
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Brewers Found in Putnam County, New York Deeds, 1850-1869

Deeds found in Putnam County, New York for the years 1812-1850 are covered in the January 30, 2019 post. You will also find links to the index pages in that post, as well as a brief description of Putnam County. The abstracts below are arranged chronologically by date of the deed.

Deeds X:498. Dated 18 March 1852. John Brewer and Lucrecia his wife, of the Town of Kent, to Mary Kirk of the same place. For $50, a parcel of land lying in the town aforesaid, bounded as follows beginning at the north side of the road at a road with auger hole in it that leaving the corner of widow Philips lot, running with the said lot north...containing a quarter acre of land. Signed by John Brewer and Lucinda Brewer. [John Brewer had acquired this land from Tuenis Brinckerhoff and Abraham S. Post on 14 October 1845 (see Deeds S:312).

Deeds Z:531. Dated 20 January 1854. Clark Strang and Naomi his wife of the Town of Southeast, to Frederick Brewer of the Town of Somers, Westchester County. For $150, a parcel of land in South East, bounded as follows, beginning at a marked stone in the wall on the north east side of the Croton turnpike, thence north...containing one quarter of one acre of land.

 Deeds 41:114. Dated 26 February 1855. Quit claim indenture. Frederick Brewer and Phebe his wife of the Town of Southeast, Putnam County to Nelson Strand of the Town of Somers, Westchester County. For $100, a parcel of land in the said Town of South East, bounded beginning at a marker stone in the wall on the north east side of the Croton Turnpike...containing one quarter of an acre of land. Frederick and Phebe Brewer sign with their marks.

Deeds 30:4. Dated 22 March 1855. John J. Barrett and Martha his wife of the Town of Carmel, to Daniel Brewer of the same place. For $300, a parcel of land in the town and county aforesaid, bounded beginning at a chestnut tree marked in the north east corner of said lot then westerly with the lands of Vincent Barrett to the land of Daniel Brewer then easterly by the land of said Brewer...east along Brewers line to a stump in the line of John T. Barrett's land...containing eighteen acres of land. Signed John J. Barrett, Martha Barrett (with her mark) and Sarah Barrett (her mark).

 Deeds 39:445. Dated 9 April 1857. Daniel Brewer of the Town of Carmel and Elizabeth his wife, to Daniel Brewer, Jr. of the same place. For $25, a parcel of land lying and being in the place aforesaid bounded as follows beginning at a heap of stones in the line of John Barrett then along the said Daniel Brewer Jr.'s land to a stake and stone thence northerly along the same Brewer's land to a butternut tree thence easterly along the lands of Hohanes Frost to the lands of John Barrett, then a long the same to the place of the beginning, containing two acres more or less. Daniel and Elizabeth Brewer both sign with their marks.

Deeds 32:310. Dated 5 May 1857. Marcus Griffin and Jemima his wife of Phillipstown, to John Brewer of the same place. For Twenty(?) five hundred dollars, "that certain farm or tract of land situate in Phillipstown aforesaid..." The boundary description mentions the land of the late John Marcus, and land contracted to D. Denlysher. Containing 155 acres. Assigns the rights to all mines and minerals. There is a long detailed description of the boundaries here.

Deeds 38:25. Dated 26 April 1859. James Henry Offie and Henrietta Maria Offie both of the Town of Fishkill, Dutchess County, to John Brewer of the Town of Philipstown, Putnam County. For $3000, a piece of land in Philipstown which by the deed of Samuel Gouverner and Mary his wife dated 7 May 1832 subject to such reservations as are therein mentioned to John Crosher was conveyed in fee and which said farm is therein described as follows: beginning in the middle of the road leading to the old Post road near John Warren's... What follows is a long description describing physical boundaries and markers (stones, stumps, trees, brooks). Containing ninety eight and a half acres more or less. Mention of the use and privilege of the highway over the property.

