Here is a small group of files taken from the William B. Bogardus Collection, (WBC) and scanned to PDF files. Census records are of course a valuable source of information on families from the past. Fortunately, today we can easily access images of the original census sheets online through various websites, primarily at, which in addition to all of the U. S. Federal census records (available) from 1790 to 1940, has many individual State census records, Canadian census records and census records from a variety of other countries. Most of us, through both careful and creative use of the search engines provided, should be able to find any person who was living at the time a particular census was taken. I have chosen seven files out of those categorized as "Census" in the WBC to make available.
Revolutionary Census of New Jersey. The file is of three pages taken from Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Revolutionary Census of New Jersey: An Index Based on Rateables, of the Inhabitants of New Jersey During the Period of the American Revolution (1986). The three pages are the Preface, the Code to Townships, and page 174 which contains those named BREWER. There is not much that can be done with this list except to use it as a source of names with some direction on where to look next. Unfortunately, all of the pages with the Codes to Townships were not copied, and some of the BREWERS found on page 174 have codes for which we do not have the corresponding page. does have a database titled, "All New Jersey, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1643-1890," which brings up 723 results when searching with the surname BREWER. I am, in particular, interested in the Mathias Brewer and Mathias Brewer, Jr. who in Kenn Stryker-Rodda's index (with the town code HL) but who are not found searching with the same name on Ancestry.
1855 Census - Town of Greene, Chenango Co., NY. The photocopied page is from the Orange County Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 8, no. 4 (February 1979). There is only one BREWER here, that being Ira Brewer who was born 21 May 1809 in Tyringham, Massachusetts and is found both on the BGD and on the New England Brewer Database website. does not have the 1855 New York State census, however, Family Search does, and Ira Brewer can be found with a search there. I thought this file might be of interest to others simply because there is just a lot of stuff packed on to this one photocopied page. Included are a BERTOLF Bible record, a HOYT Family Record, and some New Jersey Marriage Licenses (apparently pertaining to names of persons also found in Orange County, New York). Perhaps someone will find something of use in this file.
1810 Dutchess County, New York, Federal Census Extracts. Here is a handwritten page of BREWERs and BROWERs found in Dutchess County, New York in 1810, compiled by a correspondent of William B. Bogardus. Of course nowadays we can quickly find these heads of households with an easy search at, and if nothing else, this file is simply a reminder of days gone by when we had to sit in front of a microfilm viewer, scroll through reels of film, and write down everything by hand. And maybe it will help some who do not have an subscription.
Hillsborough Township "Census" of 1784. The photocopied pages are from the Somerset County Genealogical Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 2 (June 1984), pages 101-102. We have here a nice introduction telling us just what this list is, and is followed by the first page of names on which is only one BREWER, that being a Peter Brewer. Unfortunately, we only have this one page, and (even more) unfortunately, the editor of the SQGQ decided to arrange the list alphabetically, rather than by order of appearance on the original tables. They did, however, provide a number for each name which would allow the original list to be reconstructed in the order in which the names originally appeared. It might be helpful to know just who the immediate neighbors of this Peter Brewer (no. 319) were.
1890 New York Census Index of Civil War Veterans or Their Widows. The photocopied pages are from a 1984 book by Bryan Lee Dilts of the same title. Most of us know that the 1890 U. S. Federal census for almost all states, including New York, does not survive and cannot be consulted. Fortunately, New York State did have a census in 1892, and has included it in a database called "New York State Censuses, 1880, 1892, 1905." Family Search, which is free, also has the 1892 New York State census. This file might compliment those online sources and includes a good number of BREWERs and BROWERs with the city or town, and counties where they lived.
State Census of Oakland Co., Michigan for the year 1845. Michigan was admitted as a state into the union in 1837, so this may be the earliest census taken there. Neither or Family Search has databases for this census. There are no images in this file, it is simply notes regarding two BREWERs, namely, Peter Brewer of Addison Twp., and Phillip Brewer of White Lake Twp. I am not certain how to decipher the numbers that follow each of the names. The Philip Brewer found here was born 17 January 1799 at Oneonta, New York, and is a son of John Brewer and Mary Hays. He died in 1847. He is a descendant of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, and can be found on the BGD. I am not certain who the Peter Brewer is. [See the follow-up of September 9, 2013].
