
Friday, December 27, 2019

Brewer - Fayette County, Pennsylvania Deeds, Books C, D, and E

Abstracts of Deeds found in Fayette County, Pennsylvania involving persons named BREWER. A search of the indexes found no persons with the named spelled as BROWER. Land records for Fayette County, including deeds and mortgages can be found online at The links provided in each abstract will lead to the digital image of the deed. It is suggested that you consult the original.

Background: Fayette County, Pennsylvania is in the southwestern part of the state. The present day boundaries have the county bounded, moving clockwise from west to east in Pennsylvania - Greene Co., Washington Co., Westmoreland Co., and Somerset Co. It is bounded on the southeast by Garrett Co., Maryland and on the south and southwest by Preston and Monongalia Counties, West Virginia. Fayette County was formed out of Westmoreland County in 1783. This was after the border between Pennsylvania and Virginia was settled in 1780 but before the U. S. Constitution was ratified in 1787 (in other words, before Pennsylvania was a state). During the 1770s western Pennsylvania (and Virginia) was essentially the "western frontier," about the extent of settlement by European Americans emigrating westward from the eastern seaboard colonies. We know of a few BREWER families descended from both Adam Brouwer of Gowanus and Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, as well as a family descended from Hubert Brower, who came to Philadelphia in 1726, that were present in western Pennsylvania (and the western parts of Virginia) during this early period. Some of these families moved further west during the early 1800s, moving into what would become Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. Connecting these western Pennsylvania BREWER families to their progenitor families has been a challenge. While we have evidence of a broad ancestry based upon Y-DNA testing of living male descendants, we have not yet been able to identify specific, provable, lines of ancestry back to the original ancestor. Perhaps some additional information can be found in these deeds that will help answer some questions. See the posts of November 16, 2013 and December 30, 2013, but please be advised that since these postings additional info has been found. (All localities mentioned are in Fayette Co., Pennsylvania unless otherwise stated).

Deeds C2:720-21. Indenture dated 17 June 1796, Benjamin Brewer, late of Tyrone Township, yeoman, to Hugh Espy, of the county and state aforesaid. Whereas, Benjamin Brewer, by a patent duly had from the secretary's office baring the date 1 May 1796 reference thereunto had, for consideration of the sum of fifty nine pounds paid by Hugh Epsy, conveys a tract or parcel situate in Tyrone Township. Property bounded by Joseph Alexander and John Lee, contains 136+ acres (see deed for full description), together with buildings, improvements, water course rights, etc., granted to Benjamin Brewer by patent above sited. Signed by Benjamin Brewer and Catherine, his wife, both with their marks, "B". Witnesses: Joseph Alexander and Wm. Boyd. Benjamin Brewer acknowledges receipt of 59 pounds, 2 July 1796 (C:722).

Deeds C3:1001-2. Dated 9 February 1797. Benjamin Brewer, late of Tyrone Township, yeoman & Catherine his wife, to Joseph Alexander of county and state aforesaid. Land granted by patent dated 31 May 1796, for consideration of one hundred and seventy five pounds, a tract of land situate in Tyrone Township. Bounded by the lands of James Quigley, Hugh Espy, John Lee, "Moses Smith or William Espy," containing one hundred and fifty nine acres, together with buildings, improvements, water courses, etc. Benjamin and Catherine Brewer sign with their marks ("B"), in the presence of Jacob Stewart and Robert Porter. Benjamin Brewer acknowledges receipt of payment by Joseph Alexander on 9 July 1797. [See Benjamin Brewer here on the BGD].

Deeds C3:1085. Thomas Stafford per attorney to Elias Brewer. Dated 6 September 1797. Thomas Chambers of Jefferson County, State of Kentucky, farmer, to Elias Brewer of the Township of Menallen, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, farmer. Whereas said Elias Brewer obtained a deed of conveyance of a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Township of Menallen aforesaid from Samuel Jackson who appears was legally impowered to make the same and whereas one of the owners of said land was not of age at the time of making said conveyance and she is since married and lives in Kentuckie (sic) State and is now of full age and as it appears that her husband Thomas Stafford hath by a legal power of Attorney impowered the above named Thomas Chambers to confirm and make sum said land unto said Elias Brewer his heirs and assigns forever. For consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty four pounds, ten shillings in hand paid by the said Elias Brewer...a tract of land now in possession of said Elias Brewer being bounded by lands of John Tate, Joseph Dungins, Samuel Grable, John Cadwallder, James Stewart and William Linn... Signed by Thomas Chambers. Witnesses: Timothy Smith, John Allen.

Deeds C3:1134-35. Dated 21 October 1797. Elias Brewer of Menallen Township and Mary his wife to John Tate, Junr., of the same place. For the sum of two hundred and sixty four dollars, a tract of land called Limestone situated on the waters of Great Redstone Creek in the place aforesaid. Eight acres. Signed by Elias Brewer and Mary Brewer. Witnesses: George Lamb, Constantine Hermmons. Acknowledgement by Elias and Mary Brewer, 30th day of the 10 month 1797. [See the post of November 25, 2013].

