
Thursday, January 10, 2019

More Brower Deeds in Fulton County, New York

More Browers found in the land record books of Fulton County, New York. Quick links to the indexes can be found on this page of this website, and the post of October 30, 2018. Also see the post of November 13, 2018. Arranged chronologically. Some deeds with dates prior to 1838 are duplicated from the deed books of Montgomery County. Fulton County was created out of Montgomery County in 1838. There are a lot of deeds here and they only include those deeds found in the Grantor's index for Fulton County. An examination of the Grantee's index will have to be saved for a future post.

20 March 1819. Fulton Co. Deeds 4:494. Abraham Brower and Phylotha his wife, of the County of Montgomery, to Hammond Healy, for consideration of $700, a parcel of land in Magin's Patent in the Town of Oppenheim, part of Range number fifty-two...containing fifty acres. [Note: This deed was also recorded in Montgomery County (16:336) and is found on the post of November 13, 2018, where it was mistakenly placed with those deeds found only in Montgomery County. It is recorded in both Montgomery and Fulton Counties].

10 September 1819. Fulton Co. Deeds 4:514. William Brower and Asenith his wife, of the Town of Amsterdam, to James McKinley of the same place. For $600, a parcel of land in the town of Amsterdam being part of lot number 74 in the Sacandaga Patent. The boundary description includes mention of the land of Peter Robs. William Brower signs with his mark.

25 August 1821. Fulton Co. Deeds 5:492. John Brower and Phebe his wife, and John Brower, Junior and Elizabeth his wife, and Abraham G. Brower, all of the Town of Johnstown, Montgomery County, to John Holland of the same place, for $268, a parcel of land in the Town of Johnstown. [Also in Montgomery County (19:309) and in the post of November 13, 2018]. Also see the deed on page 493 of volume 5 involving John Holland and Agnes McKinley.

15 February 1840. Fulton Co. Deeds 1:447. John J. Brower and Dolly his wife of the Town of Mohawk, to Abraham Nivin of the same place. For $800, a parcel of 20 acres of land in Johnstown, bounded west by lands of Frederich Dockstader and Abraham Nivin, north by John V. Putman, east by Henry Wert and Benjamin Tenney and south by Peter Quilhut(?). Recorded 17 February 1840.

4 June 1843. Futon Co. Deeds 5:6. Cornelius Brower of the Town of Stratford, Fulton County, to Louisa Rogers of the same place. For the sum of five dollars...forever quit claim...ten acres of land in Stratford, beginning at the southwest corner of land deeded by Bradley Bennet to Harriet owned by Thomas Bennett... Recorded April 1744.

27 July 1853. Fulton Co. Deeds 17:403. Polly Brower of the Town of Stratford to Cornelius D. Brower of the same place. For $110, a parcel of land in Stratford, part of lot number thirty-nine in Lott and Lowes patent. The plot conveyed is one equal undivided sixth part of sixty-six acres off from the west and of the north half of the said lot, bounded on the north by the south by the line of lot number forty in Lott and Lowes Patent, on the south by the subdivision line between the north and south halves of said lot thirty-nine, on the west by the East Canada creek, and on the east by the line between 39 & 40 and the line between the north and south halves of said lot and far enough east so as to have sixty-six acres between that and the East Canada Creek. Recorded 2 August 1853.

27 July 1853. Fulton Co. Deeds 17:405. Cornelius D. Brower of the Town of Stratford to Audrey Carroll of the same place. For $1600, a piece of land in the Town of Stratford being the west end of the north half of lot number thirty-nine in the Lott and Lowes Patent, bounded on the north by the south line of lot number forty, on the east by the lands owned by Bradley Bennett, on the south by lands owned by Cornelius Brower and Jacob Dingman and on the west by the East Canada Creek, containing one hundred and thirty-eight acres. Recorded 5 August 1853.

5 March 1855. Fulton Co. Deeds 20:56. Jacob Brower and Phebe Brower his wife of Mayfield to Abraham Brower of the same place. For $100, a parcel of land in Mayfield known as being part of lot number two of the subdivision of great lot number thirteen in Glen Bleeker and Lansings Patent. Twenty acres to be taken from the north end of that part of said lot number two that was deeded to the said Jacob Brower by Edward Ellice on the first day of June 1849... Recorded 16 March 1855.

9 August 1855. Fulton Co. Deeds 20:347-48. Starts at the bottom of page 347. John Brower of the City of Utica, Oneida County has constituted and hereby appoints Grove Penny of the same place as "my true and lawful agent and attorney, for me and in my name, place and stead..." Recorded 10 August 1855.