Quaker Census of 1828. The notes are from Members of the New York Yearly Meeting, The Religious Society of Friends (In New York, Ontario, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Quebec), at the Time of the Seperation of 1828, by Loren V. Fay (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Press, 1989). The Philip and Elizabeth Brewer found here at the Adolphus Leeds Monthly Meeting in Lennox Co., Ontario, Canada (then known as Upper Canada), are Philip Brewer, born about 1798, a son of Aaron Robbins Brewer and Elizabeth Cooper, and his wife, Elizabeth King. This Philip Brewer is a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, and is found on the BGD. There is a Wikipedia entry, Society of Friends (Upper Canada) that might give those interested in finding out more about this Quaker "Seperation of 1828."
BGB 307
A gateway to discovering and tracking the descendants of the original New Netherland Brouwer progenitors, namely Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Jan (or Johannes) Brouwer of Flatlands and Willem Brouwer of Beverwijck (Albany). As well as some diversions covering other Brewer and Brower families with origins in Colonial America
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Walter Dunlavy Assault on Hendrick Brewer
Item no. 11 of Abstracts of Early Monmouth County Court Papers, Part 1, is the court file of what appears to be a case of assault committed by Walter Dunlavy, of Shrewsbury, on Hendrick Brewer. The case is dated 3 October 1798, and so I suspect that this Hendrick Brewer, would be either the son of Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef, who was baptized in 1735 and died in 1802, or, his son of the same name, Hendrick Brewer, baptized in 1775 and living in 1840 at Middletown. This Hendrick is a descendant of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands.
No. 11. Walter Dunlavy Assault on Hendrick Brewer
There are eleven pages to this file, and as some need to be rotated to read, it is suggested that users download the PDF and use their computer's tools to manipulate the images. The hand writing is difficult to read and the lack of punctuation makes the task of reading and transcribing a bit tedious. I have abstracted at least the names mentioned in the case and that can be found with the link highlighted above. I can't say that there is any revealing genealogical information in the file, but should anyone out there be up to transcribing it, I would be happy to make it available online, on this blog site, for others to access as well.
BGB 306
No. 11. Walter Dunlavy Assault on Hendrick Brewer
There are eleven pages to this file, and as some need to be rotated to read, it is suggested that users download the PDF and use their computer's tools to manipulate the images. The hand writing is difficult to read and the lack of punctuation makes the task of reading and transcribing a bit tedious. I have abstracted at least the names mentioned in the case and that can be found with the link highlighted above. I can't say that there is any revealing genealogical information in the file, but should anyone out there be up to transcribing it, I would be happy to make it available online, on this blog site, for others to access as well.
BGB 306
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Cemetery and Gravestone Inscriptions from the William B. Bogardus Collection (Part V)
Here is the final installment of cemetery and gravestone files found in the William B. Bogardus Collection. A word of caution: In checking through this group of files I found a few errors with dates, and whether they are errors in the sources that were used, or whether they were errors in note taking, I can't say. My advise is to check and compare with the BGD website, which will be updated soon and will include those found in the files below.
Sections of Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, New York. The source for these notes is not certain. A film number is given, but no repository for the film is mentioned (it is not in the FHL catalog). These are all 19th century burials with a few deaths in the early 20th century. Giles Brower, his wife Ellen Vrooman, their daughter Matilda and her husband John Lodge are recognized but most, probably all, of the others are not found on the BGD.
Revolutionary War Soldiers - Rockland County, N. Y. The handful of entries are taken from the D.A.R. Shatemuc Chapter, Spring Valley, New York, 1976. Included here are Abraham Brouwer/Brower (1753-1806); David B. Brower (1755-1841 sic); Uldreck (Ulrich) Brouwer/Brower (1728-1801). Uldreck and Abraham (his son) are known, and are found on the BGD. The entry for David B. Brower is in error, as this David would be David Brouwer, baptized 8 October 1727 at Hackensack, New Jersey, son of Isaac Brouwer and Rachel Demarest. The "Brower Family Plot" in New City (a hamlet in the town of Clarkstown) is stated to be located "just back of the State Police Headquarters (1936) in Germonds, New City, N.Y.," when it was said to be in bad condition.