Deeds D:25. Dated 3 March 1797. John Brown of the Township of Menallen, to Elias Brewer of the same place. For one hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania, a parcel of land in the place aforesaid beginning at a large white oak at the corner of John Tate's land... The property is bounded by land of Caleb Antrum, land of Joseph Dungens, land of Samuel Grable, land of Thomas Stuart and land of William Linn. Containing one hundred and eighty seven acres being part of that tract called Limestone.

Deeds D:30. Dated 25 August 1797. John Brewer of Bullskin Township and Sarah Brewer of Bullskin to Thomas Stokely of the town and county of Washington, Pennsylvania. Whereas the said John Brewer did several years ago settle on and improve a tract of land in the said township of Bullskin, which said tract is adjoining lands of Henry White, lands surveyed under the supervision and direction of Zachariah Connell and lands claimed by one Dunkin and whereas the said John Brewer has some years ago obtained a warrant in his own name for aforesaid tract of land which said warrant calls for sixty acres of land or thereabout - the above named John Brewer and Sarah his wife for consideration of forty pounds, convey to Thomas Stokely the aforesaid warrant and improvements. Signed by John Brewer and Sarah Brewer. Witnesses: An? Barnney? and Caleb Mounts. (See July 14, 2012). [This deed helps clear up just who the John Brewer found on the 1790 U.S. census at Bullskin, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, is. By mention in this deed of his wife, Sarah, the John Brewer of Bullskin would be "John Brewer of Scioto Co., Ohio." The 1790 census record would NOT apply to John Brewer of Washington, Fayette Co. (found there in 1800, 1820 and 1830 and in 1840 at Perry Twp.) whose wife was Mary Martin (see November 25, 2013)].

Deeds D:113. Dated 23 October 1797. Elias Brewer of the Township of Menallen and Mary his wife, to Timothy Smith of the same place. For the sum of sixty five dollars, a tract of land called Limestone lying in the place aforesaid. Beginning at a stone on the line of John Tate, south to a stone, east to a stone on the line of John Tate, Junior, north to the beginning, containing two acres and four perches. Witnesses: George Lamb and Constantine Hermmons. Acknowledged 30 , 10th month, 1797.

Deeds D:320. Dated 25 March 1801. Elias Brewer and Mary his wife of the Township of Menallen, to Joseph Woodmanse of the Township of Redstone. For Two Hundred and Forty Dollars, a lot of land situate upon the waters of big Redstone Creek and the place aforesaid beginning at a white oak at the corner of John Tates land... The parcel bounds that of the Brewers on the south. Containing about fifteen acres. Part of a tract of land which Elias Brewer purchased of the heirs of Jonathan Chambers. Witnesses: Andrew Morrison, Griffith Roberts.

Deeds E:9. Dated 1 December 1800. John Cadwalder Senor and Sarah his wife of the Township of Redstone to John Cadwalder Junior of the same place. For the sum of ninety nine dollars, a lot of land situate on the waters of Roughs Run a branch of Big Redstone Creek in the Township of Redstone aforesaid. Beginning at a stone in the line of Elias Brewer thence west... [Elias Brewer was married to Mary Cadwalder on 29 September 1790 by the Friends Meeting at Westland, Washington Co., Pennsylvania. Mary was a daughter of John and Sarah (Jamison) Cadwalder, and as seen from the deed, the Cadwalders had land that abutted that of Elias Brewer].

Deeds E:9. Dated 1 December 1800 (same as the deed above that immediately precedes it in the book). Elias Brewer and Mary his wife of the Township of Menallen, to John Cadwalder, Junior of the Township of Redstone. For consideration of five hundred and sixteen dollars, a lot of land on the Waters of Roughs Run, a branch of Redstone Creek, in he Township of Manallen aforesaid, beginning at a stone on the line of John Gibson south...containing sixty four acres. Witnesses: John Hank and Mary Rogers.

Deeds E:152. Dated 5 December 1800. William Linn Senior of the Township of Redstone, yeoman, to Elias Brewer, yeoman, of the same place. For consideration of one hundred eighty six dollars, a lot of land situate upon the Waters of Roughs Run, a branch of the big Redstone Creek, beginning at a heap of stones in the line of Samuel Grable, Junr.... The land bounds that of Elias Brewer. Containing three acres. It being the same lot of land conveyed to William Linn by James Dunlap by deed of 13 September 1790. Witnesses: Hugh Shotwell and William Linn, Junr.

This image, downloaded from Wikipedia (article: Redstone Creek), taken from Thadeus Mason Harris,"Journal of a tour in the territory northwest of the Allegheny Mountains made in the spring of the year 1803," shows Redstone Creek (mentioned in some above deeds). It is found in the lower left quadrant in this image, a branch of the Monongahela River.

Rivers of southwestern Pennsylvania in 1803

Redstone Township in History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania with Biographical Sketches  of Many of the Pioneers and Prominent Men, edited by Franklin Ellis (Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882). Menallen Township can be found at page 653. Bullskin Township is at page 485. Tyrone Township (Benjamin Brewer above) is not covered. Modern maps of Fayette County show an Upper Tyrone Township and to its east, Lower Tyrone Township. The two are at the northern line of the county abutting Westmoreland County. To the east of Lower Tyrone is Bullskin, and to the west of Upper Tyrone is Perry Township.

