
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A New Book From David Brewer

David Brewer, one of the co-administrators of the Brewer DNA Project has followed up on his Brewer Families of Moore and Southwest Chatham Counties, North Carolina, with a new book, Tracing the Brewers of Colonial Virginia: The Trail of YDNA Subclade I-Y21524 to North Carolina and Beyond.

(Image from

A couple of days ago I was among others who received an email notifying us of the new book. David has allowed me to publish his notice here for others as well.

"As I mentioned to you in an earlier email, I've written a second book -- Tracing the Brewers of Colonial Virginia -- that follows the history of a significant branch of the Brewer Family -- members of Haplogroup I-Y15031, subclade I-Y21524 -- from 17th century Colonial Virginia through the mid-19th century, a period for which many existing family pedigrees have been speculative or unknown.

I have attempted to bring a detailed record analysis to bear in an effort to more accurately examine the roots of this family group. The book hypothesizes, based on the record evidence identified to date, that most if not all of the tested members of this YDNA subclade - I-Y21524 - are descendants of John Brewer (I), an early Jamestown colonist, through his son John Brewer II.  As the book explains, it is possible that most of the tested members of this family group are descendants of John II's reputed son Thomas Brewer, who lived in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.  The book focuses on the migratory path of this family group and their allied families from Virginia to North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Alabama, as they pushed westward throughout the American frontier into the 19th century.

The book is meant to be used by genealogy enthusiasts of different interest and experience levels, recognizing that we all learn from each other as we fill in pieces of the puzzle of our common ancestry.  As our shared understanding of genetic science continues to improve and more record evidence is available through evolving digital research tools, further breakthroughs and corrections are inevitable.

As with the first book, I've published the new book at Amazon/Kindle Publishing and have set up a program where the e-book version is free with Kindle Unlimited.  In addition, the e-book will be free to everyone between April 22 and April 26.  I encourage all of you to take advantage of that promotion.  A modestly priced paperback version of the book also is available for purchase at Amazon.  Here are links to both the paperback and e-book versions if you would like to take a look."

As David mentions above, the book is available in two formats at There is a paperback version (154 pages) and a Kindle version. And please note - I do not receive compensation from (or any other commercial enterprise) when directed to their site from a link on this blog.

BGB 643

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Monmouth County, New Jersey, Records of Deeds, Grantors Index A-C

Beginning in the early 1700s, descendants of both Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, L. I. and of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L. I. relocated and settled in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The county itself was established in 1683 and was within what was called the Province of East Jersey. The initial settlers there were largely families of English and Scottish origin, many coming to Monmouth County by way of Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and Long Island. They were largely Baptists and Quakers. Migration of "Dutch," or more accurately non-English families with roots in New Netherland, began soon afterwards. For background on the history and recording of deeds and grants in New Jersey I would suggest starting with the FamilySearch Wiki page for New Jersey Land and Property and would suggest making use of the many links found within the text there. The broader background picture should be of interest and help to those researching land records in New Jersey. The focus in this post is on records found in Monmouth County, and located in the County Clerk's Office. Links for the filmed and subsequently digitized records are found at FamilySearch through their catalog under Monmouth County, New Jersey, Records of Deeds, 1665-1899.

The Grantor Index, 1667-1856 (FHL film #007901947) for the letter B is online at beginning here with image no. 63. The Grantee Index, 1667-1891 (FHL film #007895633)  for the letter B is online begins here with image no. 102. The first thing that you might notice here is that there are very few entries for deeds from the colonial period, which is to be expected since the County Clerk's Office was not formed until 1785. The indexes are arranged alphabetically but only by the first letter of the surname, and then the first letter of the given name, and then chronologically within each set of alphabetically listed given names. In other words, this isn't the most user friendly set up for an index. But then again, this is New Jersey, and my experience has been that if there is a more difficult and cumbersome method to arrange access to records, then New Jersey will use that method. This setup requires searching each page to cull out the Brewers and Browers, and that is what you will find below. Starting with the Grantor Index, I'm simply listing them as they are listed in the index books, Date, Grantor, Grantee, Liber: Page. The individual volumes with the deeds can be viewed using your computer at home. No need to go to a FHL center to view these records. The abbreviation "ux" for et uxor, means "and wife." "Et al," short for et alia, means "and others."