"Cast in Stone: Selected Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga County, New York Burials." Notes on two burials taken from a published work of the same name by Diane Snyder Ptak (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Press, 1990).
Gravestone Inscriptions of the Reformed Dutch Church, Tappan Cemetery, Tappan, Rockland Co., N.Y. Notes from the 1931 typescipt by Minnie Cowen. Here, David Brower (the same David B. Brower mentioned two paragraphs above) is listed with a date of death as "8-18-1844" which is also in error. David's correct date of death is most likely 18 August 1814, as he died aged 85 years and 11 months, which although calculates to a date of birth of 17 September 1728 (after his baptism of 8 October 1727). It's probable that his age at death was 86 years, 11 months, rather than 85 years, 11 months. The date of death noted for "Sarah Palmer, widow" is also incorrect. All entries in this file will be found on the BGD when it is next updated.
Tombstone Inscriptions of the Huguenot Cemetery, River Edge, New Jersey. The notes in this file are from as article by Everett L. Zabriskie in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, volume 41, no. 4 (October 1910), p. 294. A photo copy of the page in included. The one BROWER entry is for Mary Brower, wife of John Heaton, but the photocopied page as a number of other names that may be of use to some.
Inscriptions from Unionvale, Westchester Co., N.Y. Copied December 27, 1907 (Dutch Reformed Church) as per the note card. No other clues are given for the source. Another tough one, largely due to the lack of a source citation, and also because I know of no location called "Unionvale" in Westchester County (there is a Union Vale in Dutchess County). The only Dutch Reformed Church I know of in Westchester County would be the First Reformed Church of Tarrytown, a.k.a. the Old Sleepy Hollow Dutch Reformed Church, now known as the Reformed Church of the Tarrytowns. The two entries here are for a Cornelia Amanda Brower, who died in 1837, aged 1 and a half years, and for Elijah Brower (who could be her father) who's entry is missing the year, but gives his age as "72-11-0." I know of an Elijah Brower, found on the 1850 census at New Castle, Westchester Co., age 38, with a wife and four children (see the BGD). This could be him, but more research needs to be done.
Westchester County, New York Cemteries - Etc. From film #913005, which gives me this page when searching the FHL online catalog. A few nineteenth century entries from the Town of Mamaroneck Cemetery. I do not have the individuals listed on the BGD, unless the Oliver Brower (no dates) is the Oliver Brower (1813-1881) who lived at Westport, Bristol Co., Massachusetts; Hempstead, Long Island; and then Dobbs Ferry, Dutchess Co., New York. I do not anticipate trying to track down any of the others anytime soon.
Quaker Cemetery on Amawalk Hills near Amawalk Railroad Station, Westchester County, NY. The source for this brief file is noted stated with any more detail then what is described in the title. John Brower, d. 2-4-1864, age 83 yrs, is someone who I cannot readily identify. There are a few filmed sources found in the FHL Catalog when searching with the keyword "Amawalk." Sarah, daughter of James H. and Mary, d. 4-13-1862, age 11-4-17, is also not known to me. (Please see the post of December 15, 2016 for an update).
This post completes all of the files pertaining to cemetery records and gravestone transcriptions found in the William B. Bogardus Collection. Please consider the warning mentioned above when using this last group in particular. Next up will be a small group of census records, which will then be followed by a few dozen files described as "church records."
BGB 305
Sections of Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, New York. The source for these notes is not certain. A film number is given, but no repository for the film is mentioned (it is not in the FHL catalog). These are all 19th century burials with a few deaths in the early 20th century. Giles Brower, his wife Ellen Vrooman, their daughter Matilda and her husband John Lodge are recognized but most, probably all, of the others are not found on the BGD.