Deeds 37:542 Dated 25 May 1861. John Shenton of the Town of Carmel and Annis his wife, to Ebenezer Brewer of the same place. For $225, a parcel of land in the Town of Carmel beginning at a point in the middle of the highway leading from Carmel Village easterly to Ebenezer Kelley's thence running northerly along a straight line along the lands of Wesley Bennet to a point on the bank of the north side of the brook thence westerly along the lands of the said Bennet to the lands of Frederick Vredenburgh, thence southerly along the lands of said Vredenburgh to the middle of the aforesaid highway, thence easterly along the middle of the said highway to the place of the beginning, containing by estimation one eight of an acre of land more or less.

Deeds 39:130. Dated 1 April 1863. Daniel Wright, David S. Wright and Matilda his wife all of the Town of Kent, to John Brewer of the same place. For $2000, a "piece or farm of land" in the Town of Kent, beginning at a birch tree standing in the corner of David C. Haines & co. land, being the southeast corner of the said farm that is now to be conveyed. The piece is bounded by the said Haines, the land of Daniel Wright, the land of David Wright, the land of Matilda Wright, the land of Ruth Ludlow deceased, the land of David Lockwood, the land of Peter Lockwood, the land of Freeman Smalley. containing 107 acres.

Deeds 41:63. Dated 3 March 1864. Allen Barrett of Carmel and Sarah his wife and John Barrett and Margaret his wife of Fishkill, Duthcess County, Simeon Barrett and Emily his wife of Cattauragus County, New York, Moseman Barrett and Cornelia his wife of Carmel, Isaac D. Barrett and Tamar his wife of Carmel of the first part, to Jeremiah Brewer of Carmel, Putnam County of the second part. For $2500, land in the Town of Carmel, bounded beginning at the southeast corner of the premises being here conveyed and at the corner of the land of Allen Barrett... (this is the property sold by Jeremiah and Rachel Brewer on 19 March 1867, Deeds 44:123 below).

Deeds 41:326. Dated 1 April 1865. Gideon Barrett of the Town of Carmel and Eunice his wife, to Fowler Brewer, of the above named place. For $600, a parcel of land being partially in Carmel and partially in Kent, beginning at the northwest corner at a walnut tree running easterly in company with Ferris Barrett's land to a chestnut tree thence running with William Barrett's land to a heap of stones and a stake by a spring then northeasterly to a rock, easterly to a chestnut tree, northeasterly in company with Daniel Coles land to a heap of stones, easterly to a birch tree, northerly in company with Peter Barrett's land to the land of Peter Barrett...along Ebenezer Barrett's land...containing 52 acres of land more or less. Also another piece bounded with John Barrett, Vincent Barrett and Gideon Barrett, containing 30 acres. Gideon Barrett signs with his mark.

Deeds 42:354. Dated 29 March 1866. Jeremiah Brewer of the Town of Carmel and Rachel Brewer his wife, to Daniel Brewer of the said town. For $1500, a parcel of land in the town aforesaid, commencing at a chestnut stump in corner of the land of Allen Barrett, easterly along Allen Barrett's land to the highway leading past the highway of said Barrett, along the highway easterly to the corner of Edward Barrett's land, then northerly along Edward Barrett's land to the land of John Barrett, then along said Barrett's land to a white oak tree, then northerly to Lockwood pond, then crossing the corner of said pond to a maple stump with stones piled thereon, then westerly to a stake and stones to the land of Sarah A. Barrett then along the same name westerly...containing 40 acres. A second piece of land follows the bounds of Allen Barrett, "westerly along the highway past the residence of Daniel Brewer deceased...containing twelve acres. Jeremiah Brewer and Rachel Brewer sign with their marks.

Deeds 42:356. Dated 29 March 1866 (same as above). Elizabeth Brewer (widow of Daniel Brewer, deceased) of the Town of Carmel, to Daniel Brewer of the same town. For consideration of one dollar, two certain parcels of land in the town of Carmel... The two described are the same as the two conveyed by Jeremiah Brewer to Daniel Brewer at Deeds 42:354, dated the same day. One of forty acres, the other of twelve acres. Elizabeth Brewer signs with her mark. Andrew White is the witness.