Fayette Co., PA (from Wikipedia, Map of Fayette County, Pennsylvania)
No men named BREWER are covered in the Biographical pieces found in History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. There is a period map in the History following page 8.

Outline Map of Fayette Co. (from Almlie-Talberg-Sord-Dilley A Family History)
Like many volumes of this type, History of Fayette County does not include an index. An Every Name Index, compiled by Cathy L. O'Connor in 2008, can be found online. A search finds only one mention of a BREWER, that being Henry Brewer at page 210, mustered in Nov. 1, 1862, Second Artillery from Fayette County (Civil War), while Elias BREWIN (sic) is at page 183, where he is listed as a Corporal in Capt. Andrew Moore's Company in the service of the United States from October 2, 1812 until April 2, 1813 (six months during the War of 1812). They were of the Second Regiment, Second Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia under Brig.-Gen. Richard Crooks. There is no biographical information on either man. John Cadwalder/Cadwallder is not found in the index, nor is there a Biographical sketch.

No promises here, but time permitting, we'll try to research more deeds (from later years) and follow up with a post is something of interest is found.

BGB 668

Monday, December 23, 2019

Bennet Corrections

Over seven years ago in the post of November 14, 2012, I mentioned corrections to "Willem Adriaense Bennet of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Some of His Descendants," published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, by Wilson V. Ledley beginning with volume 94, number 4 (1962) and ending with volume 95, number 4 (1964). The intention at the time was to follow up with more corrections in posts here on this blog. Well, that didn't happen.

Mike Morrissey, however, has further researched and published a large number of corrections to Ledley's series of articles. They can be found online on his blog, "New Netherland Ancestry," with nine posts dated March 30, 2017. The nine posts each focus on a specific Bennet family and include a genealogical summery reflecting the corrections. Sources are included. This is very professionally done. The work is very good here, and mention of the corrections can be found in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 149 (2018):316 (in Additions and Corrections to Articles in the RECORD). The corrections include the volume and page number from Ledley's articles for each individual being corrected, making it easy to compare the two (the correction and the original) side by side. This is a must reference for Bennet family researchers. There are, unfortunately, a lot of errors in that original publication. Here's list of links to the individual posts:

The Family of Jan3Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#9) and Femmetje Rapalje

The Family of Adriaen3 Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#10) and Barbara Vonk 

The family of Jacob3Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#12) and Barbara Verdon

The Family of Isaac3Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#14) and Magdalena Joosten 

The Family of Abraham3Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#15) and Jannetje Folkerts 

The Family Angeniejte3 Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#16) and Hans Volkerts Van Nostrand 

The Family of Jan3 Bennet (Willem2, Willem1) (#20) and Aeltje Wynans 

The Family of Willem3Bennet (Willem2, Willem1) (#21) and Arriantje Vandewater 

The Family of Jacob3Bennet (Willem2, Willem1) (#22) and Neeltje Beekman

Thank you Mike Morrissey, and my apologies for taking nearly three years to recognize this work!

I must emphasize that if you are using Wilson V. Ledley's published articles in the RECORD, you MUST consult the above pages for the corrections. The two have to be used hand in hand.

In addition, I would recommend exploring Mike's website for other New Netherland families that might be of interest. Many of the families featured in the posts (54 posts to date) are found in Kings County, New York and in New Jersey, two areas where baptismal and marriage records are very incomplete and where very careful research is required. Many of the posts correct previously published accounts (including other articles authored by Wilson V. Ledley) while others feature family summaries that (to my knowledge) are not published elsewhere.

BGB 667

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Quackenbosch-Brouwer Correction

The Brouwer Genealogy Database (BGD) has Marretje Quackenbosch (bapt. 1 Nov 1730 at Tappan), daughter of Jacob Quackenbosch and Anna Brouwer, as the wife of Albert Van der Werken, and as the mother of six Van der Werken children. The source for this claim was Adriana (Quackenbush) Suydam, The Quackenbush Family in Holland and America (Paterson, New Jersey: Quackenbush & Co., 1909), p.50. However, as noted on the BGD profile of Marretje Quackenbosch, William B. Bogardus, Dear "Cousin": A Charted Genealogy of the Descendants of Anneke Jans Bogardus (1605-1663) to the 5th Generation - and of her sister, Marritje Jans (Wilmington, OH, U.S.A.: Anneke Jans and Everardus Bogardus Descendants Association, 1996), chart 7D, states "no further record," for Marretje. William B. Bogardus was correct and The Quackenbush Family and the profile on the BGD are wrong.

The October 2018 issue of the New York Genealogical and Biographical RECORD (vol. 149, no. 4, pp. 313-316) provides the evidence for the correct identification of Albert Van der Werken's wife. The correction is supplied by Susan Kay Skilton as an addition to her article, "Rachel Quackenbush, Child Captive During King George's War" (RECORD 148[2017]:165-73). Here, the wife of Albert Van der Werken is identified as Maria Quackenbush, baptized 2 October 1731 at Albany, daughter of Jacob Quackenbush and Geertruy van der Werken. The piece includes an additional four children for Albert and Maria (Quackenbush) Van der Werken who are not found on the BGD profile.

What became of Marretje Quackenbosch, the daughter of Jacob Quackenbosch and Anna Brouwer, is as yet, unknown.

