
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Update of the Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L.I. Branch on YFull's Y-Tree

 This post takes a quick look at the Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L.I. branch as found on YFull's Y-Tree v10.02.00 (6 April 2022 (classic view). This link takes you to the live view, which includes tests that have come in since the previous update, but have not yet been completely analyzed. The simple chart very clearly illustrates the relationships of the sub-branches within the Jan Brouwer branch. 

As of this post, the Jan Brouwer sub-group at the Brewer DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA which is not directly associated with YFull), has 40 members, 23 of whom have taken the BigY test (either the original 500 SNP version or the newer BigY-700). The current Y-Tree at YFull includes 19 of the 23 who have taken FTDNA's BigY test.

Those who are familiar with what has been published on this website over the past eleven years of existence know that descendants of Jan Brouwer are identified by the SNP I-Y7214. Learning as to whether or not an individual is positive for I-Y7214 requires taking a BigY-700 test. Those who take the less expensive STR marker tests will see a "predicted" results identifying them as I-M223*. This SNP dates much further back in time. YFull calculates that it was formed 17,400 year before present (ybp), and the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for those within this branch (or clade) is 14,600 ybp. When we look at I-M233 on the YTree we see that it includes many different sub-branches, I-Y7214 being only one such branch. YFull's estimation for the formation of I-Y7214 is 4200 ybp. Their estimated time to most recent common ancestor (which thus far only includes individuals who we know are descendants of Jan Brouwer) is 250 ypb. We have, for a number of years now, estimated Jan Brouwer's birth as "ca. 1628." He apparently died in late 1702 or perhaps 1703, and so actually lived between 320 and about 394 ybp.

We now have four sub-branches of I-Y7214 that have been identified by BigY tests. This is best seen on the simple chart that was mentioned above. Eight of the Project's 19 BigY tested members, who are also on the YFull YTree are identified by the "parent" branch I-Y7214. The four sub-branches are identified by the SNPs I-Y87452, I-FT175879, I-FT135755, and I-Y41503, which is itself a sub-branch of I-FT135755.

I-Y87452 is identified by two members of the Project. Their known, or at least strongly believed, common ancestor is Elias Brower/Brewer who was likely born during the decade of 1725-1735 and is certainly a great-grandson of Jan Brouwer. See the post of April 3, 2022 and No. 20 in the "Summary of the Male Descendants of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L.I. during the Colonial Period."

I-FT175879 is identified by three members of the Project. Their known paternal ancestries lead back to three different men who lived in Hunterdon County, New Jersey during the mid to late 1700s. The three are Phineas Brewer, Wright Brewer, and Richard Brewer who is likely a son of a William Brewer. Phineas, Wright and William are likely brothers. See the post of April 12, 2022.

I-FT135755 is identified by six individuals, two of whom also identify the sub-branch I-Y41503. Of the six tested individuals, one is a direct descendant of Richard Brower (Oneida and Oswego Counties, New York) who is believed to have been a son of David Brower of Lee, Oneida Co., New York. See the post of April 12, 2022. A second individual has the surname Embody, but as evident from his Y-DNA tests, is unquestionably a descendant of Jan Brouwer. Where the "non-paternal event" (NPE) occured between his Embody ancestor and a male descendant of Jan Brouwer, has not been determined. See the post of April 3, 2022. The remaining four individuals are all descendants of John Rose. The two individuals who identify I-Y41503 are both descendants of John Rose's son Anthony Rose (1792-1857). I-Y41503 is now a SNP that will help descendants of John Rose confirm whether or not they are also descendants of John Rose's son Anthony Rose. See the post of March 28, 2022.

The addition of the BigY-700 test to FamilyTreeDNA's lineup of Y-DNA tests, and the increased participation of members of the Brewer DNA Project taking this test has very much enhanced our ability to reconstruct the earlier generations of Jan Brouwer's descendants. It is certain that if the members who have not yet upgraded to the BigY-700 test would do so, we would likely be able to solve the problems of the still broken and uncertain lines of ancestry for many of the participants. And of course new members are always welcome. Please contact the administrators of the Brewer DNA Project if you have an interest, and with any questions. 

For those who would like to see an animation of the theoretical computed path of migration of I-Y7214, see this page at the Phylogeograher's "mygrations" website.

