
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Jan Brouwer Group Report on 23 BigY Participants: Abstract

 This abstract is from Hank Graham, Administrator of the Brewer DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA. He has recently completed a report of his analysis of BigY test results of participants in the Jan Brouwer Group of the Brewer DNA Project. His abstract was posted to the Project's Activity Feed page which is only available to members of the Brewer DNA Project. Hank has given permission to reproduce the abstract here.


 Johannes Brouwer had five sons, but only two sons, Pieter Brouwer b. 1660 and Derck Brouwer bpt.1666, had sons whose male Brower/Brewer lines continue to the present time. Based on the research of Richard Brewer and Chris Chester there are six grandsons and most of their approximately 18 sons in Gen.4 expected to have living paternal line male descendants. In Gen.5, there are 32 known sons from ten of the 18 Gen.4 men are , but this is an undercount because sons from eight of the known Gen.4 Brouwer great grandsons of Johannes Brouwer are not represented and the Johannes Brouwer descendants in the Rose and other Families are not represented in the count. A greater estimate of the Gen.5 male Brouwer/Rose and other surname descendants is not 32, but approximately 50-60. The missing sons and later grandsons of the 18 Gen.4 men create a different picture of the continuous paternal lines of Johannes Brouwer – 2 sons, 6 grandsons, 18 great grandsons, and about 50-60 great great grandsons. 

The first five generation of the Jan Brouwer Family is located here: “Descendants of Jan Brouwer, of Flatlands, L.I.” provided by Chris Chester on 15 June 2018.

In this report focus is on four sons of Derck Brouwer bpt.1666 - Each of Derck's sons named a child after their father: 

1) Derck’s son Jan Brouwer bpt. 9 June 1695 m. Aegje Sprong – three Brouwer sons, Jan 1726, Derck 1730 ,and unnamed “last and youngest son” 1732 ( a descendant of Jan b. 1726, has a proven pedigree). 

 2) Derck’s son Elias Brouwer b. ca. 1697 m Lena Willemse -three Brouwer sons, Dirck bpt.1732, David bpt. 1738, and Elias bpt.1740 (a descendant of Elias bpt. 1740 descendant, has a proven pedigree). 

3) Derck’s assumed son Pieter m. Susanna Titsoort - three Brouwer sons, Petrus bpt.1732, Abraham bpt.1734 , Dirck bpt.1743 (two descendants of Abraham 1734 through his son Pieter have good pedigrees). 

4) Derck’s son Jacob Brouwer m. Marike – one Brouwer son, Dirck bpt 1737. 

For Brewer Project members to complete their pedigree back to Johannes Brouwer (Gen.1), uncertainty / aka. brick walls appear between Gen.7 and Gen.3 the grandson level Beginning in Gen.4 and Gen.5 several forenames and their variations (for example Jan/John, Derck/Derick/Richard, and Elias) appear in multiple lines of the family with many similarly named men with close birthdates. The grandsons and great grandson’s families began to migrate at the beginning of the 18th century making it difficult to follow, with certainty, the paper trails of Brewer/Brower with the common forenames Jan/John, Derck/Dirck/Richard, or Elias. The identification of SNP and STR markers that identify the lines of three grandsons of Johannes Brouwer, makes it possible to follow their lines, with less ambiguity, to their living descendants (the BigY participants). 

 Genetically proven descendants of Johannes Brouwer with a surname other than Brower or Brewer (Rose, or Embody) have the additional challenge of identifying the time of an event that connects their surname line with their biological Brouwer ancestors. 

The following summarizes the SNP and STR results of Gen3. to Gen.5 of the Brower/Brewer families of four of grandsons of Johannes Brouwer and his son Derck : 

1- I-FT135755+ paper trail -Descendants of Pieter Brouwer 1700 includes Rose and Embody Families (8 Men). 

a. STR FTY466=12>11 – Descendants of Abraham Brouwer b. 1734 (3 Men) 

b. I-FT210419 + paper trail - Descendants of Pieter Brouwer son of Abraham (2 Men) 

 2- I-Y7214* and STR DYS523 =15>16 - Descendants of Elias Brouwer 1697 (7 Men) 

 a. DYS19=15>16 + paper trail – Descendants of Elias Brouwer b. 1740, proved by Richard Brewer (1 Man) 

b. STR DYS523=15>16 and DYS19=15 Descendants of brothers Dirk Brouwer bpt 1732 or David Brouwer b. 1738 (4 Men with YFull test + 2 Men no YFull Test) 

c. YFull STRs DYR125.2=25>26 and DYR170=36>35 – probable descendants of Dirk Brouwer bpt. 1732 (3 Men) 

d. YFull STR DYR164=25>26 Descendants of John Brewer d. bef. May 1808, Scioto Co., Ohio (2 Men) 

3- I-FT175879 - Descendants of Jacob Brouwer b. between 1700-1703 and his only son Dirck b. 1737 (3 Men) 

4- I-Y87452 combined with I-Y7214* from FTDNA and Nebula Genomics on YFull - Descendants of Jan Brouwer b. 1695- d 1732 (4 Men) 

These SNP and STR markers will be helpful identifying the lines of participants and overcoming their brick walls in the 1700s. 

 Full report will be sent to the participants, and a special thanks to Richard Brewer, Chris Chester and Marg Bond and the BigY participants for their contributions to this effort.


 The branch of Jan Brouwer's descendants on YFull's Y-Tree can be found here (classic view) and here (live view). The above SNPs (in Bold) can be seen, with the exception of I-FT210419, can be seen on the Y-Trees.

Questions regarding the Brewer Y-DNA Project should be directed to the administrators of the Project. Contact links are available on the Project's home page. As I have done for many years now, I would encourage any direct male descendants of Jan Brouwer, or those who think they may be direct male descendants, to join the Project by taking a Y-DNA test. Current members of the Project's Jan Brouwer Group, who have not yet upgraded to the Big-Y700 test, are encouraged to do so. Over the years the Project has been valuable in helping members solve, or at least narrow down, their previously unknown lines of ancestry back to Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, Long Island. Hank Graham's full report itself, available only to participating members of the Brewer DNA Project, would be valuable to those researching their ancestry back to Jan Brouwer. 

BGB 707