BGB 666

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Big Y-700

An earlier post today involved new information acquired from Y-chromosome testing using the results of Family Tree DNA's Big Y-700 test. The test is relatively new having been rolled out only about a year ago. We're just starting to see results from tests and the more tests we have the more we'll get to see just how useful the testing is. Rather than try and explain the ins and outs of this new test myself, I thought that I would simply provide some links to other sites online that would provide the interested reader with more information.

We'll start with Family Tree DNA's own white paper on the Big Y-700 test, and the company's Big Y page at their Learning Center.

Your DNA Guide, Big Y-700 Test: When To Use It, by Diahan Southard, August 29, 2019

DNAeXpained, The Big Y Test Increases Again to Big Y-700, Roberta Estes, January 30, 2019

The Genetic Genealogist, Thinking About a BigY Test at Family Tree DNA?, Blaine Bettinger, August 1, 2019.

DNA and Family Tree Research, Getting the most from your new Big Y-700 results, Maurice Gleeson, August 21, 2019.

The last link above suggests some options and provides instructions on uploading your date to the "Big Tree" which is specific to those in the haplogroup R-P312. To date, and to my knowledge, no member of the Brewer DNA Project has yet to be identified with this SNP. Members of the Brewer DNA Project who do order the Big Y-700 should consult Hank Graham, the Project's administrator, for instructions on how to proceed once their Big Y-700 test results are reported. You may also find instruction if you scroll through the Project's Activity Feed page (available to project members only). The Brewer DNA Project uses YFull for further analysis and placement on their YTree. Again, those considering joining the Project, or considering an upgrade to the Big Y-700, should contact the administrators of the Brewer DNA Project with any questions.

As of this post, the Brewer DNA Project has 370 members spread across ten sub-groups (and a set of ungrouped members), of which 112 members have taken one or another version of the Big Y test (at least 65 have taken the Big Y-700).

BGB 665

E-BY6312, Abraham Brouwer (b. by 1667- ) An Update

The post of September 5, 2018, "Status of the Adam Brouwer Sub-Group of the Brewer DNA Project," gave an overview of the seven sons of Adam Brouwer with regards to the status of Y-DNA testing of known descendants at the Brewer DNA Project. This post is directed at no. 6 Abraham Brouwer, who was born by 1667, of whom you can find some background in the post of December 4, 2012. It is important to note that Abraham Brouwer had only two sons (Jeury and Abraham), both of whom left descendants. In September 2018 we had two tested descendants, both descendants of the son Abraham (1706-1755 or 56) who also were closely related (uncle and nephew). Their two tests helped to define a SNP for this branch of Adam Brouwer descendants. That SNP is E-BY6312 which can be seen here on YFull's YTree (current version v7.09.01).

The update is that a third descendant of Abraham Brouwer (b. by 1667), a descendant of the other son, Jeury Brouwer (prob. b. 1700-05, d. by 4 Feb 1784) has taken the BigY-700 test (FamilyTreeDNA)* and the results show that he too has the SNP, E-BY6312. As the three tested descendants of Abraham Brouwer (b. by 1667) share this one SNP that is not found among other tested descendants of Adam Brouwer, and as the three are descended from the two different sons of Abraham (b. by 1667), it appears that we can now state that Abraham Brouwer's branch of descendants from Adam Brouwer can be defined by E-BY6312.

From Hank Graham, Administrator of the Brewer DNA Project, "The above results are the first time we can give a specific sub-clade designation to one son of Adam Brouwer."

Other SNPs are involved here that tell more of a story as related by Hank Graham in an email -

 The results have clarified when the five SNP markers of sub-clade E-BY6312 appeared in the line of Adam's son Abraham ( 1667).  Kit#88228, kit#161350 and kit#438438 share SNPs BY6312 and BY6315 that were present in their Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) Abraham Brouwer (b. by 1667) placing them in sub-clade E-BY6312 of Haplogroup E-BY6201.  Kits#161350 and kit#438438 are placed in a more recent subclade E-BY6313 consisting of  SNPs BY6313, BY6316 and Y56389  that first appeared at various times over seven generations in their common line from Abraham (b. 1706) and their MRCA Leon Brower (b. 1893).  Sub-clade E-BY6313 is a sub-clade of E-BY6312 a sub-clade of Haplogroup E-BY6201.

 The above results are the first time we can give a specific sub-clade designation to one son of Adam Brouwer.  All descendants of Abraham Brouwer (b.by1667) are in sub-clade E-BY6312 consisting of BY6312 and BY6315 and anyone tested for either SNP and found to be have that SNP is a descendant of Abraham Brouwer (b.by1667).  STR marker DYS572=10 in Adam Brouwer descendants tested to the YDNA67 level is a useful hint, not a proof, of descent from Abraham Brouwer (b.by1667).  DYS572 is present in only these three men of the 34 men tested by the YDNA67 test.