From this end I hope in the coming weeks to find the time to review the Adam Brouwer branch, E-Y19643 on the YFull Y-Tree. I would also like to begin working through a still large number of unidentified BROUWERs, BROWERs and BREWERs from the colonial period that I have some information on.

*There is a group project for I-M233 at FamilyTreeDNA.

BGB 719

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Research in New Jersey - An Update to Links

 Some years ago I established a "New Jersey Documents" page on this website. A number of the documents here were housed online at RootsWeb's Free Pages which had problems in the past and it appears that some of the documents placed there cannot be accessed any longer. Below are some new links for the documents.

Bridgewater Inhabitants, 1777, SCHQ v. 1 (1983)

Church Records in the SCHQ, 1912-1919 

Counties of New Jersey

Brouwer-Brower-Bewer Found in New Jersey Calendar of Wills

Early Hunterdon County Deeds 

The individual documents for the 1753 Freeholders at Bedminster, Bridgewater, Eastern Precinct, North Precinct and Western Precinct, Somerset County, are lost. These lists were published in the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 17 (1942) which includes North, Bedminster, Bridgewater and Western Precinct and in vol. 18 (1943) which includes the Eastern Precinct. All are found in this one PDF.

Hunterdon County Tax Payers, 1778-1797 (Wm. B. Bogardus Collection)

Hillsborough RDC SCGQ v.1 (1983)

Raritan Baptisms, SCHQ v.2 (1913)

Raritan Baptisms, SCHG v.3 (1914)

Raritan Baptisms, SCHQ v.4 (1915)  

Somerset County Freeholders, 1790

Somerset County Historical Quarterly (SCHQ) Contents (Wm. B. Bogardus Collection)

The Somerset County Historical Quarterly was published from 1912 to 1919 by A. Van Doren Honeyman. Digital copies are available online at the Internet Archives site.

Recently Hank Graham, Administrator of the Brewer DNA Project, sent me links to searchable databases at the New Jersey State Archives website. These include Birth, Marriage and Death Records; Land, Probate and Court Records; Military and Wartime Records; and Photograph Collections. Copies of individual records do have to be purchased from the State Archives, however, the index entries do provide, in many cases, enough information. The Early Land Records, in particular, give a good deal of information and the search results are not limited to just grantors and grantees. Results also include mentions of a name when it appears within a deed as an adjoining land owner or witness. Supreme Court Case Files, 1704-1844, show 115 results for the surname BREWER, 36 for the surname BROWER, 29 for BRUER/BRUERE and even 2 for the surname BROUWER. Some are from the colonial period, including one for an Eldrick Brower in Hunterdon County in 1761, a name at this location and time that was heretofore unknown to me (could this be an Uldrick Brouwer?). Poke around, you might find something of interest.

BGB 718

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Hunterdon County, New Jersey Deeds - Samuel Brewer and Rebekah His Wife of Amwell Twp.

 Abstracts of deeds from Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Also see the post of August 10, 2021.

Year Grantor Book:Page Grantee

1802 Samuel Brewer  8:3 Thomas Wilson: Dated 1 May 1802. Samuel Brewer and Rebekah his wife of Amwell Township, to Thomas Wilson of the same place, for four hundred and eighty pounds lawful money, convey two certain lots or parcels of land situated in the township aforesaid and bounded as follows. Lot no. 1 begins at a post corner to Aaron Pealls land and from there runs north fourteen degrees west twenty six chains on line of John Lamberts land to a hickory tree marked for a corner thence by land of Garret Vandolah north fifty degrees east twenty chains to a (?) and stone for a corner thence south fourteen degrees east twenty six chains to a stone corner in a line of the aforesaid Aaron Pealls land then along the same south forty seven degrees west twenty six chains to the first mentioned corner, and contains fifty acres of land. Lot no. 2 begins at a stone corner in line of the aforesaid Aaron Peall's and thence runs north eighteen degrees west twenty seven chains to a stone corner in the line of the aforesaid Garret Vandolah's land then along the same north forty six degrees east three chains and thirty two links to a large white oak tree for a corner then eighteen degrees east twenty seven chains to a corner then south forty six degrees west three chains and thirty two links to the place of beginning containing eight acres of land... Signed by Samuel Brewer and Rebekah Brewer. Witnesses Jno. Lambert and J(?) Coryell. Recorded September 25, 1802.