Grantor Index, Given Name A-C

  • 1801 June 23, Brewer, Aaron dec'd (by dev), Job Throckmorton et al (trustees), M:434
  • 1806 Sept 2, Brewer, Adam dec'd (by dev), Asher White, Q:688
  • 1806 Sept 2, Brewer, Adam dec'd (by dev), Asher White Q:690
  • 1811 July 8, Brewer, Ann et al (Exis), Benjah Butcher et al, T:466
  • 1812 July 29, Brewer, Adam, Joseph Lafetra, V:428
  • 1814 July 25, Brower, Adam, John Brewer et al, Y:170
  • 1816 Dec 16, Brewer, Adam (by Shiff), Tilee Williams, Z:417
  • 1817 July 12, Brewer, Aaron ux, Peter Brewer, A2:46
  • 1818 Mar 10, Brewer, Adam (by Shiff), Jacob Croxson, A2:473
  • 1821 Oct 16, Brower, Abraham ux, George Crawford, D2:480
  • 1821 Oct 31, Brower, Abraham, Joseph Truax, D2:516
  • 1825 July 29, Brower, Ann & Abraham (dec'd by heirs), William Mason, K2:206
  • 1827 May 27, Brewer, Ann, Elizabeth Brewer, N2:432
  • 1827 July 25, Brewer, Aaron ux, Robert Shafts, O2:95
  • 1828 Aug 28, Brewer, Aron ux, Ebenezer Scott, Q2:323
  • 1831 Sept 17, Brower, Adam dec'd (by heir), Henry W. Wolcott et al, Y2:434
  • 1833 May 23, Brewer, Aaron ux, John Reynolds, D3:287
  • 1837 Apr 27, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, James Cooper, Q3:400
  • 1837 Apr 27, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, James Cooper, Q3:407
  • 1838 June 9, Brewer, Aaron ux, Garret RobbinsT3:326
  • 1839 Apr 15, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, William Cooper, W3:386
  • 1839 Nov 20, Brewer, Adam ux, William H. Brewer, Y3:238
  • 1840 Feb 25, Brewer, Ann, Susan Hunt et al, Z3:61
  • 1841 Jan 28, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, Esther Cooper, B4:178
  • 1842 Apr 27, Brewer, Aaron ux, David Reynolds, F4:297
  • 1844 Mar 9, Brewer, Ann, Isaac Brewer, K4:387
  • 1845 Nov 5, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, Gordon Cooper, R4:337
  • 1847 Oct 16, Brower, Aaron ux, John Hall, E5:100
  • 1849 May 8, Bruere, Ann, Joseph Waln, I5:494
  • 1849 June 13, Bruere, Ann, John W. Burtis, L5:55
  • 1851 Feb 5, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, David Cooper, R5:44
  • 1851 Feb 5, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, David cooper, R5:47
  • 1852 Mar 29, Brower, Aaron ux, Herbert Woolley, T5:163
  • 1853 Apr 5, Brower, Aaron ux, Gilbert Brewere, Y5:479
  • 1853 Mar 31, Brower, Aaron ux et al, Abraham Havens, Y5:438
  • 1854 June 10, Brower, Aaron ux, James Johnson, F6:27
  • 1855 May 10, Brewer, Aaron ux et al, Richard Corlies, I6:371
  • 1800 Mar 13, Brewer, Benjamin ux, Daniel Williams, L:437 
  • 1805 Dec 30, Brewer, Benjamin ux, Aaron Laign, P:469
  • 1817 Apr 15, Brower, Benjamin Jr. ux et al, John S. Van Mater, Z:616
  • 1819 Apr 29, Brower, Benjamin Jr. ux et al, John Vandoren, B2:316 
  • 1819 Dec 20, Brewer, Benjamin ux, Cornelius Brewer et al, B2:660
  • 1821 Oct 17, Brower, Benjamin Jr. ux, Joseph H. Van Mater, D2:484
  • 1824 May 3, Brewer, Benjamin  et al (by Shiff), Peter Vandorn, H2:269
  • 1826 Apr 25, Brower, Benjamin ux, Cornelius Brower, L2:255
  • 1826 July 26, Brewer, Benjamin ux, Thomas Bowne, L2:524
  • 1827 Mar 25, Brower, Benjamin ux, James Patterson Jr., N2:13
  • 1829 July 4, Brower, Benjamin ux, Joseph Mount, S2:178
  • 1829 July 4, Brower, Benjamin ux, Trustees Union Meeting Colts Neck, S2:179
  • 1830 Apr 27, Brower, Benjamin ux, Joseph Conrow, V2:269
  • 1832 Mar 1, Brewer, Benjamin B., David Estell, Z2:375