 The most significant chromosome variation within a family results when a single nucleotide at a specific location on the Y chromosome  changes from the normal (ancestral) nucleotide at that chromosome location to another (derived) nucleotide at that same position.  These changes are called  private variants, but when a private variants  matches the private variant in another man it  is given a specific name, SNP and the matching SNPs indicate a related subgroup (SUBCLADE) within the family. The time period that the SNP or subclade formed can be estimated by determining the most recent common ancestor of the two men as the most recent time the SNP and subclade could have appeared and combining that with  an earlier common ancestor that  is ancestral for the SNP.  The matching private variants identified by either FTDNA or YFull  with any BigY test result create a virtually absolute proof that the men share a MRCA within the family group.  Subclades and their related SNPs  appear in the line of several of Adam's sons.   E-BY6312 is the first sub- clade in the Adam Brouwer group  that meets the criteria that descendants from other son's of Adam Brouwer (b. ca. 1620) ancestral at the chromosome position of SNPs BY6312 (ChrY 6850508 , Hg38) and BY6315 (ChrY 15719803,  Hg38)  while kits #88228, #161350 and #438438 are derived at those two chromosome positions.

The YFull YTree will not be updated until the new test results are received ans analyzed there, so here a chart of how the Adam Brouwer branch of the YTree now looks:

E-Y19643 (E-BY6201) (Adam Brouwer), f. 3600 ybp[i]
E-BY6245, f. 350 ybp[ii]
E-BY6312 (Abraham Brouwer), f. 350 ybp[iii]
E-BY52688, f. 350 ybp[iv]

[i]YFull YTree, online <>, v7.09.01 (Nov. 25, 2019). TMRCA = 350 ybp. Their common ancestor is Adam1 Brouwer, probably b. 1610-1620 in Cologne, d. 1692 at Gowanus, Long Island, New York.
[ii]Ibid., v7.09.01 (Nov. 25, 2019). TMRCA = 225 ypb. Their known EKA is Peter Brewer, b. ca. 1765 probably in New Jersey, d. 1840 in Hardin Co., Kentucky. The direct paternal ancestry of Peter Brewer, back to Adam1 Brouwer, is not known.
[iii]Ibid., v7.09.01 (Nov. 25, 2019). Their EKA is Abraham2 Brouwer, son of Adam1 Brouwer.
[iv]Ibid., v7.09.01 (Nov. 25, 2019). TMRCA = 350ybp. The EKA of one is Nicholas2 Brouwer, son of Adam1 Brouwer. The EKA of the other is Charles Henry Brower (1820-1860) of Philadelphia, PA whose direct paternal ancestry back to either Nicholas or Adam Brouwer is not known.

Hopefully as more descendants of Adam Brouwer, descendants of his other sons, join the Project and as existing members upgrade to the BigY-700, we will be able to identify identifying SNPs for Adam Brouwer's other six sons.

*In September 2018 the most comprehensive test at FamilyTree was the BigY-500. That test has since been upgraded to the BigY-700. All three tests involved here have been upgraded to the BigY-700.

BGB 664

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Will of Benjamin Brewer of Galena, Indiana (1878) and A Correction

The will of Benjamin Brewer of Galena Township, La Porte Co., Indiana can be found in La Porte County Wills, Book C, pages 73-74. This book was accessed at and the images below were taken from that site. I imagine it can also be found on the website. The will is dated 31 August 1878 and was proved 12 April 1883. This later date forces a correction in the believed date of death for Benjamin. More on that to follow.

The will is brief, and here is a brief abstract:
  • Benjamin Brewer of Galena Township, La Porte Co., Indiana, being of sound mind and memory. To grandson, Benjamin Arthur Brewer, my silver watch and my riding saddle. To my daughter Margaret Van Wagenen, wife of Charles Van Waganen, all rest residue and remainder of my estate of every name and nature whatever whether real, personal or mixed to have and hold the same to her and her heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless to the payment of the following legacies to wit to my granddaughter Henrietta Towner the sum of five hundred dollars for the payment of which I charge my estate and desire that my said daughter Margaret shall enter upon the possession of the said estate as bequeathed and devised to her immediately upon my decease without any administration or legal proceedings whatever. Witnesses: A. P. Ireland, James Moore.
Images of the will pages. Will is on page 73. Proof is on page 74.

La Porte Co., IN Wills C:73 (image from

La Porte Co., IN Wills C:74 (image from
 The only child of Benjamin mentioned in the will is his daughter Margaret, the wife of Charles Van Wagenen. Two grandchildren are mentioned - grandson Benjamin Arthur Brewer, and granddaughter Henrietta Towner.

Benjamin Brewer can be found on the Brouwer Genealogy Database (BGD) here. It is strongly believed that he is a son of Henry Brewer and Jane Hundley, although absolute proof of that has not been found*. We do know from Y-DNA testing (Brewer DNA Project) of direct male descendants that Benjamin is a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island. His direct ancestry back to Adam Brouwer, however, has not been proved. The BGD entry shows a date of death for Benjamin of 6 April 1885, this taken from his memorial (# 73568927) at Find-A-Grave. The page includes a photo of his gravestone. We now know from the date his will was proven, 12 April 1883, that Benjamin had to have been deceased by that date, and so could not have died in 1885. His gravestone is marble (see the photo) and unfortunately inscriptions in marble stones erode with time (largely due to the effects of acid rain). I would assume that the error is simply a misread of a difficult to read inscription. Benjamin's age at death is given as 89 years on the Find-A-Grave page. The age on the BGD is 87 years, 2 months, 9 days which was taken from this page back in 2013. Benjamin's date of birth on the BGD (27 January 1796) is taken from History of La Porte County, Indiana (Chicago: Charles C. Chapman and Co., 1880): 699-700*. This date would be very close to correct (off by a day) if is age at death (87y 2m 9d) is calculated from 6 April 1883, rather than 1885. A date of death of 7 April 1883 would square the published date of birth with the age at death, assuming the later is a correct read (again, the stone is worn).