Revolutionary War Soldiers - Rockland County, N. Y. The handful of entries are taken from the D.A.R. Shatemuc Chapter, Spring Valley, New York, 1976. Included here are Abraham Brouwer/Brower (1753-1806); David B. Brower (1755-1841 sic); Uldreck (Ulrich) Brouwer/Brower (1728-1801). Uldreck and Abraham (his son) are known, and are found on the BGD. The entry for David B. Brower is in error, as this David would be David Brouwer, baptized 8 October 1727 at Hackensack, New Jersey, son of Isaac Brouwer and Rachel Demarest. The "Brower Family Plot" in New City (a hamlet in the town of Clarkstown) is stated to be located "just back of the State Police Headquarters (1936) in Germonds, New City, N.Y.," when it was said to be in bad condition.
"Cast in Stone: Selected Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga County, New York Burials." Notes on two burials taken from a published work of the same name by Diane Snyder Ptak (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Press, 1990).
Gravestone Inscriptions of the Reformed Dutch Church, Tappan Cemetery, Tappan, Rockland Co., N.Y. Notes from the 1931 typescipt by Minnie Cowen. Here, David Brower (the same David B. Brower mentioned two paragraphs above) is listed with a date of death as "8-18-1844" which is also in error. David's correct date of death is most likely 18 August 1814, as he died aged 85 years and 11 months, which although calculates to a date of birth of 17 September 1728 (after his baptism of 8 October 1727). It's probable that his age at death was 86 years, 11 months, rather than 85 years, 11 months. The date of death noted for "Sarah Palmer, widow" is also incorrect. All entries in this file will be found on the BGD when it is next updated.
Tombstone Inscriptions of the Huguenot Cemetery, River Edge, New Jersey. The notes in this file are from as article by Everett L. Zabriskie in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, volume 41, no. 4 (October 1910), p. 294. A photo copy of the page in included. The one BROWER entry is for Mary Brower, wife of John Heaton, but the photocopied page as a number of other names that may be of use to some.
Inscriptions from Unionvale, Westchester Co., N.Y. Copied December 27, 1907 (Dutch Reformed Church) as per the note card. No other clues are given for the source. Another tough one, largely due to the lack of a source citation, and also because I know of no location called "Unionvale" in Westchester County (there is a Union Vale in Dutchess County). The only Dutch Reformed Church I know of in Westchester County would be the First Reformed Church of Tarrytown, a.k.a. the Old Sleepy Hollow Dutch Reformed Church, now known as the Reformed Church of the Tarrytowns. The two entries here are for a Cornelia Amanda Brower, who died in 1837, aged 1 and a half years, and for Elijah Brower (who could be her father) who's entry is missing the year, but gives his age as "72-11-0." I know of an Elijah Brower, found on the 1850 census at New Castle, Westchester Co., age 38, with a wife and four children (see the BGD). This could be him, but more research needs to be done.
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Old Dutch Chuch of Sleepy Hollow in 2009, Photo by Daniel Case, Wikimedia Commons |
Westchester County, New York Cemteries - Etc. From film #913005, which gives me this page when searching the FHL online catalog. A few nineteenth century entries from the Town of Mamaroneck Cemetery. I do not have the individuals listed on the BGD, unless the Oliver Brower (no dates) is the Oliver Brower (1813-1881) who lived at Westport, Bristol Co., Massachusetts; Hempstead, Long Island; and then Dobbs Ferry, Dutchess Co., New York. I do not anticipate trying to track down any of the others anytime soon.
Quaker Cemetery on Amawalk Hills near Amawalk Railroad Station, Westchester County, NY. The source for this brief file is noted stated with any more detail then what is described in the title. John Brower, d. 2-4-1864, age 83 yrs, is someone who I cannot readily identify. There are a few filmed sources found in the FHL Catalog when searching with the keyword "Amawalk." Sarah, daughter of James H. and Mary, d. 4-13-1862, age 11-4-17, is also not known to me. (Please see the post of December 15, 2016 for an update).