  • 1833 June 19, Brower, Benjamin ux, Thomas Sutphen, D3:388
  • 1833 Dec 26, Brower, Benjamin ux, John H. Tilton, E3:495
  • 1834 Jan 21, Brower, Benjamin ux, John Robinson, E3:565
  • 1834 Jun 13, Brewer, Benjamin B. ux, Cornelius C. Hendrickson, G3:35
  • 1836 Sept 14, Brower, Benjamin ux, Samuel Conover, O3:54
  • 1836 Oct 16, Brower, Benjamin ux, John S. Schenck, O3:408
  • 1850 Jan 15, Brower, Benjamin ux et al, Abraham Trafford, L5:444
  • 1850 Feb 6, Brower, Benjamin ux et al, Leanaer Bishop, M5:209
  • 1850 Apr 11, Brower, Benjamin ux et al, Charles G. Allen, M5:557
  • 1850 Apr 1, Brower, Benjamin ux et al, William Brown, N5:94
  • 1850 Apr 1, Brower, Benjamin ux, Charles Corney, N5:99
  • 1850 June 1, Brower, Benjamin ux, Samuel Corney, O5:214
  • 1851 Aug 12, Brower, Benjamin ux, Theodore D. Conover, R5:449
  • 1853 July 26, Brower, Benjamin ux, Levi Scoby et al, W5:454
  • 1853 July 19, Brewer, Benjamin ux, Stephen Corney, B6:171
  • 1854 Apr 4, Brower, Benjamin ux, Thomas H. Matthews et al, E6:348
  • 1822 Jan 29, Brower, Cornelius ux, Samuel Corlies, E2:175 
  • 1827 Mar 2, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Benjamin Brewer, N2:15 
  • 1828 Jan 22, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Jacob Knott, P2:54
  • 1828 Jan 23, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Gilbert Brower, P2:82
  • 1828 Apr 22, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Elizabeth Grant, P2:442
  • 1828 Oct 25, Brewer, Cornelius ux, William Parker, R2:17
  • 1829 Aug 13, Brewer, Cornelius ux, David Brower, S2:352
  • 1829 Oct 26, Brewer, Cornelius ux, William White, T2:102
  • 1832 Aug 16, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Enos Eastwood, B3:254
  • 1834 Sept 15, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Asher Wardell Jr., G3:351
  • 1834 Oct 11, Brewer, Cornelius (or) Brower ux, David Brower, G3:422
  • 1836 Oct 21, Brower, Cornelius ux, Samuel Corlies, O3:354
  • 1838 July 30, Brower, Cornelius et al, Garret W. Wycoff, V3:33
  • 1839 Jan 11, Brewer, Constant et al, Isaac Van Kirk, V3:491
  • 1840 Jan 8, Brewer, Catharine, George Tyson et al, Y3:349
  • 1845 Dec 8, Brewer, Cornelius ux, Daniel Holmes, S4:4
  • 1849 Apr 20, Brower, Cornelius ux, John Sheriff, K5:19
  • 1849 Nov 7, Brower, Charles K. et al, Deborah T. Brower (Admtix), L5:312
  • 1852 Apr 7, Brower, Cornelius ux, Peter T. Nivison, T5:543
  • 1855 Apr 3, Brower, Charles ux, Joseph King, H6:594
So, a lot of land transactions in Monmouth County involving Brewers and Browers, and a couple of Brueres, and this is just the Grantor Index for those with given names beginning with the letters A, B and C. Looking over the list you can see that there are a few entries that mention "dec'd" (deceased) or "heirs," and others with the abbreviation, "et al." These deeds may involve the transfer of inherited property and so may offer genealogical clues. Monmouth County, New Jersey has a lot of Brewers and Browers and sorting them out to reconstruct families is challenging. My experience has been that many who have attempted researching their family here have overlooked or paid little attention to the recorded deeds. There may be some clues here that have yet to be discovered. If you happen to find any, please share them either through the Comments option or forward them to me directly. If they are of help in solving genealogical problems I'll post them online. We will continue with more index entries.