1805 Samuel Brewer 11:331 Jonathan Smith: Dated 11 May 1804. Samuel Brewer of the Township of Amwell and Rebecca his wife convey to Jonathan Smith of the Township of Hopewell, Hunterdon County, for the sum of four hundred and thirty seven dollars and thirty three cents, one certain messauge or tract of land situated in the Township of Amwell, butted and bounded as follows beginning at a stone standing in the line of Robert Lanning also in the township line thence north eighty six degrees east fourteen chains sixty six links to a stone corner to said Henry Phillips in the township line thence north thirteen degrees west fifteen chains seventy five links to a Line Tree in said Phillips line thence south sixty degrees west six chains to a hickory bush for a corner thence north eighty six and a fourth degrees west nine chains and seven links to a stone for a corner thence south thirteen degrees east fourteen chains fifty six links to the beginning, containing twenty and a half acres of land...with appurtenances, privileges, etc. Signed Samuel Brewer, Rebekah Brewer. Witnesses: Geo. Holcombe, John Rose. Acknowledged by Samuel Brewer and Rebekah Brewer, examined apart from her husband, 18 May 1805 by John Smith one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas.

Notes: I have not identified Samuel and Rebekah Brewer. It must be remembered that Hunterdon County was home to descendants of both Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L.I. and of descendants of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, L.I., although I have the impression there were more of the former compared to the latter. The will of John Barber of Amwell, Hunterdon County, dated 22 February 1795, was witnessed by William Taylor, Samuel Brewer and William Naylor. Inventory of the estate of John Barber was taken 1 August 1795, by Samuel Brewer and William Taylor [Elmer T. Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey First Series Vol.37; Calender of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Vol. 8, 1791-1795 (Jersey City, N.J.: Scott Printing Co., Printers, 1942):27]. I would suspect that the Samuel Brewer of the deeds and the one who witnessed the will were one and the same persons. If so, Samuel was an adult by 1795, and so was born by at least 1774 and probably earlier, even as early as 1740s or 1750s. As such he would have been among the fourth or fifth generation descended from either Jan Brouwer or Adam Brouwer, that is either a great-grandson or great-great grandson of one or the other.

BGB 717


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Reviewing the Unplaced Genetic Descendants of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L.I. Revisited (Part VI)

 We continue from the post of April 3, 2022 with Part VI of the series that began with the March 19, 2022 post will cover a few unplaced genetic descendants of Jan Brouwer that were discovered since the original 2015 review was published. Again, you will also want to consult the new Summary of the Male Descendants of Jan Brouwer, published March 24, 2022. Y-DNA testing and analysis referred to is done through the Brewer DNA Project, Hank Graham, administrator. It is suggested that anyone interested in either upgrading their current Y-DNA tests to the advanced BigY-700, or considering the use of Y-DNA testing to augment their traditional genealogical research, contact the Brewer DNA Project and Hank directly through email available on the Project's webpage

Richard Brower, b. ca. 1804 (age 46, born in New York, on the 1850 U.S. census at Lee, Oneida County, New York. He was living in 1870 at Albion, Oswego County, New York, age 65. I have not found a record of probate for Richard Brower. Research done to date is summed up in the post of June 20, 2019, "Early Browers of Lee, Oneida County, New York." It is conceivable that Richard Brower is a son of David Brower, said to have been born about 1771 (unverified) and was married to Roxie Williams (also unverified) who would have been aged 40-50 years in 1830, assuming she is the female of that age range found in David Brower's (age 50-60) household at Lee, New York. David Brower is also in Lee, New York on the 1840 U.S. census (age 60-70). Here the oldest female (presumably Roxie) is age 50-60. David Brower is said to have died in 1845 at Lee Center. He is not found on the 1850 U.S. census. The new information here is Y-DNA test analysis from the results of a direct male descendant of Richard Brower who took the BigY-700 test with the Brewer DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA. The BigY-700 test results identify the SNP I-FT135755 as a sub-branch of the Jan Brouwer group. The direct descendant shares this SNP with the members of the group who are descendants of John Rose (March 28, 2022), and with the Embody descendant (April 3, 2022). No other descendants who have the Brower surname have yet to be identified (there are a number who have not upgraded to the BigY-700 test). Analysis of the Y-DNA test results by Hank Graham, administrator of the Brewer DNA Project, and as relayed to me by Hank, tells us that Richard Brower's tested descendant, and therefore Richard Brower himself, is a descendant of Pieter Brouwer (No. 9 in the Summary), and that the SNP I-FT135755 is an identifying SNP for descendants of Pieter Brouwer (No. 9). In addition, analysis of a values for a certain STR marker (FTY466) suggest that the tested descendant is a descendant of Abraham Brouwer (No. 25). Assuming this is correct, Richard Brower, b. ca. 1804 would likely be a grandson of Abraham Brouwer (No. 25) who was baptized in 1734. Richard Brower's claimed father, David Brower, said to have been born about 1771, would then be a son of Abraham (No. 25). Finding traditional genealogical proof to verify these proposed relationships should be searched for in Oneida and Schenectady, and Albany counties. 