This post completes all of the files pertaining to cemetery records and gravestone transcriptions found in the William B. Bogardus Collection. Please consider the warning mentioned above when using this last group in particular. Next up will be a small group of census records, which will then be followed by a few dozen files described as "church records."
BGB 305
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Aaron Brewer Mortgage
Item no. 10 from Abstracts of Early Monmouth County Court Papers, is a mortgage agreement between Aaron Brewer of Shrewsbury and Thomas Henderson of Freehold. The agreement, dated 13 December 1790, is found in Monmouth County Mortgage Book B, pages 233-234. The image is not of the original document but rather of a transcription of that document. I have not reviewed the original and so cannot attest to the accuracy of the transcription. Needless to say, any one researching Aaron Brewer is advised to locate the original themselves.
No. 10 Aaron Brewer Mortgage
The Aaron Brewer of this document, also known as Aris Brower, is probably a son of Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef, and is a descendant of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands. Aaron/Aris was probably born around 1724-1726 and was married twice. On 21 June 1724, and on 11 April 1726, Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef had two children baptized. The records, which are found with the Reformed Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown, do not record the child's name or gender. Either one may well be Aaron Brewer (see GMNJ 22:12, and 22:43). Aaron was first married to Neeltje (or Elenor) Cooper and had seven known children born between 1756 and 1767. His only known son was named John, and his eldest known daughter was named Helena, which leads us to place Aaron as a son of Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef. His second wife was Martha Stillwell. His will dated 7 April 1800, was proved 13 June 1800, although the inventory of his estate was taken on 22 April 1800, and he probably died just a few days before that date.
The mortgage describes property owned by Aaron Brewer. Although the transcription isn't specific as to just which party is taking a mortgage from the other, I would assume that since it is Aaron's property that is being described, it is he who is taking a mortgage from Thomas Henderson.
What might be noted here is that Adam Brewer, a grandson of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, also settled at Shrewsbury, New Jersey, and had descendants living there into the late 1700s as well. Here is an example of two families with a shared surname, living in the same town at the same time during the colonial and recent post colonial period, who are not even remotely related.
Additional details and source citations regarding Aaron Brewer/Aris Brower can be found on the Brouwer Genealogy Database website.
BGB 304
No. 10 Aaron Brewer Mortgage
The Aaron Brewer of this document, also known as Aris Brower, is probably a son of Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef, and is a descendant of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands. Aaron/Aris was probably born around 1724-1726 and was married twice. On 21 June 1724, and on 11 April 1726, Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef had two children baptized. The records, which are found with the Reformed Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown, do not record the child's name or gender. Either one may well be Aaron Brewer (see GMNJ 22:12, and 22:43). Aaron was first married to Neeltje (or Elenor) Cooper and had seven known children born between 1756 and 1767. His only known son was named John, and his eldest known daughter was named Helena, which leads us to place Aaron as a son of Jan Brouwer and Helena Van Cleef. His second wife was Martha Stillwell. His will dated 7 April 1800, was proved 13 June 1800, although the inventory of his estate was taken on 22 April 1800, and he probably died just a few days before that date.
The mortgage describes property owned by Aaron Brewer. Although the transcription isn't specific as to just which party is taking a mortgage from the other, I would assume that since it is Aaron's property that is being described, it is he who is taking a mortgage from Thomas Henderson.
What might be noted here is that Adam Brewer, a grandson of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, also settled at Shrewsbury, New Jersey, and had descendants living there into the late 1700s as well. Here is an example of two families with a shared surname, living in the same town at the same time during the colonial and recent post colonial period, who are not even remotely related.
Additional details and source citations regarding Aaron Brewer/Aris Brower can be found on the Brouwer Genealogy Database website.
BGB 304
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Cemetery and Gravestone Inscriptions from the William B. Bogardus Collection (Part IV)
Seven more files pertaining to cemetery and gravestone inscriptions from the William B. Bogardus Collection.