BGB 642

PDF version of this post

Friday, March 8, 2019

19th Century Wills Recorded in New York County: The 1880s and 1890s

Two more decades to go! And so we continue with abstracts of New York County Wills for testators named BROWER, BREWER, and other variations, along with links to digital images of the wills found on, in their collection titled, "New York Probate Records, 1629-1971 > New York County." The wills featured below were probated during the decades of the 1880s and 1890s.

Henry Otis Brewer, 27 October 1880, Vol. 278, p. 275. Dated 7 July 1875. Proved 27 October 1880. Henry Otis Brewer "now temporarily domiciled in the City of New York." Appoints daughter Mary Aline Brewer as executrix. All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid. All rest residue and remainder of estate, both real and personal to said daughter Mary Aline Brewer to have and to hold to her and her heirs and assigns forever. "I recommend to my daughter, in the event of her marriage, to take care that proper settlements be made for the security of her fortune, before the marriage." Witnesses: M. W. Divine of No. 235 Orange St., Newark, N. J., Isaac P. Martin, Jr., of Ft. Washington, New York City, and J. Smith of 50 Wall Street, New York City. Mary A. Brewer appeared before the Surrogate's Court on 16 October 1880, where it was ascertained that Mary A. Brewer and Robert C. Brewer were the only heirs and next of kin of Henry Otis Brewer. [Henry Otis Brewer is not included in any of the online databases. However, after a bit of cursory research, it appears that he is the Henry Otis Brewer, born 24 February 1814 in New York, a son of Pliny Brewer and Lois/Loisa Stebbins. this according to Ralph Stebbins Greenlee, The Stebbins Genealogy, Vol. 1 (Chicago, 1904) pp. 404-405. Henry Otis Brewer died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where in 1880 he is found on the U. S. Census, age 64, born in New York, a widower. In the household is his daughter, Aline Brewer, age 24, born in New York. Pliny Brewer is found in the Brewer Families of New England database. His family there is incomplete and I would refer you to the just mentioned Stebbins Genealogy for his family. Pliny Brewer is a descendant of Daniel Brewer of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and is yet another example of a Brewer family that found it's way to New York City (and New Jersey) that is not descended from one of the original New Netherland Brouwer families].

Jane M. Brouwer, 10 November 1880, Vol. 279, p. 130. Dated 19 April 1869. Jane Maria Brouwer widow of Jacob Brouwer, late of the City of New York, deceased. All debts and funeral expenses to be paid. All property of whatever nature and wheresoever situate to my children who may be living at the time of my death and the issue of any children who may have deceased in equal shares and proportions. Appoints son Theophilus A. Brouwer as executor. Witnesses: Robert M. Vermilye and C. A. Davison. Codicil dated 14 November 1873. Share of estate due daughter Jane Elizabeth Miller to be held by said executor in trust to invest the same in securities as he may deem safe and to apply the income and interest to the maintenance and support of said daughter during her life and upon her death to divide and distribute the principal sum between her children, Fanny Brouwer Miller, and Edwin Augustus Miller in equal shares to be paid over once they attain the age of twenty-one. Same witnesses. Proved by Charles A. Davison of the City of New York on 10 November 1880. Theophilus A. Brouwer swore to the will that same day. Robert M. Vermilye was deceased at the time the will was proved. [The testator is Jane Maria De Riemer who was born 11 January 1800, a daughter of Samuel Babbington De Riemer and Hester Anthony. She married Jacob Brouwer (1796-1868) a son of Jacob Brouwer and Margaret Burras, on 18 October 1820. They had nine children although only Theophilus A. Brouwer is mentioned in the will. The daughter Jane Elizabeth married Edwin Augustus Miller. Jane married second, Terrance Gromely, and died in 1887. Jacob Brouwer (1796-1868) was a direct male descendant of Jacob Brouwer and Annatje Bogardus (in fact each and everyone of his direct male ancestors was named Jacob, so he was in effect Jacob Brouwer VI), and this family is an example of one that actually is descended from the "legendary" Anneke Jans Bogardus. They are also example of one of the last families that originated in 17th century New Netherland in which we still find the surname spelled B-R-O-U-W-E-R with a U at the turn of the 20th century].