10 August 1855. Fulton Co. Deeds 20:348. John Brower by his agent and attorney Grove Penny of Utica, Oneida County to Catharine Kibbie of Johnstown, Fulton County. For $175, a parcel of land in the Town of Johnstown, bounded on the east, south and west by lands of A(?) Kibbie from Catharine Kibbie, on the north by the road leading from Johnstown to Tribes Hill being two chains wide and five chains long containing one acre of land. Recorded 10 August 1855.

17 September 1860. Fulton Co. Deeds 27:457. Abraham Brower and Louisa his wife of Mayfield, to David Stewart of the same place. For $450, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield within the bounds of lands known as the Bleeks Lansings Patch...being lot number ten of the subdivision of Great Lot number eleven...containing one hundred acres of land more or less. Also one other piece of land situate in Mayfield being part of lot number two of the subdivision of Great Lot number Thirteen in the Glen Bleeks and Lansings Patent, twenty acres to be purchased by Jacob Brower of Edward Ellice on the first day of June 1849 (see the deed of 5 March 1855 above). Abraham and Louisa Brower sign with their marks in the presence of David Getman. Recorded 9 October 1861.

14 July 1862. Fulton Co. Deeds 28:523. David Brower and Betsey his wife and Jennett Brower, wife of Nathaniel Brower, to Sophronia M. Brower. For $1000, a piece of land in the Village of Gloversville, bounded commencing at the North West corner of a lot owned by Abram D. Brower or formerly owned by him on the east side of School Street running east to a lot owned by Oliver Collins, then northerly and westerly to the aforesaid School Street then southerly to the place of beginning. This the same lot conveyed by Nathaniel Brower to David Brower on 27 January 1858, recorded in Fulton County Deeds Book no. 23, page 408, on 28 January 1858. Recorded 23 January 1863.

22 February 1864. Fulton Co. Deeds 29:577. Abraham Brower and Louisa his wife of Mayfield, to Jacob Brower and Phebe Brower his wife of the same place. For $500, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield bounded on the north by the land of Alexander McClara, on the east by the land of William Witting, on the south by the lands of Mr. Esheler and on the west by the road running from Jackson's Saw Mill to Bennett Towmans containing sixty acres of land. Recorded 5 March 1864.

22 February 1864. Fulton Co. Deeds 29:577. Jacob Brower and Phebe Brower his wife of Mayfield to Abraham Brower of the same place. For $700, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield, bounded on the north by the lands of Alexander McClara, on the east by the lands of William Witting, on the south by the lands of Mr. Eshler, on the west by the road running from Isaac Jacksons saw mill to Bennett Towmans containing sixty acres of land being land bought by me of William Witting as agent of Mr. Ellis... Recorded 5 March 1864.

1 February 1865. Fulton Co. Deeds 31:91. Alonzo Brower and Emily his wife of the Town of Johnstown, to Thomas S. Easterly of the same place. For $1300, a parcel of land in the village of Gloversville known as part of Lot No. 117 in the eastern allotment of Kingsboro Patent and bounded as follows beginning on the west side of Bleeker Street at the north east corner of the Parsonage lot of the M. E. Church...containing about one fourth of an acre, subject nevertheless to a mortgage given by Alonzo Brower and Emily his wife to Austin Hassan for $700, dated March 18, 1861. Recorded 14 February 1865.

14 April 1865. Fulton Co. Deeds 31:284A. D. Brower and Sophronia his wife of the Town of Johnstown, to Kate Fries of Warnerville, Schoharie County. For $1750, a piece of land in the village of Gloversville bounded as follows, commencing at the north west corner of a lot owned by Abraham D. Brower or formerly owned by him on the east side of School Street, running east to a lot owned by Oliver C. Collins, northerly and westerly to the aforesaid School Street, southerly to the beginning, more or less the same lot conveyed by David Brower and others to Sophronia M. Brower, July 14, 1862 and recorded in the Clerks Office of Fulton County in Book No. 28, page 523 on 23 January 1863 at 2 3/4 o'clock. Signed A. D. Brower and Sophronia M. Brower. Recorded 14 April 1865.

26 August 1865. Fulton Co. Deeds 35:315. Jacob Brower and Paulina Brower his wife of Mayfield, to Seth Hathaway and Ruth M. Shaw of the same place. For "one dollar and an exchange of property," a parcel of land in Mayfield bounded, beginning at the center of the highway heading from Mayfield & Vail Mills Plank road to Anthony's shop on the boundary line between the lands of said parties...Recorded 25 July 1867.