*History of La Porte County, Indiana (1880), p. 699, gives us Benjamin's date of birth and states that he was born in Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, son of Henry and Jane Brewer. It does not identify Jane's family name, but other evidence has provided the proof that her name was Hundley. As this history was written during Benjamin's lifetime, albeit towards the end, Benjamin himself may have been the source for his date and place of birth and the names of his parents. I suspect it is all reliable.

BGB 663

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New In The October 2019 Issue of The RECORD

The current issue of the New York Genealogical and Biographical RECORD, vol. 150, no. 4, Fall 2019 has been published and includes a piece by Steven Eustis found in the "Additions and Corrections to Articles in The Record," at pages 317-18, that should interest those researching the descendants of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, L. I. Steve's work corrects and adds to William J. Hoffman's, "Brouwer Notes II," which was published in volume 72 (1941), pages 332-37 of tThe RECORD. There, Hoffman discusses the ancestry of Johannes Brouwer who married Catherine Duryea. While the ancestry of Johannes Brouwer, who is seen in the records of his time as either John I. Brower or John J. Brower, is not challenged, Steve's piece in the current issue adds contemporaneous newspaper sources for his death and the death of his brother Abraham Brouwer/Brower. Most importantly, the date of death for Catherine Duryea, given by Hoffman in 1941 as October 1812 (citing a "newspaper notice" without being more specific) is corrected. Catherine (Duryea) Brower died some years previous to Hoffman's claim, and her correct date of death is found in an unpublished family (Bible) record and in a published record of her burial by the Reformed Dutch Church of New York City (see footnote 4 on page 318 for specifics). Steve has been working on the descendants of the brothers John I. and Abraham Brower (sons of Jacob Brouwer and Jannetje Hartje) and hopefully we will be seeing more from Steve on the descendants sometime in the future.

The October 2019 has other articles that should interest those researching early ancestors in New Netherland/New York. "The Hendricks-Burger Parentage of Catharina Davids, and Her Four Marriages," by Michael Rudy and Harry Macy, Jr. (pages 278-84) provides a previously unknown parentage for Catharina Davids who married Coenradt Vanderbeek (her third marriage, his second). Coenradt Vanderbeek is a son of Paulus Van der Beek and Maria Badie, and therefore descendants of this couple are cousins to the descendants of Adam Brouwer and Magdalena Verdon (Coenradt and Magdalena being half-siblings). Catharina Davids can be found as Catherine Cocks on the Brouwer Genealogy Database. The profile of her there is very much incomplete and this article not only provides us with her correct name, but informs us that she was not married just three times, but was married four times and had children by all four husbands.

At page 291, I find mention of an Eliza Brower, born in New York City about 1808/09, died there 4 March 1879, in the article, "Andrew Sinclair (circa 1795-1874) of New York City and His Family," by Scott Wilds (pages 285-296) being a continuation of an article from the previous issue. Eliza Brower was married to John M. Sinclair who died at Roosevelt Hospital, New York City, 9 December 1895, age 78 years (pp. 290-91). I do not know where this Eliza Brower is to be placed among the Brouwer/Brower families of the New York City area. The footnotes provide some clues for places to begin the search.

Also in this issue:
Identifying Samuel Fletcher (1758-1826) of South Hero, Vermont, and Westville, New York, by Denise Engelhardt Cross.
Henry Tucker (1825-1882): Composer of an Erstwhile "Most Popular Song Ever Written in America, by Thomas W. Jones.
The Bengali and English Ancestry of New York City Immigrant Thomas Chapman (1777-1862), by Meryl Schumacker (continued from 150:182).
Early Sicard-Secor Families of New York: Origins of United Empire Loyalist William Secord, by R. Kirk Moulton (continued from 150:220). Many persons named Demarest are found in this article. The Demarests comprise a very large early New Netherland/New York/New Jersey family with many intermarriages with Brouwers.

As the October issue is the year end issue, also included are a list of contents of the articles that were published in the four issues of 2019, a list of contributors, and an every name index to those mentioned in articles.

The New York Genealogical and Biographical RECORD is published quarterly by the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society, based in New York City, and online at Copies of the RECORD are included with a membership. As the RECORD is the second oldest continuously published genealogical journal in the country (since 1870) many libraries are subscribers and issues can often be found in their stacks.

BGB 662

Sunday, November 10, 2019

William Brower and Others to Richard S. Burr, New York County Deed, November 4, 1830

The post of November 4, 2012, "New York County Deeds Index," has been updated with a direct link to the online images for the Grantors Index. Perhaps it's about time to start looking at some individual deeds with the hope of finding at least a few with some genealogical significance. I think I found one of interest with the last deed listed under BROWER in the index (see image 378).