John H. Brower, 5 July 1881, Vol. 289, p. 245. Dated 20 March 1878. John H. Brower of the City, County and State of New York. Appoints as executixes and executors, his daughters Elizabeth B. Smith, Annie Browning, Maria P. McNeel, Susan R. Pierson, and Amanda E. Hewitt and grandson John B. Blydenburgh. Mention house and lot at No. 184 State Street, Brooklyn, "which was purchased for the occupancy of my daughter Amanda E. Hewitt, and where she now resides." Caroline Stewart, the widow of my late son Morgan L. S. Brower, "in case she shall survive me but not otherwise," the sum of five hundred dollars. Mentions deceased daughter Mary D. Blydenburgh, and son-in-law Benjamin B. Blydenburgh, and a partnership between himself (the testator) and Benjamin B. Blydenburgh. Mentions children of my late daughter Mary B. Blydenburgh, but not by name. Mentions a farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, which he purchased with Charles Pierson, the father of Joseph R. Pierson (husband of daughter Susan). This property to be held in trust by Thomas B. Hewitt (later referred to as my son-in-law) and John B. Blydenburgh for daughter Susan R. Pierson. Mentions a debt due me from my sister Elizabeth Spier, and one from her husband John Spier. Also a debt due from sister Sarah Peckwell. First codicil dated 12 March 1878. Second codicil dated 31 May 1881 (both are long). Proved 5 July 1881. [This is a very long will with many contingencies regarding circumstances such as what to do should this one or that one pre-decease the testator. I suggest that those researching this family closely consult the will in it's entirety and not simply rely upon this very brief abstract. John H. Brower was John Hammell Brower, born 12 August 1801 and baptized at St. Ann's Episcopal Church in Brooklyn. He is a son of Adolphus Brouwer (1777-1855) and Elizabeth Baker (1775-1853). His wife was Ann Sebring Duryea, a daughter of George Duryea and Mary Sutphen. She had died on 23 April 1877. They had eleven children. This will is not included on the BGD].

Nancy E. Brower, 16 August 1887, Vol. 394, p. 98. Probate dated 30 June 1887, the will and codicil of Nancy E. Brower deceased, "who died 24 June 1887, being a resident of the county of New York and leaving her surviving Casper G. Brower her husband, Ida Wyatt the petitioner and Grace J. Brower daughters." The will is dated 30 July 1885 and begins at page 100. "Nancy E. Brower wife of Casper G. Brower of the Town of Mount Pleasant, County of Westchester." All debts and funeral expenses to be paid. Names daughter Ida Wyatt, wife of Harry F. Wyatt. Daughter Grace J. Brower, under the age of twenty-one. Appoints friends Charles D. Valentine and Doctor Edwin T. Doubleday of the City of New York as guardians of the person and estate of daughter Grace J. Brower. Appoints the same two as executors of the will. Witnesses are Charles H. Woodruff and Henry P. Butler. Codicil dated 25 January 1887. Appoints daughter Ida Wyatt as an executrix of the will. Should daughters die without issue, husband Casper G. Brower to have remainder of estate. Proved 5 August 1887. [The will is long and deals primarily with the handling of assets on behalf of daughter Grace J. Brower. Nancy E. Reynolds was the daughter of Daniel Cooley Reynolds and Sarah A. Mead. She married Casper Gans Brower about 1861. Ida and Grace are their only two children. Casper Brower was born about 1830 and was baptized at the First Presbyterian Church at New Hamburg in Dutchess County on 5 May 1843. He was a son of John Brower (1792-1880) and Maria Lawson (1798-1861)].

Nancy E. Brower, 26 September 1889, Vol. 423, p. 196. See above. Here, Henry P. Butler proves the will and codicils of Nancy E. Brower. It is dated 5 September 1889 and is followed by the proof of Charles H. Woodruff, and then that of Henry F. Wyatt (husband of Nancy E. Brower's daughter, Ida. This is followed by another copy of the will.