22 September 1865. Fulton Co. Deeds 32:157. Jeremiah Brower and Keziah Brower his wife, Henry C. Brower (and) Ruthelia A. Brower his wife, Joseph Brower and Rebecca Brower his wife, of the Town of Northampton, Fulton County, to Mary J. Gifford of Northampton. For the consideration of nine hundred and fifty dollars, a parcel of land in Northampton. The adjoining lands of James Patten, John Gorton and the heirs of Abraham Denton are mentioned, as is the highway from Osborn Bridge to the Fish House. Recorded 17 November 1865.

5 March 1866. Fulton Co. Deeds 32:471. Abraham Brower and Louiza Brower his wife of Mayfield, to Andres Andregg of the same place. For $1000, a parcel of land in Mayfield being a part of lot No. 111 in the Mayfield Patent. Bounded...containing 70 acres of land more or less. Recorded 6 March 1866.

17 December 1866. Fulton Co. Deeds 33:587. Frederick D. Brower and Lucy C. Brower his wife of the Town of Johnstown, to G. W. Green of Johnstown. For $700, a parcel of land in the town aforesaid being a part of what is known as the Gillett farm near the village of Kingsboro, being on the north side of the highway from the said Green's west to the Gloversville and Bleeker Plank road... Recorded 19 December 1866.

7 March 1868. Fulton Co. Deeds 36:137. William H. Brower of Gloversville, for consideration of the sum of one dollar paid by John A. Alexander of Johnstown, a parcel of land in the village of Gloversville...being the same lot and premised conveyed to said William H. Brower by Zina Case and Anna Maria Case by deed dated 27 April 1864 (Fulton Co. Deeds 30:154) being the same on which William H. Brower now resides. Recorded 7 March 1868.

14 March 1868. Fulton Co. Deeds 41:574. Abraham Brower and Louiza his wife of Mayfield, to John Eshler of the same place. "In consideration of the sum of Forty..." a parcel of land in Mayfield, part of the Glen Bleeker & Lansing Patent, bounded beginning at the north corner of great lot number fifteen of said patent... Both Abraham and Louiza sign with their marks. Recorded 26 August 1872.

29 March 1868. Fulton Co. Deeds 40:374. Nancy Ann Brower of the City and County of Albany to E. Jane Houghton of the Town of Stafford, Fulton County. For $700, a parcel of land in the Town of Stafford being a part of lot number thirty-nine in Lott and Lowes Patent being the south west part of the north half of said lot containing ten acres of land being the same ten acres of land which Cornelius Brower resided at the time of his death. Also fifty acres on the north part of the south half of said lot number 39 and bounded westerly by lands formerly owned by Peter Dingman...the said fifty acres being conveyed by Cornelius Brower to his daughter Louisa Rogers, and also eleven acres of land being part of sixty six acres willed by Thomas Bunnell to his daughter Polly Brower wife of said Cornelius Brower... Recorded 28 November 1870.

4 April 1870. Fulton Co. Deeds 39:107. John C. Brower and Catharine his wife of the Town of Ephralah (sic) to Nicholas Snell of the same place. For $2300, a parcel of land in the Town of Ephratah, bounded northerly by the highway, easterly by Willard Snell, southerly by Andrew Getman deceased and westerly by Thomas Edwards and Wade Tannery, containing six acres of land more or less. Recorded 6 April 1870.

28 September 1870. Fulton Co. Deeds 42:451. Alan Peck and Gitty Ann Peck his wife and Catharine A. Chase and John F. Chase her husband, Almyra Harris and John Harris her husband, Adaline Brower, David Blair, all of the Town of Broadalbin, to John L. Daggert of the Town of Amsterdam, Montgomery County. For $170...bargained, sold, remised and quit claimed...and assigns forever all right of dower and interest to all that certain lot of land situate in the town of Broadalbin...bounded on the south by land formerly owned by George Targee and now owned by John Sawyer, on the west by lands of Orin Fuller, on the north by lands of Shubal Tygert, on the west by lands of James Lasher and Leah Fuller, being the premises purchased by Sally Peck of George Mills by deed dated 6 April 1853 (Fulton Co. Deeds 20:185). Containing about 25 acres of land. Recorded 3 April 1872.

6 July 1871. Fulton Co. Deeds 41:155Abraham Brower and Louiza his wife of Mayfield, to Hiram McClary of the same place. $2000, for land situate in the Town of Mayfield, a part of the subdivision of lot no. 3 in great lot no. 13 of the Glen Bleeker and Lansing Patent. Previously occupied by Christopher Hall. Both Abraham and Louiza sign with their marks. Recorded 13 October 1871.

