estate conveyed by deed of Waterman Sweet and Elizabeth his wife to Samuel Sweet in 1836, recorded in Book 46, page 529. Recorded 8 July 1846.

2 January 1847. Montgomery Co. 54:170-71. Erie Canal Enlargement. Claim of Garret V. Putman and David Brewer for canal damages to premises in Florida, Montgomery County on the 27th of June 1845. Mentions a previous judgement of 17 December 1844. David Brewer owned the premises up to 18 July 1842 and since then they have been owned in fee by Garret V. Putman. The property is described and those bounding the property are Rufus Truesdale, John McClumpha and Archibald McGregor. The property is bounded on the north by the Mohawk River. Includes drawings of the property. Recorded 20 February 1847.

11 March 1848. Montgomery Co. 55:512. Symon J. Veeder and Margaret his wife of Mohawk, to David Brower of the same place. For $2250, a parcel of land in a patent granted to John, Margaret and Edward Collins on the line of a patent granted to Hendrick Hanson being in the Town of Mohawk being part also of the Buttes patent...beginning at a line between William Brower and John S. Veeders west line along Switcher Hill road...containing fifty acres, being the same piece of land conveyed by John S. Veeder to Symon J. Veeder. Recorded 18 March 1848.

14 December 1855. Montgomery Co. 66:623. John Campbell of the Town of Mohawk to David Brower of the same place. For $3434, a parcel of land in the town of Mohawk being a part of the farm conveyed by Jeremiah Williams and wife to the said John Campbell, to which piece intended to be conveyed, bounded west by the lands of Ezra Getman and by the lands of William H. Brower and by the lands of the party of the second part (David Brower) and by the lands of Charles Youngs... Recorded 14 December 1855.

14 December 1855. Montgomery Co. 67:285. David Brower and Rebecca his wife of the Town of Mohawk, to Charles Young of the town aforesaid. For $1000, a parcel of land in the town of Mohawk bounded as follows...beginning at a corner between Ezra Getman, John Campbell and Charles Youngs, running along the bounds of Ezra Getman's north...containing twenty-two acres (plus). Witness: John Emerson. Recorded 5 April 1856.

27 January 1858. Fulton Co. 23:408. Nathaniel Brower of Gloversville, to David Brower of Broadalbin, for the consideration of nine hundred dollars, a piece of land in Gloversville, bounded as follows - commencing at the northwest corner of a lot owned by Abram D. Brower or lately owned by him, On the east side of School Street, running easterly to the lot owned by Oliver Collins... This land conveyed to Nathaniel Brower on 21 July 1856 by H. Churchill. Recorded 28 January 1858. The deed referenced is found in Fulton Co. Deeds 23:354, the grantors are "Henry Churchill Sybil E. his wife Allen C. Churchill Caroline his wife and U. S. Campbell Catharine A. his wife." A lack of punctuation here calls for care in reading this deed. All are of Gloversville. The lot owned by Abram D. Brower is mentioned here as well.

13 January 1864. Fulton Co. 29:485. David Brower, executor, of Broadalbin (and) Nancy Van Vranken, of Johnstown, executrix of the last will and testament of Peter Van Vranken of Broadalbin, to Daniel Cole of Broadalbin. By virtue of the power of authority given by the will together with a contract made July 14, 1855 by said Peter Van Vranken with Daniel Coles and for the consideration of three hundred dollars...all that certain parcel of land in the town of Broadalbin distinguished as part of lot number 16 in a patent granted to John Glenn and others. (Description of property). Signed David Brower and Nancy Van Vranken in the presence of H. G. Hawley. Recorded 2 February 1864.

5 July 1864. Montgomery Co. 77:450. John H. Brower of the Town of Mohawk, to David Brower of the same town. For $800, a parcel of land in the Town of Mohawk, bounded on the north by Michael Plantz, on the south by the lands of the party of the first part (John H. Brower), on the east by the lands of Michael Saffer and James Hough and on the west by the lands of William Brower, the said parcel being conveyed by Charles P. Chase and wife and William McClary and wife to the party of the first part (John H. Brower) on 23 January 1864 (Montgomery Co. 76:406). Recorded 5 November 1864.

27 March 1867. Fulton Co. 34:436. David Corwin and Sophia his wife of Worcester, Otsego County, New York, to David Brower of Fulton County. For consideration of $1350, a parcel of land in the Village of Gloversville, bounded on the west by the lands of David Schoonmaker, on the south by lands formerly owned by Sylvester Ferguson, on the east by the lands of Charles Windaas, on the north by Washington Street, with appurtenances. Recorded 12 August 1864.

13 March 1867. Montgomery Co. 81:190-91 (starts at the very bottom of page 190). David Brower of the Town of Mohawk and Rebecca his wife (party of the first part), to Adam Plantz (party of the second part) of the same town. For $1188, a parcel of land in Mohawk, bounded on the north by the lands of Michael Plantz, on the east by the lands of the party of the second part (Adam Plantz), on the south by the lands of John H. Brower and on the west by the lands of the heirs of William H. Brower, deceased, and containing twenty nine acres and a half. Recorded 1 April 1867.

3 April 1867. Fulton Co. 37:410. David Brower and Betsey Brower of the Town of Broadalbin (party of the first part), to Margaret Fuller of Galway. For $2800, land situated in Broadalbin, lying north of the village of Fondasbush, being premises the party of the first part now occupy. Bounded on the west by the plank road leading from the village of Fondasbush to the Fish house, on the south by the lands of Henry Briggs and Timothy Cornwell and the heirs of John Vanderworken, dec'd, on the east by the lands of William Dingman and the lands of R. R. Marsh, on the north by the lands of R. R., containing seventy acres more or less. "The above premises is more particularly described in a deed of conveyance executed by Jacob Brower and Margaret Brower to the party of the first part," in a deed dated 11 February 1832, and also by conveyance by deed executed by Peter Ferguson and Amanda Ferguson to the party of the first part, dated 1 April 1836, and one other conveyance by deed executed by Charles Brockway to the party of the first part, 7 November 1840. Signed by David and Betsey Brower in the presence of Wm. H. Halladay. Recorded 21 July 1869.

BGB 626

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