Margaret M. Brouwer, 15 May 1891, Vol. 456, p. 120. Margaret Matilda Brouwer. Will dated 26 August 1872. Codicil dated 31 March 1879. On 15 May 1891, William Brouwer of the City of New York presented the will for probate, states that the decedent was "upwards of the age of twenty-one years." Other witnesses: A. W. Gay and Wilhelmina A. Brouwer. Will: Margaret Matilda Brouwer of the City of New York. All just debts and funeral expenses be paid out of my estate. All rest and residue of property and estate both real and personal to my beloved sister Eliza Ann Miller, widow of Hannibal Miller, should she be living. In the event of her death, the property to be divided among my nieces as shall be living. Appoints nephew Theophilus A. Brouwer of the City of New York as sole executor. Witnesses: William H. Burras of 234 West 55th Street, and Robert M. Vermilye of 39 West 31st Street, City of New York. Codicil redirects property in the event of sister Eliza Ann Miller's death, to "nephews and nieces" who shall be living. Witnesses: A. W. Gay of 327 E. 34th Street, Wilhelmina A. Brouwer of 148 E40th Street and William Brouwer of Flushing, L. I. [Margaret Matilda Brouwer is found on the BGD as Margaret M. Brouwer and is listed as a "probable" daughter of Jacob Brouwer and Margaret Burras. The identification in Margaret's will of her sister Eliza Ann Miller, now proves that she is in fact a daughter of Jacob Brouwer and Margaret Burras. Wilhelmina A. Brouwer is a daughter of Margaret's nephew Theophilus A. Brouwer who was appointed executor. Her proof of the codicil calls her "Wilhelmina A. Blunt (formerly Brouwer)." I would guess that the William Brouwer would be Theophilus' brother, who was born 28 August 1831].

Annie A. Brouwer, 28 March 1893, Vol. 478, p. 368. Will dated 22 November 1891. Proved by William H. Bynner and Samuel McCullough on 28 March 1893. Annie A. Brouwer of the City of New York, single woman. Just debts and funeral expenses to be paid. To my sister Martina P. Brouwer residing in Zeist, Holland four trunks belonging to me with all that they may contain at the time of my death and I direct my executors to deliver the aforesaid trunks to her. Said sister, Martina P. Brouwer to have all personal articles such as clothing, jewelry, books, household articles such as furniture, pictures. "I have one thousand dollars deposited with the German Bank, corner of 14th Street and 4th Avenue in New York City and one thousand dollars with the Seamus Bank, 74 and 76 Wall Street..." The one thousand on deposit with the Seamus Bank to sister Martina P. Brouwer. One hundred dollars to friend Joseph Vander Weyde residing at 113 West 83rd Street. To Sarah Lang, "my washwoman," fifty dollars. To Mrs. Porter, my washwoman residing at 248 17th Street, twenty-five dollars. Appoints George Van Deurs, minister of the Presbyterian Church residing in Philadelphia, my executor. [You will not find Annie A. Brouwer on the BGD. I would guess that she is probably a late 19th century immigrant who came to New York City and is unrelated to the Brouwers with roots in colonial New Netherland].

John Brower, 31 March 1896, Vol. 535, p. 243. Will dated 27 February 1888 (begins at the bottom of page 246). Proved 28 March 1896. John Brower of the City of New York, merchant. To beloved wife Matilda Ward Brower, all my real and personal estate of every nature and description whatsoever and wheresoever and appoints said wife, Matilda Ward Brower, sole executrix. Said wife shall consult with my brother William Wallace Brower and my nephews Manuel Henry Elkin and John Matthews before disposing of any of my real estate and it is my wish that the proceeds of the sale of that parcel of land having a frontage of two hundred feet in the Boulevard with a depth of two hundred feet situated between 108th and 109th streets, New York City, to be applied to the mortgage on my property on the northeast corner of 39th Street and Broadway, New York City. Also mentions property on the southeast corner of 109th Street and Riverside Drive, NYC (proceeds of the sale of this property to be applied to the mortgage on the Boulevard property). Witnesses: Daniel J. Sprague and William H. Reed. [Identifying this John Brower will require a little more work. On the BGD we have a John Brower who died 28 February 1896 at Thomasville, Georgia, who was born 27 May 1822, the son of an Abram Brower. This info is from the Yearbook of the Holland Society (see the August 12, 2012 post and here is a direct link to the PDF mentioned there, but caution here, there is some incorrect information in these bios). "My brother William Wallace Brower," is also found here. He died 15 October 1912, as reported by the Holland Society in the 1913 Yearbook. William's Find-A-Grave page is here. He's buried in Kennebec Co., Maine. We hope to get back to this family in the future].

