
Friday, August 26, 2022

Theoretical Computed Paths for Sub-Groups of the Brewer DNA Project

 The links below will take you to "Theoretical Computed Paths," of ancestral migration as computed by Hunter Provyn (the Phylogeographer) and available on his website "mygrations." He has a YouTube channel as well. They were first posted by Hank Graham to the Activity Feed at the Brewer DNA Project website, but since that page is only available to members of the Brewer DNA Project, and as it was posted back in January and is now getting buried in the feed, I figured I'd transcribe the links here. Hopefully they will reach a wider audience and perhaps inspire a few BREWERs, BROWERs, BROUWERs and BRUERs (etc.) to join the Project. So, here goes:

Listed in order of Brewer DNA Project sub-groups as they appear on the Project's Y-DNA Results Page.

Adam Brouwer, Gowanus, L. I., E-Y19643

Ambrose Brewer (born ca. 1753), R-CTS1751 (see YTree links below)

Arthur Brewer, J-Y18401 (see below)

Hubert Brower, Immigrant to Philadelphia 1726, R-Y84707 

Jan Brouwer (of Flatlands, L.I.), I-Y7214 

John Brewer of Great Waltham near Coggeshall, Essex, England, R-A298 

John Brewer of Sudbury, Massachusetts, R-FGC46823 

Lanier-Brewer (includes descendants of George Brewer of Brunswick Co., VA and others), I-Y15031 

Sackfield Brewer, b. 1634 Berkshire, d. 1699 Virginia, R-FGC11784 (see below)

Under Consideration L - Group includes a non-Brewer surname (Campbell), BigY proven haplogroup match beyond the Genealogical Period, I-Y57730 (see below)

Under Consideration M - Ancestor: John Brewer, b. 1775 GA, d. LA, and Patience Sibley, R-ZP85  (see below)

What can I say, it's all just kind of fun to watch and imagine. Thanks to Hank for the original post and to Hunter Provyn for creating this wonderful visual tool. And to YFull, whose published YTree is the basis for the "paths."

Just for good measure here are links to the above haplogroups on the YFull YTree. Some of these are sub-clades of haplogroups whose Theoretical Computed Paths are included above. The Phylogeographer has not created paths for every SNP found on the FTDNA and/or YFull trees.

Adam Brouwer

Ambrose Brewer - R-Y53883 which is a sub-clade of R-CTS1751

Arthur Brewer - J-Y18828 a sub-clade of J-Y18401

Hubert Brower

Jan Brouwer

John Brewer of Great Waltham

John Brewer of Sudbury, MA

Lanier-Brewer haplogroups

Sackfield Brewer - R-FTA60564 a sub-clade of R-FGC11784

Under Consideration L - I-A6543, equivalent to I-Y57730

Under Consideration M - R-FTA10684 a sub-clade of R-ZP85

BGB 725

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunset At Gowanus Bay and A Note on the Bennett Project at FamilyTreeDNA

 The image of Henry Gritten's painting, "Sunset At Gowanus Bay," has occupied a prominent space on this blog's pages since inception. I have no plans or desire to change this. It's simply a beautiful image. The image I used is of relatively low resolution and was taken from the White Mountain Art & Artists website, which has since moved to this new online location

A much higher resolution image is available elsewhere. Ron Bennett, in a just recently received email has directed me to an online image of "Sunset At Gowanus Bay," at the website of the Allport Library and Museum of Fine Art in Hobart, Tasmania. And with this link provided by Ron, you can find a much higher resolution image that is downloadable. 

And just to stretch this post out a little further, Ron tells me that he is a descendant of Willem Adriaense Bennet who Adam Brouwer descendants will recognize as the second husband of Maria Badie, who in turn is the mother of Adam Brouwer's wife Magdalena Verdon by her first husband Jacob Verdon. There is a Bennett surname project at FamilyTreeDNA. Group 02 of this surname project is comprised of descendants of Willem Adriaense Bennet (see the project's public Y-DNA colorized chart page). Tested members of this group are identified by the ancient haplogroup E-M35 which, coincidentally, is the same ancient haplogroup in which descendants of Adam Brouwer are found. I say, "coincidentally," only to emphasize that despite sharing a common haplogroup (E-M35) Adam Brouwer and Willem Adriaense Bennet were not closely related. E-M35, as calculated by Y-Full, was formed 34,700 years before the present (ybp). The Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) is 23,900 ybp. Looking at the Bennett project chart I linked to, we can see that two members have taken the advanced BigY tests and have been identified by two different SNPs, E-FTA645 and E-BY164190. Neither of the two SNPs are found on YFull's current YTree (v10.04.00), but hopefully in time as more Bennet descendants take advanced Y-DNA tests like the BigY-700, and submit their results to YFull, we will see an appearance on the larger Y-Full Y-DNA tree. We then may get a better idea of just how far back in time Adam Brouwer and Willem Adriaense Bennet shared a common paternal ancestor.