Deeds 42:368, Dated 30 March 1866. Mary Kirk of the Town of Kent, to Saura Ann Brewer, of the said town [Note: the grantee's name is indexed as Laura A. Brewer, but the name in the deed is not too clear, both with regards to the given name and surname]. For $250, a parcel of land in the said town, beginning at a large rock marked standing on the north of the highway at the corner of Widow Phillip's lot...containing one quarter of an acre of land more or less. [See Deeds X:498, above where John Brewer and Lucrecia (sic) his wife deed this same parcel to Mary Kirk back in 1852. This couple did have a daughter named Susan A. Brewer].

Deeds 44:85. Dated 14 March 1867. William M. Wright of the Town of Kent and Clarissa his wife, to Jeremiah Brewer of the Town of Carmel. For $2200, a parcel of land in the Town of Kent, beginning at a larger rock on the north side of the highway running from the late Moses Knapps to Farmer Mills adjoining Matilda Wrights land to the lands of Peter Lockwood, to the lands of James J. Tompkins, westerly along Tompkins to the black pond then with the pond to the outlet of said pond, thence with the lands of the late Absolam Lee to the lands of the said Moses Knapp, dec'd, thence with Knapps to the lands of Smith & Townsend, thence with Smith & Townsend to a white oak adjoining land of David L. Wright...(and on and on) containing 200 acres.

Deeds 44:123. Dated 19 March 1867. Jeremiah Brewer of the Town of Carmel and Rachel his wife, to Allen Barrett of the same place. For $2800, a parcel of land in the Town of Carmel, beginning at the southeast corner of the premises being conveyed and at the corner of the lands of Allen Barrett in the middle of the highway leading past the dwelling house of said Barrett thence westerly along said highway until it intersects a highway leading from Red Mills to Boyds, thence northerly along the last mentioned highway until it reaches Henry Barrett's land thence easterly along said Henry Barrett's to a corner, thence northerly along said Henry Barrett's land to a corner, thence easterly along said Barrett's to the lands of Daniel Brewer and stake and stones, thence southerly along said Brewer's land to a corner and land of Allen Barrett, thence westerly along said Barrett's land to a corner, thence southerly along said Barrett's land to the highway first mentioned and place of beginning containing seventy five acres more or less. A second piece, situate in Carmel, begins at the middle of the second highway and follows lines of Henry Barrett and Sarles Drew, then the land of Gideon Barrett, containing ten acres. Jeremiah and Rachel Brewer sign with their marks. Witnessed by Nathan A. Stokum.

Deeds 45:69. Dated  7 October 1867. Daniel Brewer of the Town of Carmel, to William Brewer of the same place. For $500, a parcel of land in the Town of Carmel, bounded, beginning at the end of a stone wall in the southeast corner thence northwesterly to a chestnut oak stump near the highway thence westerly to the highway near said Brewer's...containing twelve acres of land. Daniel Brewer signs with his mark.

Deeds 45:594. Dated 7 October 1867. Daniel Brewer of the Town of Carmel to John Barrett of the same town. For $200, a parcel of land in Carmel, beginning at the northeast corner of John Barrett's land on the south side of the road...containing three acres more or less being the same premises deeded by Obed E. Barrett and wife to the party of the first part (Daniel Brewer). Daniel Brewer signs with his mark.

Deeds 46:302. Dated 12 October 1868. Quit claim indenture. Hannah Roberson, Joseph Ferris, Mahala J. Denning, Asahel Bell, Mary Ann Haddan, Eliza Ann Christian, Clarissa Brewer, Lewis Bell, Mariah Bell and Leonard Ferris, Elina A. Baxter and Mary Jaycox of Putnam County, Selvenus Denning of Orange County, Isaac Denning, Catherine A. Foreman, Martha Denny, George Denny, Jerome Denny, Richard Denny, Peter Denny and John Denny all of Putnam County, of the first part, to Benjamin Forman of Putnam Valley of the second part. For the sum of one dollar, the parties of the first part quit claim to the party of the second part "our right title and interest individually and collectively and as heirs at law and descendants of Richard Denny deceased, Thomas Denny deceased or Abijah Pratt deceased late of Putnam County. The deed includes mineral rights. Description of boundary. Signed by all of the first part and the surname sometimes written as Denning in the deed is signed as Denny.

BGB 634

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