21 May 1873. Fulton Co. Deeds 45:220. Robert Kelly and Helen J. Kelly his wife, Marion Shephard wife of Peter Shephard, Catharine Slater wife of George Slater, Gertrude Kelly, Fidelia Kelly, Jennet Brower wife of Nathaniel Brower, Andrew Kelly and Charles Kelly, of the first part, to Frederick Myers of Johnstown of the second part. For $900, a parcel of land in the village of Johnstown which was conveyed to Robert Kelly by deed from Samuel Maxwell and wife dated March 31, 1855 recorded in the Fulton County Clerks Office (book and page not stated). Bounds mentions the lands of Clinton Sheet (south), Marcellus Gilbert (north), a lot connected to Nathan Scott (west), a lot formerly owned by Charles Bell (east). Emma Brower and Nellie Barnum were witness to Jennet K. Brower's signature. Page 221 contains the acknowledgements. Jennet Brower's acknowledgement is from the Clerk's Office of Shiawassee County, Michigan. Recorded 5 May 1874 (p. 222). Another deed involving Kellys follows on page 222.

29 May 1873. Fulton Co. Deeds 43:325. Jacob Brower & Paulina Brower of Mayfield, to Mary Ann Berry of the same place. For $550, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield being a part of lot no. 38 in Mayfield Patent, bounded beginning at the center of the highway at the south west corner of the saw mill... containing three acres more or less. Recorded 13 June 1873.

21 October 1873. Fulton Co. Deeds 43:470. William Brower and Catharine his wife of the Town of Johnstown, to Norman B. Dodge of the same place. For $300, a parcel of land in Johnstown being a part of lot number thirty three of the Mayfield Patent, bounded and described as follows...containing twenty acres of land more or less. William Brower signs with his mark. Recorded 22 October 1873.

19 November 1873. Fulton Co. Deeds 50:68. Jacob Brower and Paulina his wife of Mayfield, to John Hollett of the same place. For $650, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield being a part of lot no. 248 in the eastern allotment of Kingsboro Patent, bounded beginning at the center of the highway near the school house...containing two thirds of an acre of land. Recorded 29 April 1876.

28 December 1873. Fulton Co. Deeds 45:483. A. D. Brower and Sophronia his wife of Johnstown, to the Corporation known as Gloversville and Kingsboro Street Railroad Corporation. For the sum of one dollar, "all my right title and interest in and to the following described street known as Main Street in the Village of Gloversville..." It appears that the Browers are granting and easement for the company to build a road to be used as a public highway. Recorded 25 February 1874.

18 June 1875. Fulton Co. Deeds 47:376. Jacob Brower of the Town of Mayfield and Paulina his wife of the same place, to the Corporation known as the Gloversville and Northville Railroad Company. For $110, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield, bounded and described as follows...a strip of land three rods in width... Recorded 14 July 1875.

1 January 1876. Fulton Co. Deeds 48:584. Jacob Brower and Paulina his wife of Mayfield, to Charles C. Peterson of the same place. For $50, a piece of land in Mayfield, being a part of lot number twenty nine in the Sacandaga Patent, bounded by lands of William Fosmire (north), land formerly of Richard Van Allen (north and east), land of Beroth Close (south and east), land of the Widow of Jacob Blecker (west). Containing six and one half acres, reserving land conveyed to the Gloversville and Northville Railroad. Recorded 29 March 1876.

29 March 1876. Fulton Co. Deeds 49:63. William Brower of the Town of Johnstown of the first part, to Anna D. Brower of the same place of the second part. For $1000, a parcel of land in Johnstown known as part of lot no. 33 in the Mayfield Patent bounded on the north by the land of Norman Dodge and land of William Mortimer, on the east by land of Philip Conlin, on the west by land of Norman Dodge and containing about seventy three acres more or less. William also conveys to Anna, all the cows, sheep, young cattle, farming utensils and "personal property of every name and description wheresoever," etc. Recorded 29 March 1876.

29 March 1876. Fulton Co. Deeds 49:64. Anna D. Brower of the Town of Johnstown of the first part, to Catharine Brower wife of William Brower of the Town and County aforesaid. For $1000, a parcel of land in the Town of Johnstown, being a part of lot no. 33 in the Mayfield Patent (same boundaries and area as the property described in the deed above on 49:63, bearing the same date). Also all cows, sheep, young cattle...personal property of every name and description...conveyed to her by her father William Brower... Recorded 29 March 1876.