Thanks to Ron for directing us to a better image of "Sunset At Gowanus Bay."

Update August 22, 2022: My mistake on not finding haplogroup E-FTA645 on the YFull YTree. I was using their SNP search tool incorrectly. Ron has pointed out that it is equivalent to E-FTA557 which is a sub-branch of E-Y32590 and you can see that branch here. The earliest haplogroup that is shared between both the descendants of Adam Brouwer and those of Willem Adriaense Bennet is E-M78. As of YTree v10.04.00, YFull calculates that E-M78 was formed 19,100 ybp and that the time to most recent common ancestor was 13,200 ybp.

Using the Phylogeographer's "Theoretical Computed Paths" tool, we find E-M78 placed in the Mediterranean Sea, just south of the Aegean Sea, on the island of Crete. Theoretical Computed Path for E-M78

Update November 21, 2024: As per the comment below dated November 20, 2024, from Ron Bennett, the link to the Bennett Projects Y-DNA Results page has been updated in the above text. Here are the current links to pages at FTDNA's Bennett Project website:

FTDNA Bennett Project About Page

Bennett Project Y-DNA Results Overview page (colorized chart)

Bennett Project Group Time Tree (public view)

BGB 724

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Edmund Brewer of Robertson County, Tennessee: A Correction to the Brewer-Lanier Database

 I created the Brewer-Lanier Database back in late 2015 and it was later updated in early 2016. It's purpose was to share collected genealogical research that I accumulated over a period of just a few months in an effort to help out members of the Brewer DNA Project who were descendants of George Brewer of Brunswick County, Virginia or of other Brewer families found in the American southeast. 

An Edmund Brewer is found on page seven of the Brewer-Lanier Database. It has been brought to my attention in an email from Michelle Reardon that the information I have assembled for this Edmund Brewer in fact belongs to two different men named Edmund Brewer. The purpose of this post is to correct and clarify the profile of Edmund Brewer found on the Brewer-Lanier Database. 

Michelle, whose 3rd great-grandfather is Edmund Brewer informs me that he was born about 1788 in North Carolina, and although he is the Edmund Brewer who witnessed a deed in Robertson County, Tennessee in 1805, he is not the Edmund Brewer who married Francis Rool, and had a daughter Rebecca Brewer who was born 16 February 1819 and died 28 November 1912 in Green County, Kentucky. The Edmund Brewer of Robertson County, Tennessee later relocated to Yell County, Arkansas where Michelle has traced her ancestors and her 3rd great-grandfather Edmund Brewer's descendants. 

In short, the profile of Edmund Brewer found on page seven of the Brewer-Lanier Database is actually for two different Edmund Brewers. One Edmund Brewer married Francis Rool and had a daughter Rebecca (Brewer) Handy who died in Green County, Kentucky in 1912. Her Kentucky Death Certificate names her parents as Edmond Brewer and Francis Rool. The second Edmund Brewer is Michelle's ancestor who is found as a witness to a deed in 1805 in Robertson County, Tennessee, but later moved to Yell County, Arkansas where he is found on the 1860 U.S. census in the household of his son Joseph Brewer (Michelle's 2nd great-grandfather).  The name of this Edmund Brewer's wife has not been discovered. Whether or not he is in fact related to Jones Brewer (as is postulated in the profile) is not known, and no evidence has been located to either confirm or refute this possibility. 

Thanks to Michelle Reardon for bringing this correction to my attention. Should anyone have additional information regarding either of the two Edmund Brewers mentioned, please feel free to use the Comments feature for this post to share such info with others.

[Also see the post of September 8, 2022].

BGB 723