
Sunday, November 15, 2020

BROWER and BREWER in American Biography: A New Cyclopedia

 I may or may not have previously made this file from the William B. Bogardus Collection available online. I came across it again while working on cleaning up and reorganizing all that I've collected over the past two decades. So, in the event that I haven't done this before, here is a link to a twenty-six page PDF of pages from American Biography: A New Cyclopedia. This is a large multi-volume work spanning many years and you can find a bit more, including links to various volumes, online at Hathi Trust Digital Library. Volumes are also probably available through Google Books and the Internet Archive and perhaps other websites. You'll have to poke around.

William B. Bogardus collected the pages pertaining to men named BROWER and BREWER, and I scanned them all into one PDF document with Bill's index card notes at the forefront. There are eight or nine different profiles here. Some also appear in other late 19th and early 20th century works that are similar in scope to American Biography: A New Cyclopedia, but I don't believe any of the others have as many men profiled. The PDF I created is now online and available here with this link

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