Three new unplaced descendants of Jan Brouwer form a new genetic sub-branch. The three, having joined the Brewer DNA Project in just the past couple of years, have all taken the BigY-700 test. The results identified a common SNP, I-FT175879, that is shared by all three. The three participants each trace their known direct paternal ancestries back to ancestors who lived where born in the second half of the 1700s, and who lived in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. The three ancestors are Wright Brewer, Phineas Brewer, and Richard Brewer, who is said to be a son of William Brewer and his wife, Anna King. Wright Brewer, William Brewer and Phines Brewer are all three, found in the 1792 Hunterdon County Militia roll at Amwell Township (see the post of March 3, 2020). Wright Brewer was probably born during the decade of 1755-1765 (age on various census records, see the March 3, 2020 post). In 1850, Phineas Brewer is found on the U.S. census at Roaring Creek, Montour Co., Pennsylvania, age 81, born in New Jersey. William Brewer is found on the 1830 U.S. census at Alexandria, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey, age 60-70, so born during the decade of 1760-1770. The marriage of William Brewer and Anna King, 14 July 1803, in Hunterdon County, is recorded in the Haverford, Pennsylvania Quaker Meeting Records, 1710-1895. William Brewer's son, Richard Brewer was age 40, born in Pennsylvania, on the 1850 U.S. census at Raritan, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey. His wife was Miriam Lundy, and they were married 1 October 1842 in Hunterdon County. In 1880, Richard Brewer is recorded as age 67, born in Pennsylvania, with both parents born in New Jersey (U.S. census at East Amwell, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey). Richard Brewer was probably born around 1810. He died 10 December 1889 at Alexandria, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey. Only cursory research has been attempted on these three (Wright, Phineas and William) but it is apparent from the Y-DNA test results that they are clearly closely related, probably brothers, and that they would fit in as fifth generation descendants (great-great grandsons) of Jan Brouwer. The Brewer DNA Project's assessment currently places the three as probably sons of Dirck Brouwer (No. 27), a son of Jacob Brouwer (No. 10). 

This concludes the series of six posts that began with the post of March 19, 2022. As time permits I will follow up in the future with a review of the Jan Brouwer branch (I-Y7214) of the Y-Tree at YFull, and perhaps additional posts on research in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. I would ask that any one using these posts to further their own research to please share any new information by using the Comments feature that is available with each individual post. Thank you.

BGB 716

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Reviewing the Unplaced Genetic Descendants of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, L.I. Revisited (Part V)

 This series of posts began with the post of March 19, 2022. The previous post is from March 30, 2022. Relative reports to this series are the 2015 Review of the Early Generations of Descendants of Jan Brouwer..., and Summary of the Male Descendants of Jan Brouwer..., which was published March 24, 2022. You'll want to refer to both when using this post. We continue with...