The entry for a deed found in the Grantors index is recorded as William Brower and others (grantors) to Richard S. Burr (grantee). The deed was recorded 27 February 1845 in New York Co. Deeds, vol. 455, p. 480. The deed itself was dated fifteen years earlier, 4 November 1830. An image of the deed is found online here at (image 43 in New York Land Records, 1630-1975, New York, Conveyances 1845 vol 455-457).

The deed involves a Brower family from Monmouth County, New Jersey selling inherited property located in New York City. An abstract:

  • This indenture made 4 November 1830, between James Pearce and Mary his wife, Joseph Shumard and Mary his wife, Joseph Fleming and Margaret his wife, William Brower, David Falkenburg and Hannah his wife, Britton Maxson and Sarah his wife, and John Brower, and Samuel Hulet and Ezediah his wife, all of the Township of Howell in Monmouth County, New Jersey of the first part, and Richard S. Burr, of the same place, of the other part. The parties of the first part, for a consideration of ten dollars paid by the said party of the second part hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained, sold, etc...all right title and interest of the said parties of the first part being descendants and heirs of William Brower of the aforesaid Township of Howell, deceased, of in and to all that certain parcel of land in the City of New York heretofore known as Domines Hook, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. The parties of the first part all sign, some with a mark. Witnesses were Benjamin H. Fielden and Samuel F. Allen who acknowledges on 7 February 1845 in New York, stating that he resides in Howell Township, and that at the time the deed was executed, James Pearce and Mary his wife, Joseph Shumard and Mary his wife, Joseph Fleming and Margaret his wife and Samuel Hulet and Ezediah his wife, resided in the Township of Howell, and that William Brower, David Falkenburg and Hannah his wife, Britton Maxson and Sarah his wife, and John Brower, resided in the Township of Dover, Monmouth Co., New Jersey.
Those above mentioned in the deed as the parties of the first part are all descendants of William Brower or Brewer, whose wife was Sarah Allen, and who was a son of Adam Brewer and Deborah Allen of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., New Jersey. Mary, the wife of James Pearce, was a daughter of William and Sarah, while the others mentioned were grandsons and granddaughters (with their husbands), children of William and Sarah's son, John Brewer/Brower, who had died in late 1811 or early 1812 (inventory of his estate taken 13 Jan 1812). William Brewer, said to have been born 9 May 1722 (a record of this has never been found) can be found here on the Brouwer Genealogy Database. A PDF of the descendants can be found online, those mentioned in the above conveyance are highlighted. Please note that the chart is not a complete account of William Brewer's descendants. Also note that the granddaughter, Ezediah, wife of Samuel Hulett is called Elizabeth in her father, John Brewer's will (the BGD also has her primary name as Elizabeth, but perhaps Ezediah is more correct). I think that this is the first time I've encountered that name, in any family). The grantee in the deed is Richard S. Burr, and the amount he pays for the property is a paltry $10. He is not described as a descendant, but the low sum does leave open the question as to whether or not Richard S. Burr somehow another descendant of William Brewer.

The conveyance calls the property being sold, "Domine's Hook," so the question arises, where is Domine's Hook? The only references to this name that I find refers to a place which is now known as Hunter's Point, which is in the Borough of Queens, which is of course today within New York City, but back in 1830 was not. Yet, the deed says that the land is in the City of New York. And the deed is recorded in New York County and not in Queens County. Domine's Hook is mentioned in the Minutes of the Executive Council of the Province of New York during the December 1670 session (see Volume 1 of the Minutes of the Executive Council of New York, p. 62). The editor's footnote (2) here tells us that Domine's Hooke is situated, "up the East River at the mouth of Mespath Kill (now Newtown Creek), and consisting of one hundred and thirty acres of upland and meadow, being the section of late called Hunter's Point," and adds, "This tract had been given to Domine Everardus Bogardus and was named from him." William Brewer was a great-great grandson of Everardus Bogardus and his wife Anneke Jans. So, now I'm wondering, was this sale somehow related to hype from this time over the rightful inheritance to an imaged fortune due the heirs of Anneke Jans?

At any rate, the deed itself is one involving persons living in Monmouth County, New Jersey, selling property in another state, New York, by a deed recorded in New York and it is useful in a genealogical sense as it could be used as proof of the relationship of those who were principals in the deed to William Brewer/Brower who is known to be a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus (and of the infamous Anneke Jans). If nothing else it serves as an example of the need to widen one's search area beyond the immediate vicinity when looking for evidence of family relationships.

This deed can also be found in Monmouth Co., New Jersey Deeds X2:144.

BGB 661

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Monmouth County, New Jersey, Records of Deeds, Grantors Index K-R

Continuing with the search of BROWERs, BREWERs and BRUEREs found among the grantors indexes of Monmouth County, New Jersey, now with the letter K which begins at image 149 online at The format remains: Date (that the deed was recorded), Grantor, Grantee, Book:Page.