10 February 1877. Fulton Co. Deeds 49:534. John McNabb as assignee of Abram D. Brower of Gloversville, to David Wilson and Melvin Green of the same place. For $200, a parcel of land in the village of Gloversville, beginning at the corner of a lot owned by Arthur Gillett on the west side of School Street... Recorded 14 February 1877.

10 October 1877. Fulton Co. Deeds 51:177. Catharine Brower and William Brower of the Town of Johnstown, to Frances Brower of the same place. For $1, a parcel of land in Johnstown being a part of lot no. 33 of the Mayfield Patent. [See the deed that follows, and the deeds of 29 March 1876 found above]. "Being the same premises conveyed by William Brower to Anna D. Brower and from Anna D. Brower to Catharine Brower and from Catharine Brower to Frances Brower." Recorded 11 October 1877.

10 October 1877. Fulton Co. Deeds 52:235. Francis Brower of Johnstown (party of the first part), to Catharine Brower & William Brower, her husband (party of the second part). For the sum of one dollar, a parcel of land in the Town of Johnstown, distinguished as part of lot no. 33 in the Mayfield Patent, bounded on the north by the lands of Norman Dodge and lands of William Martin, on the east by lands of Philip Carlon, on the west by lands of Norman Dodge and on the south by lands of Norman Dodge, estimated at 73 acres...and "being the same premises this day conveyed by Catharine Brower and William Brower to Francis Brower with the appurtences and all the estate title and interest of the said party of the first part therein this grant is intended as a security that the said Francis Brower will furnish and provide at her own cost and expense for the said Catharine Brower and William Brower and each of them from the date hereof for and during their natural lives or either of them all good and suitable board house room lodging fuel clothing washing medicines medical and other care and attendance which they may need and require..." [Francis/Frances Brower is a female, the name is spelled both as Francis with an i and Frances with an e, in the deed. I suspect that she is a daughter-in-law of William and Catharine, and was the wife of their son, Herman Brower]. Recorded 11 October 1877.

9 November 1877. Fulton Co. Deeds 51:207. Abram D. Brower and S. M. Brower his wife of Johnstown, to James C. Stewart of the same place. For $375, a parcel of land in the Village of Gloversville, commencing at a corner formed by Marshall Avenue and New Street...containing thirty-two rods of land. Recorded 10 November 1877.

16 September 1878. Fulton Co. Deeds 54:19. Jacob Brower & Paulina his wife of Mayfield, to Sechiel Johnston of the same place. For $900, a parcel of land in the Town of Mayfield, a part of lot no. 40 in the Mayfield Patent, beginning at the north corner of a piece of land in possession of David Stewart...containing about fifty-three ? of land more or less [the word after fifty-three is not clear, but this is a small piece with lengths of 190 feet and 186 feet]. Recorded 18 September 1878.

10 April 1879. Fulton Co. Deeds 54:315. Abram Brower and Louisa Brower his wife of Mayfield, to David Betler of Mayfield. For $775, a parcel of land in Mayfield, bounded on the north by land formerly owned by Alexander McClara, on the east by lands formerly of William Wilkins, on the south by lands of Mr. Eshler, on the west by the road running from the saw mill to lands formerly of Bennet Toman, containing sixty acres, being the land sold by William Wilkins as agent of  Mr. Ellis. Recorded 29 May 1879.

9 September 1879. Fulton Co. Deeds 54:439. William Brower of the Town of Northampton, Fulton County, to Mary J. Gifford of the town and county aforesaid. For $500, a parcel of land in the Town of Northampton lying on the highway from the Fish House to Dentons Corners...said lot to contain one acre of land be the same more or less. Recorded 20 October 1879.

26 September 1879. Fulton Co. Deeds 56:345. Eliza Allen, Nathaniel Brower & Jennet his wife, Alonzo Brower & Emily his wife, Angeline Wane, Abram D. Brower and Sophronia his wife, and Wm. H. Brower and Alvira his wife, heirs of David Brower deceased of the first part, to Dudley P. Smith of Johnstown of the second part. For $1500, a parcel of land situated in the Village of Gloversville, bounded on the east by lands owned by Mary and Maga Obrine, on the south by lands of Michael McDonaugh, on the west by lands owned by David Schoonmaker and on the north by the Street called Washington...being the same that David Brower received by deed from David Corwin and wife dated 27 March 1867 (Fulton Co. Deeds 34:436). Acknowledgement of Nathaniel and Jennet Brower was taken at Shiawassee Co., Michigan. The others acknowledged in Fulton County, New York. Recorded 3 November 1879.

BGB 628

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