Inscriptions from the Methodist Cemetery at Pleasantville, Westchester Co., N. Y. The cover card says, "Copied Dec. 1907," but does not state who did the copying or the source of the notes. There are three sets of notes here, the first being just one, Warren Hamilton Brower (1863-1866), who I have not placed. The second is for members of the family of Jacob Brouwer, baptized 12 April 1772 at the New York Reformed Dutch Church, son of Abraham Brouwer and Rachel Sebring. This file adds the date of his death and the date of death for his second wife, Hannah Hill. The third set covers members of the family of Abraham Brouwer, born 27 September 1809, the son of the just mentioned Jacob Brouwer and Hannah Hill. The Find-A-Grave website calls this cemetery, "Palmer Cemetery." The families can be found on the BGD.
Pleasant Valley (Presbyterian) Cemetery. This file of Drake burials is taken from The Dutchess, vol. 9. no. 4 (Summer 1982), page 13. It apparently is the family of Edward C. Drake, who can be found on the 1880 U. S. census at Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., New York. The Arthur Drake who is on this list had a daughter named Mabel baptized 26 October 1896 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pleasant Valley, and can be found on the DGD. The others will be added with the next update. I do not know how this Drake family relates to any of the other numerous Drake families found in the greater Ne York City area.
Seal Township Cemeteries, Pike County, Ohio - Tombstone Inscriptions. Here are eight pages of photocopied material from The Pike County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1986. There are a handful of BREWERs interdisperssed among the many names in this file. I have not looked any further into any of the individuals in this file.
Tombstone Inscriptions - Concord Township, Ross Co., Ohio. The BREWERs found here are all died during the 20th century and I have not researched further into any of them. No source is given, but the year 1988 is on the note card, so this may have been a cemetery walk and these inscriptions might not be published elsewhere (although I cannot be certain of that).
Tombstone Inscriptions of Grandview Cemetery, Chillicothe, Ohio, Ross County. The notes in this file are from a published book of the same title, by Marie Taylor Clark, published in 1972. The persons referred to were all born in the second half of the 1800s. Lot owners are Columbus D. Brewer (1856-1919) and Pinkney Brewer (1858-1931). I have not researched either of them.
Tombstone Inscriptions of Ross County, Ohio. The BREWERs in this file are from another book by the same Marie Taylor Clark mentioned above. Tombstone Inscriptions of Ross County, Ohio (1974). The link for it on Google Books is broken, but it is listed at Amazon. The entry for "Brewer, Elizabeth, wife of Isaac, d. 15 July 1853, age 82 yrs." in Scioto Twp. is for someone born prior to the American Revolution and might be worthwhile to follow up on. Page 2 in this file has individual listings from two other books.
Early Schenectady Cemetery Records, Schenectady, N. Y. The cover card cites "File #4426" but this does not match what is found in the FHL Catalog, and as this is the third instance I have encountered in which a file number does not match up, I can only conclude that the film (and the two found on previous posts) came from some repository other than the Family History Library. The FHL does have "Early Schenectady Cemetery Records," a typecript by Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst at the Queens Borough Public Library, as FHL film #17911, and perhaps this is the same film. The inscriptions in this file are of descendants of Willem Brouwer of Beverwijck, and should be found on the BGD.
BGB 303
Inscriptions from the Methodist Cemetery at Pleasantville, Westchester Co., N. Y. The cover card says, "Copied Dec. 1907," but does not state who did the copying or the source of the notes. There are three sets of notes here, the first being just one, Warren Hamilton Brower (1863-1866), who I have not placed. The second is for members of the family of Jacob Brouwer, baptized 12 April 1772 at the New York Reformed Dutch Church, son of Abraham Brouwer and Rachel Sebring. This file adds the date of his death and the date of death for his second wife, Hannah Hill. The third set covers members of the family of Abraham Brouwer, born 27 September 1809, the son of the just mentioned Jacob Brouwer and Hannah Hill. The Find-A-Grave website calls this cemetery, "Palmer Cemetery." The families can be found on the BGD.
Pleasant Valley (Presbyterian) Cemetery. This file of Drake burials is taken from The Dutchess, vol. 9. no. 4 (Summer 1982), page 13. It apparently is the family of Edward C. Drake, who can be found on the 1880 U. S. census at Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., New York. The Arthur Drake who is on this list had a daughter named Mabel baptized 26 October 1896 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pleasant Valley, and can be found on the DGD. The others will be added with the next update. I do not know how this Drake family relates to any of the other numerous Drake families found in the greater Ne York City area.