Grantor Index, Given Name K-R

(There are no entries that begin with either the letter K or the letter L)

The letter M begins at image 154.
  • 1830 April 27, Bruere, Mary D., James Brewer, et al (Exrs), V2:240
  • 1831 April 26, Brower, Margaret, dec'd (by heir), John Cook, X2:468
  • 1833 Jan 30, Brewer, Mary, et al, John I. Hulet, C3:240
(There are no entries that begin with either the letter N or the letter O)

The letter P begins at image 164
  • 1808 April 27, Bruere, Peter, Price, et al (Exrs), John H. Bruere, R:267
  • 1825 April 26, Bruere, Peter, et al (Exrs), Samuel Bunting, I2:431
  • 1826 April 26, Bruere, Price, et al (Trustees), Richard M. Stout, et al (Trustees), L2:139
  • 1826 April 27, Bruere, Peter, Price (Exrs), William McGill, L2:372
  • 1826 Oct 17, Bruere, Peter, Price (Exrs), Joseph Miller, Jr., M2:222
  • 1828 April 23, Bruere, Price (Adm), Martha Blackwell, Q2:6
  • 1829 April 28, Bruere, Price dec'd (by Exrs), Samuel Hendrickson, R2:402
  • 1829 May 15, Bruere, Peter, et al (Exrs), Elleanor Bills, R2:511
  • 1830 April 27, Bruere, Price dec'd (by Exrs), Nicholas Waln,V2:241
  • 1830 Sept 11, Bruere, Price dec'd (by Exrs), John H. Bruere, W2:278
  • 1832 April 24, Bruere, Peter, et al (Exrs), Joseph Holmes, A3:246
  • 1832 Aug 1, Bruere, Peter, ux, et al, John Estell, B3:210
  • 1837 April 3, Brewer, Peter, Price (Exrs), Henry Waggoner, Q3:30
  • 1841 Aug 10, Brewer, Peter, John L. Newbold, G4:260
(There are no entries for the letter Q)

The letter R begins at image 170.
  • 1817 Sept 20, Bruere, Richard, George Sinclair, A2:191
  • 1819 April 29, Bruere, Richard, John R. Emley, B2:293
  • 1825 April 26, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Moses Ivins, I2:478
  • 1825 Sept 8, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Samuel G. Wright, K2:277
  • 1825 Sept 8, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Samuel G. Wright, K2:279
  • 1825 Sept 8, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Samuel G. Wright, K282
  • 1825 Dec 5, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Isaac Vanhice, K2:456
  • 1826 March 17, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Enoch Jones, L2:86
  • 1829 April 28, Bruere, Richard, et al (Exrs), John McGee, R2:286
  • 1829 June 18, Bruere, Richard, Richard M. Stout, S2:108
  • 1829 Oct 28, Bruere, Richard, et al (Adms), Abner Woodward, T2:116
  • 1830 April 27, Bruere, Richard, et al (Exrs), Nicholas Wahn, V2:241
  • 1830 Sept 11, Bruere, Richard, et al (Exrs), John H. Bruere, W2:278
  • 1832 July 24, Bruere, Richard, Lydia Robbins, B3:120
  • 1834 July 22, Bruere, Richard, Lawrence Taylor, G3:158
  • 1838 Nov 3, Brewer, Richard, et al (Adms), William Davis, V3:311
  • 1839 Nov 20, Brewer, Robert, dec'd (by heirs), William H. Brewer, Y3:237
  • 1839 Nov 20, Brewer, Robert, dec'd (by heirs), William H. Brewer, Y3:238
  • 1840 Jan 31, Brewer, Robert, dec'd (by heirs), William H. Brewer, Y3:475
  • 1842 Oct 14, Brower, Robert, et al (by Shiff), John H. Pettit, F4:408
  • 1842 Oct 18, Brewer, Robert, dec'd (by heir), William H. Brewer, G4:332
  • 1845 April 24, Bruere, Richard, Abel Cafferty, O4:449
  • 1845 May 3, Brower, Robert, et al, William Curtis, Q4:75
  • 1846 Dec 10, Bruere, Richard, Margaret Williams, Y4:432
  • 1847 Feb 3, Bruere, Richard, Ephraim J. Liming, A5:73 
  • 1847 April 1, Brower, Robert, et al, John D. Brower, A5:312
  • 1847 April 1, Brower, Robert, et al, George F. Burroughs, et al, A5:313
  • 1847 Aug 3, Bruere, Richard, Jonathan Bruere, B5:390
  • 1847 June 14, Brower, Robert, dec'd (by heir), George F. Burroughs, et al, C5:265
  • 1848 Jan 12, Bruere, Richard, James Bruere, E5:248
  • 1848 June 3, Brewer, Robert W., ux, Forman Morris, G5:95
  • 1850 Feb 28, Bruere, Richard, dec'd (by Adms), William Davis, L5:593
  • 1850 May 14, Bruere, Richard, dec'd (by Adms), George Borden, N5:453
  • 1850 Sept 14, Bruere, Richard, dec'd (by Adms), James S. Parker, P5:204
  • 1852 April 26, Brower, Robert W., ux, Samuel Rogers, T5:492
  • 1854 Dec 7, Brower, Robert, ux, Timothy White, Jr., H6:86
The index for those whose given names begin with the letter R ends at image 173. A lot of BRUEREs in the above list, and a lot of deeds involving sales by Administrators, Executors and Heirs, so there should be plenty of genealogical information found in many of these deeds.

BGB 660