Richard Brouwer on pages 13-14 of the 2015 review. His name appears variously in records as Richard Brewer, Derick Brewer, Richard Brower, Richerd Brauer, and Rishert Brauer. He married Mary Blann prior to 1779, their eldest known child being baptized 31 January 1779 at Schenectady, New York. He is at Duanesburgh in Albany County in 1790 (U.S. census), and then at Walton, Delaware Co., New York on the 1800 U.S. census, where he is age "over 45." In 1810 and in 1820 he is at Tompkins, Delaware Co., New York, his age given as "over 45" on both census. He is not found on the 1830 census and is presumed to have died before then. A record of probate has not been found. A biography of Richard's son of the same name, Richard Brewer (also Derick Brewer), baptized in 1795 at the Helderbergh Reformed Church at Guilderland, Albany Co., New York, died in 1890 at Florence, Erie Co., Ohio, and published in "Firelands Pioneer" by the Firelands Historical Society in 1878 states that the elder Richard had fourteen children, and that the younger Richard was the youngest. We've been able to account for six of the fourteen. If Richard was the youngest, then the unknown eight had to have been born prior to 1779 which might push Richard Brouwer and Mary Blann's marriage back another 14 or more years to 1765 or earlier. Since Richard is over age 45 in 1800, he was at least born by 1755. If married by say 1765, he could have been born in the decade of 1735-1745, and in 1820 would have been 75 to 85 years old. We have not found any new information since the 2015 review was published. One direct male descendant has taken a Y-DNA test (he is a descendant of the younger Richard Brewer). Unfortunately he has only tested at the initial 37 STR marker level, which does confirm that he is a descendant of Jan Brouwer, but does not provide enough data to analyze and search for any closer relationships within the group. An upgrade to the BigY-700 is recommended. Pieter Brouwer who follows was also found at Duanesburgh, as was his father, Abraham Brouwer (No. 25). Abraham's younger brother, Dirck (No. 26) who was baptized in 1743 at Readington, could be Richard Brouwer, who did name a son, Petrus (Peter). An alternative could be that he is Dirck (No. 27) who was baptized in 1737. All things considered, the former of these two possibilities is favored. An a BigY-700 test could very well confirm this possibility.

Pieter Brouwer (pages 14-15) mentioned just above, probably was born between 1755 and 1763, married Catrina Chrisler (Crisler and other spellings) bef 1783, their first child, son Abraham being baptized 25 June 1783 at Schenectady. Pieter Brouwer is also recorded as Peter Brewer, Peter Brower and Pieter Broer. We find Pieter on the U.S. census in 1790 and in 1800 at Duanesburgh, New York. He is on an 1802 tax roll at Princetown, New York, and in 1803 at Duanesburgh. I have not identified him after 1803. Pieter and Catrina had six known children baptized between 1783 and 1792 at the Reformed Churches at either Schenectady or Schoharie. Since the 2015 review, the Brewer DNA Project has seen the original Y-DNA tested descendant upgrade to the BigY test, and two additional descendants have joined, one being a son of the original participant. The father and son pair are descendants of Pieter's son Abraham who was baptized in 1783 at Schenectady. The third participant is a descendant of Pieter's son Lewis Brewer, baptized as Ludewig, son of "Pieter Broer and Cath.," at Schoharie in 1789. As mentioned in the new Summary (see Abraham, No. 25), the BigY-700 tests have given us a unique identifying SNP for this line, I-FT210419. As mentioned above, the tested descendant of Richard Brouwer would benefit by upgrading to the BigY-700 to see how the results would match those of Pieter Brouwer. We can confidently say that Pieter Brouwer is a fifth generation descendant of Jan Brouwer (a great-great grandson), and that his father was Abraham Brouwer (No. 25). The ancestry of this previously unplaced genetic descendant has been solved.

Embody (pages 15-16). As stated in the 2015 review, we do know the Y-DNA tested descendant's Embody ancestry back to Henry Embody, born in Berks Co., Pennsylvania in 1745 and later of Minden, Montgomery Co., New York. We also know that genetically the participant is not related through his paternal line to other male descendants of Henry Embody, but is instead related to male descendants of Jan Brouwer. Since the 2015 review, the participant has upgraded to the BigY-700 test and his results place him in the sub-branch I-FT135755, along with the descendants of John Rose and a descendant of a Richard Brower who was born about 1804 in New York, and lived in Oneida County, New York, 1830, '40, '50, '60, and then in Oswego County, 1865 and 1870. See the June 20, 2019 post. As with John Rose in the March 28, 2022 post, the Embody descendant is going to find his Brouwer link among the descendants of Pieter Brouwer (No. 9) who was at Bridgewater, New Jersey in 1753. 

