
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Y-DNA Tree: E-M96 to E-Y19643

Here is a simple tree adapted from YFull's current YTree (v7.07.01) showing the direct line of SNPs from E-M96 which was formed 65,200 years before present (ybp) and forward in time to E-Y19643 which was formed 3,600 ybp (YFull's estimates).

The fifteen participants whose Y-DNA tests were used to identify the SNP E-Y19643 are all descendants of Adam Brouwer who was probably born during the decade of the 1610s in Cologne (now a city in Germany) and died in early 1692 at Gowanus, Long Island, New York.

The Y-DNA tests were conducted by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) through the Brewer DNA Project. YFull estimates the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) for the 15 participants as 375 years which from 2019 would bring us to 1644 (Adam Brouwer's seven sons were born between the years 1646 and 1672).

The three sub-branches of E-Y19643 seen on this chart each identify SNPs that are common to only two or three of the fifteen participants and not found in any of the others. These SNPs have the potential to identify specific lines of Y-chromosome descent from Adam Brouwer. Please refer to the endnotes on the chart for more details.

Those who have tested will note that FTDNA uses the SNP E-BY6201 to identify the same place on the tree as E-Y19643, which is used by YFull (see endnote 16). The highlighted SNPs on the chart are those SNPs that have been confirmed by FTDNA. Various members of the Adam Brouwer sub-group at the Brewer DNA Project will recognize one of these SNPs in their Y-DNA results reported to them by FTDNA. The SNP that FTDNA shows each member is dependent on that member's level of Y-DNA test. Obtaining a confirmed test for E-BY6201/E-Y19643 requires taking FTDNA's Big Y-700 test (see this page for an explanation of and prices for the various Y-DNA tests offered by FTDNA).

It is hoped that in time, as more descendants of Adam Brouwer are tested, the sub-branches below E-BY6201/E-Y19643 will become more identifiable and will point to some specific direct male descendant of Adam Brouwer with whom that SNP first appeared. It is also hoped that in time, some other persons descended from the original man with the E-BY6201/E-Y19643 SNP, but who are not descended from Adam Brouwer, will also appear. Should this happen it would help identify a new SNP formed more recently than 3,600 ybp to add to the genetic lineage of Adam Brouwer and his male descendants. Those interested in testing are advised to contact the administrators of the Brewer DNA Project with any questions.

PDF: E-M96 Tree

BGB 657