
Research Links

A lot of Links to a lot of sites I have used while researching the Brouwer Families of New Netherland and Their Descendants

USGenWeb Project 

New Netherland/New York 
Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 1
Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 2
Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 3
Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4
Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 5
Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 6 (Includes Index)
Indian Deed for Three Islands in Hudson River Opposite Green Island, May 31, 1664
Map of Rye, Westchester Co., New York in 1779
"Not My Family" - Kings County research placed online by Renee Dauven
Castle Garden
Ellis Island
German Genealogy Group
Italian Genealogy Group

New York State
Albany Institute of History and Art 
State and County Maps of New York
New York State County Maps and History
Naturalization and Probate Pathfinders
New York Resources ( - The links on this page do not require a subscription for access.
New York State Dept. of Health Vital Records
New York State Offline Sources
Vosburgh New York State Church Records

New Jersey
Archives of the State of New Jersey Searchable Database and Request Forms
Bergen County, Church and Cemetery Records (NJ GenWeb Project)
Bergen County Marriages Index 
Bergen Marriages
Brewer Cemetery, Squankum, Monmouth Co., NJ
Church Records Published in the Somerset County Historical Quarterly, 1912-1919
Colonial Marriages - Searchable Database
Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey
GMNJ Author, Title Listings
New Jersey State Archives
New Jersey Index of Wills Vol. 1
New Jersey Index of Wills Vol. 2
New Jersey Index of Wills Vol. 3
New Jersey Dept. of State Searchable Databases (VRs) 
Red Bank Register Archive
Sussex Co. BMD
Second River RDC Baptisms
Shelton Baptist Church (Piscataway)
Stone House Plains RDC Records

Delaware River Settlements
Articles and Books about New Sweden 
Delaware Papers, Dutch Period, 1648-1664
Delaware Papers, English Period, 1664-1682
Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware, 1676-1681 v.1
Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware, 1676-1681 v.2 (includes index for both volumes)
Chronology of Colonial Swedes on the Delaware 1638-1713
The Finish Language on the Delaware 
Delaware Finns of Colonial America
The Delaware Finns 
Sinnick Broer the Finn 

Pennsylvania Death Indicies
Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network (use the Resource Browser)
The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine
Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine at HathiTrust
Surname Index to Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania Manuscript Collection
Upper and Lower Canada Marriage Bonds 
New Brunswick Provincial Archives
Nova Scotia Archives
Archives of Ontario
Ontario and Upper Canada Genealogy and History
Ontario Vital Statistics Project
Archives of Quebec
Notarial Archives, Quebec
Eastern Townships Archive
Contributions to the History of the Eastern Townships (C. Thomas, 1866)
Frampton Irish

New England
A Record of the Descendants of Capt. George Denison, of Stonington, Conn. (1881)
Genealogy of the Parke Families of Connecticut (F. S. Parks, 1906)
The Genealogical and Encyclopedic History of the Wheeler Family in America (1914)
The Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams in America (Descendants of Robert Williams of Roxbury, by Stephen W. Williams, 1847)
History of the Town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticut (R. A. Wheeler, 1900) 
History of the First Congregational Church, Stonington, Conn., 1674-1874...with Appendix Containing Statistics of the Church (R. A. Wheeler, 1875) 
The Gardner Annals Vol. 1, no. 1, Summer 2014. Includes a historical and Gardner family timeline from 1215 to 2009
Mourt's Relation (A Relation or Journal of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation settled at Plymouth in New England...) Originally printed in 1622
Key to References in New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Clarence Almon Torrey, published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001
Alphabetical List of Individuals found in the Great Migration Study Project (NEHGS)

Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy - at 
Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters



  1. Hello: I am a Brouwer/Brewer descendant. My grandfather was Richard Brewer 1895-1974, husband of Margaret Brewer 1899-1992. He is being listed with middle initial “F”. My grandfather had no middle name. His son, Richard, was given the middle name Friemuth. Thus, Richard F. Brewer 1924-1970 had a son, Richard F. Jr. If you have any further questions, please contact me @ email above. He also had two daughters.

    Barbara E. Schulz

  2. I am a descendant of the Bockee family of Sint Anna ter Muiden.
    This article is referenced on the Brouwer genealogy web site, but I cannot find it:
    [S3358] Christopher A. Brooks, "The BocqueBockeBockee Family of Sint Anna ter Muiden, Flanders", New Netherland Connections Vol. 5, page 91 (2000). Hereinafter cited as "The BocqueBockeBockee Family." Can anyone provide me with a scan of the article?
    Many thanks if you can help,
    Jean Fisher, Philadelphia

    1. Jean, The New England Historic and Genealogical Society, at their website,, has digital images of all issues of New Netherlands Connections. However, a subscription is required to access the material. I would first recommend joining as you'll have access to a lot more. If you don't wish to then provide your email address in a reply, I can send you a copy.


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