Rachel A. Brewer, 20 July 1896, Vol. 552, p. 297. (Starts at very bottom of page). Rachel Ann Brewer. Will proved by Sarah A. Potts of 303 Water St., Newburgh, New York, and Ellen J. Potts of Newburgh, New York, on 8 July 1896. Will dated 14 April 1896, begins at the bottom of page 299. All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid. Leaves to Mary Louise Brewer wife of Henry K. Brewer and William R. Brinckerhoff, their heirs, executors, etc...all my estate real, personal or be held, managed or invested...for the benefit and advantage of my sister Mary Elizabeth Brewer...After the decease of said sister Mary Elizabeth Brewer, remaining principal net expenses, to my brother Henry K. Brewer, if living, for his own proper use and benefit. Should Henry K. Brewer die previous to Mary Elizabeth Brewer, then to Mary Louise Brewer, wife of Henry K. Brewer. Mary Louise Brewer and William R. Brinckerhoff appointed executors. [Rachel Ann Brewer is a daughter of John Brewer (1786-1877) and Mary Smack. Apparently she never married. I have limited information on this family on the BGD. I've added a bit more to a database on (subscription needed to view). It has long been believed that John Brewer was a son of Jacob Brouwer (a descendant of Adam Brouwer) and Abigail Yerks. However, Y-DNA testing of a direct male descendant of John Brewer does not match the other descendants of Adam Brouwer. There is a little more on the family of Jacob Brouwer and Abigail Yerks in the February 19, 2015 post. While the Y-DNA evidence is clear that the tested descendant is not a genetic descendant of Adam Brouwer, some of the traditional genealogical evidence suggests that John Brewer is a son of Jacob Brouwer and Abigail Yerks. We'll try and dig into this more, add some more facts and try to resolve this in a future post. According to burial records at the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Rachel A. Brewer died 12 May 1896. Her sister Mary Elizabeth died 10 May 1896 (NY Death Index)].

Joseph S. Brewer, 29 April 1897, Vol. 563, p. 298. Will dated 29 September 1896. Dr. Joseph S. Brewer of New York City. Just debts to be paid. To father Stephen Brewer, the sum of $500. To wife Marion Singer Brewer, "simply her dower right and painting 'Path Through Wood,' which I gave her." To friend Herbert Pollard of New York City, $500, also my bicycle, bicycle suit and shoes. Also all my jewelry and clothing. Also my watch and chain. To J. Victor Hart of New York, $800. In case my father Stephen Brewer allows my body to be laid in the family burial plot in the Cortland Rural Cemetery, Cortland, NY, I give my executors, $500 in trust to be invested by him by his discretion for the perpetual care of the burial plot. All furniture, paintings, silverware and household effect to the Cortland Hospital Association. Rest and residue to the said Cortland Hospital Association. Executors are authorized to sell any real estate. Appoints William H. Clarke, one of the editors of the Cortland Standard, "knowing heirs interested in the Cortland Hospital," as executor. Witnesses: Robert S. Rodgers of Kansas City, Missouri, and Ira F. Wilson of Kansas City, Missouri. Proved 22 April 1897. [You can find Joseph Stephen Brewer on the Brewer Families of New England Database website. His will is not included there. He is a descendant of Thomas Brewer who lived at Glastonbury, Connecticut where he married Sarah Keeney in 1683. Thomas Brewer died there about 1742 or 1743. There is a published account of some of his descendants, many of whom settled in Maine (Dorothy Brewer Erikson, Descendants of Thomas Brewer. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1996). One branch of the family did come to New York and is yet another example of New York BREWERs who are NOT descended from one of the early New Netherland families].

Mary B. Brower, 21 April 1899, Vol. 610, p. 390. Dated 22 December 1887. Proved by Daniel B. Halstead of the Borough of Brooklyn and John F. Bloomfield of the Borough of Manhattan on 20 April 1899. Mary B. Brower of the City of New York, widow of John B. Brower. Executors to pay all just debts and funeral expenses. To nephew Frederick B. Clement the sum of two thousand dollars, also the right of burial for his family and himself "in my plot at Greenwood Cemetery." All rest, residue and remainder of estate to my three sons and the children of my daughter Mary B. Taylor deceased, namely to my son John V. Brower one fourth, to my son Bloomfield Brower one fourth, to my son Edwin C. Brower, one fourth. The remainder to be divided between Theodore B. Taylor and Mary B. Taylor (both of whom are under age 21). Sons John V. Brower and Edwin C. Brower appointed guardians and trustees of my grandchildren Theodore B. Taylor and Mary B. Taylor, and as executors of this will. [Mary B. Brower is Mary Bloomfield, who was born 11 November 1814. She was the wife of John Van Alstyne (or perhaps Van Alst) Brower a son of Thomas LaFoy Brower and Magdalena Van Aulst. (Therefore, widow of "John B. Brower" in the will is an error). Her will is not included in her BGD profile].

BGB 641