William Brewer (pages 16-18). Born 4 September 1826 in Louisiana, died 30 May 1886. He married Caroline Hillebrandt, 3 January 1850 in Jefferson County, Texas. As mentioned in the 2015 review, finding William Brewer's ancestry back to Jan Brouwer is probably the most challenging and that has really not changed. We do have two descendants of William Brewer who have taken Y-DNA tests, one of which has now upgraded to the BigY-700 test. The identifying SNP here is I-Y7214, the same that identifies the entire Jan Brouwer group. No unique matches have been found with the other participants who have taken the BigY, and so we have no new leads from the genetic data. We also have no new traditional genealogical research to pass on. The most important clue here is the 1880 U.S. census at Precinct No. 3, Kimball Co., Texas, where it is recorded that William's father was born in New York, and his mother was born in Louisiana. How old he might have been, or in which year he came to Louisiana is still anyone's guess. A canvassing of BREWERs in Louisiana, in the decade of William's birth might be a place to start, but that could be a time consuming task with no guarantee of yielding results. Another clue mentioned in 2015, is that William did name a son Elias L. Brewer, and as we know, Elias is a common name among the descendants of Jan Brouwer. I also pointed out that travel to Louisiana in the early decades of the 1800s was by river, westward on the Ohio, then south on the Mississippi, and could be accomplished from as far as western Pennsylvania without ever having to step on land. Mentioned there too is that Samuel Brewer (b.1790, Pennsylvania) was known to have been a riverboat operator on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and did spend long periods of time from home. He had a brother Elias Brewer born in 1795. The brothers Samuel and Elias are sons of David Brewer who is covered on the March 28, 2022 post. I'd also point out that it is prudent to remember that the 1880 census claim that William's father was born in New York, could be incorrect, but I don't doubt that he was not born in Louisiana, and the fact that we know that William must be a genetic descendant of Jan Brouwer, tells us that if he was not born in New York, he was certainly born in either New Jersey, or western Pennsylvania/northern Virginia. Hank Graham, administrator of the Brewer DNA Project, adds that values at a pair of STR markers (DYS523=15->16, and DYS19=15) tells us that William Brewer is a genetic descendant of Elias Brouwer (No. 8) through one of his sons, either Dirck (No. 21) or David (No. 22), BUT NOT from Elias (No. 23). There are probably two generations between either Dirck (No. 21) or David (No. 22) and William. The possibility suggested above, that William, may be a son of Elias Brewer (b. 1795), would fit with this genetic evidence. An upgrade in the Y-DNA testing of the descendant of David Brewer (March 28, 2022 post), would help clarify this possibility. 

Elias E. Brewer (pp. 18-19) and Isaac Brewer (pp. 19-20) are going to be covered in one paragraph here. Elias E. Brewer was born about 1783 in New Jersey (1850 U.S. census, Marlboro, NJ) and died in 1855 at Marlboro/Marlborough. The middle initial, "E," is probably a patronymic rather than a middle name in the way middle names are given out nowadays, and the obvious guess is that Elias E.'s father was also named Elias. An Elias Brewer is found on a muster roll dated 29 December 1775 under Capt. Elias Longstreet's Co., First Regt., New Jersey Troops (in Monmouth County). Elias E. Brewer's father, Elias, is considered to be a brother of Isaac Brewer who was married by 1794 (Styntje Van Brunt), and was born in the decade of the 1760s (age 60-70 on the 1830 U.S. census at Freehold, NJ). Y-DNA tested descendants of both Elias E. Brewer and Isaac Brewer have upgraded to the advanced BigY test, and this has yielded an identifying SNP for this line, I-Y87452. Although we do not have hard traditional genealogical evidence, we place the two (presumed) brother's as sons of Elias Brewer and Elizabeth Palmer (see No. 20 in the new Summary). Outside of the appearance of some new evidence that might contradict this placement, we'll stick with it.

The next post in this series will look at the newer unplaced genetic descendants of Jan Brouwer that have been discovered (only with Y-DNA testing) since the original 2015 review was published.

BGB 715