Seal Township Cemeteries, Pike County, Ohio - Tombstone Inscriptions. Here are eight pages of photocopied material from The Pike County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1986. There are a handful of BREWERs interdisperssed among the many names in this file. I have not looked any further into any of the individuals in this file.
Tombstone Inscriptions - Concord Township, Ross Co., Ohio. The BREWERs found here are all died during the 20th century and I have not researched further into any of them. No source is given, but the year 1988 is on the note card, so this may have been a cemetery walk and these inscriptions might not be published elsewhere (although I cannot be certain of that).
Tombstone Inscriptions of Grandview Cemetery, Chillicothe, Ohio, Ross County. The notes in this file are from a published book of the same title, by Marie Taylor Clark, published in 1972. The persons referred to were all born in the second half of the 1800s. Lot owners are Columbus D. Brewer (1856-1919) and Pinkney Brewer (1858-1931). I have not researched either of them.
Tombstone Inscriptions of Ross County, Ohio. The BREWERs in this file are from another book by the same Marie Taylor Clark mentioned above. Tombstone Inscriptions of Ross County, Ohio (1974). The link for it on Google Books is broken, but it is listed at Amazon. The entry for "Brewer, Elizabeth, wife of Isaac, d. 15 July 1853, age 82 yrs." in Scioto Twp. is for someone born prior to the American Revolution and might be worthwhile to follow up on. Page 2 in this file has individual listings from two other books.
Early Schenectady Cemetery Records, Schenectady, N. Y. The cover card cites "File #4426" but this does not match what is found in the FHL Catalog, and as this is the third instance I have encountered in which a file number does not match up, I can only conclude that the film (and the two found on previous posts) came from some repository other than the Family History Library. The FHL does have "Early Schenectady Cemetery Records," a typecript by Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst at the Queens Borough Public Library, as FHL film #17911, and perhaps this is the same film. The inscriptions in this file are of descendants of Willem Brouwer of Beverwijck, and should be found on the BGD.
BGB 303
Friday, August 9, 2013
Cemetery and Gravestone Inscriptions from the William B. Bogardus Collection (Part III)
More transcriptions, notes and files from the William B. Bogardus Collection relating to cemetery and gravestone records.
Old Cemetery, Near Maywood, New Jersey. The two pages here are photocopied from "Passaic Co., Historical Society, Paterson, N. J., Cemetery Records, William Paterson Chapter DAR, 1939." There is only one BROWER record, which pertains to a Jacob Brower, died 26 August 1784, age 58 years, 4 months and 19 days. Maywood is in Bergen County, New Jersey, which was incorporated in 1894 out of Midland Township, which itself was created in 1871 out of New Barbadoes Township. This record gives us a date of death for Jacob Brouwer, son of Abraham Brouwer and Elizabeth Ackerman, who was baptized on 17 April 1726 at the Dutch Reformed Church at Hackensack, New Jersey. Jacob Brouwer of New Barbadoes, Bergen Co., New Jersey, wrote his will on 11 August 1784, but it was not proved until 1797. His wife was Jannetje Van der Beek, and his correct placement among the descendants of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island, is covered by William J.Hoffman in "Brouwer Corrections," published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 69 (1938) page 172. While Jacob is the only BROWER found on this list, researchers of Bergen County Dutch families will recognize the other names found on these two pages - ACKERMAN, BANTA, BERTHOLF, BOGERT and DEMAREST.
Unpublished Records - Irondequoit Cemetery, Monroe County; Friends Cemetery, Ontario County. Both of these cemeteries are in western New York State. Only one page from the Irondequoit Cemetery is included here. The oldest transcription is for a Jacob Brower, 1829 to 1919 (or 1914). I have noticed this individual in the past when searching through Monroe County, New York census records, but have not had the opportunity to pursue just who this Jacob Brower is any further. They are not found on the BGD.
The Presbyterian Church, New Hamburgh (NY) Cemetery. This annotated list taken from Old Gravestones of Dutchess County, New York, by. J. W. Poucher (1924), was put together by one of Bill Bogardus' many correspondents. It is a list of 62 gravestone transcriptions beginning with the surname ALLEN and running through to, and including, BROWER. Many of the BROWER names have been transcribed and published elsewhere and, although I have not checked each one, most should be on the BGD.
Sparta Cemetery, One Mile South of Ossining on State Rd., Westchester County, N. Y. The source of the three entries is not given. Nicholas Brower, d. 2-14-1814, age 67 yrs., would be the son of Nicholas Brouwer and Mary Dutcher, and is found on the BGD. Although there are a handful of men named Frederick Brower, who were born in the 1800s, I am not certain who the "Mary E. Brower, wife of Frederick," is in this file.
Ocean County Gravestones: Whitesville Cemetery. Only one entry. This is from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 24, no. 2 (April 1949), page 26. The transcription is for James F. Johnson (1852-1930) and his wife Hannah E. Brower (1851-1908). Hannah has not been identified but she may be the Hannah E. Brower, age 6 on the 1860 census at Brick, Ocean Co., New Jersey, and age 16 on the 1870 census at the same place, daughter of William H. Brower and Sarah Ann Cook.
Some Burials at the Old Cemetery, West Main St., Phelps, N. Y., Ontario County. The photocopied page is from Yesteryears, volume 6, number 23 (March 1963). The one BROWER entry is for "Thedrena, wife of John, d. Nov. 23, 1840, age 43." Three sons (Joseph, John and Peter) of Johannes Brouwer (1728-1809) and Tryntje Waldron, settled at Phelps, Ontario County, New York soon after the American Revolutionary War. However, I have not been able to identify this burial record within this family.
Cemetery Records - Oneida County, New York. This group is from Tree Talks, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 50. The burials are at Lee Center Cemetery in Oneida County, New York. There are six BROWER entries and all are new to me. The eldest one here is for John Brower, d. 15 Nov 1881, age 82 yrs. 8 mos. 15 days, which would place his birth at 28 February 1799. I have not identified him, or the others in this cemetery.
Barrett Hill Cemetery, Carmel, Putnam Co., New York. The note card states that the entries in this file were taken from FHL film #4382, but this cannot be correct as that film pertains to Land Records in Glastonbury, Connecticut. A search of the FHL catalog finds film #17128, items 36-38, Putnam County Cemeteries, which does include inscriptions from Barrett Hill Cemetery. They are also found in "Graveyard Inscriptions, Putnam County, New York," New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 56 (1925), page 309. I have not placed any of the names and do not know if these individuals are descendants of one of the original New Netherland BROUWER families, or is they are descendants of New England BREWER families. All will be included on the BGD with the next update.
Above are eight more files. Hopefully they will be of help to someone working at retracing their Brouwer, Brower or Brewer ancestry. If you do have any evidence as to who those who are unplaced are, please feel free to leave word using the Comments feature below.
BGB 302
Old Cemetery, Near Maywood, New Jersey. The two pages here are photocopied from "Passaic Co., Historical Society, Paterson, N. J., Cemetery Records, William Paterson Chapter DAR, 1939." There is only one BROWER record, which pertains to a Jacob Brower, died 26 August 1784, age 58 years, 4 months and 19 days. Maywood is in Bergen County, New Jersey, which was incorporated in 1894 out of Midland Township, which itself was created in 1871 out of New Barbadoes Township. This record gives us a date of death for Jacob Brouwer, son of Abraham Brouwer and Elizabeth Ackerman, who was baptized on 17 April 1726 at the Dutch Reformed Church at Hackensack, New Jersey. Jacob Brouwer of New Barbadoes, Bergen Co., New Jersey, wrote his will on 11 August 1784, but it was not proved until 1797. His wife was Jannetje Van der Beek, and his correct placement among the descendants of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island, is covered by William J.Hoffman in "Brouwer Corrections," published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 69 (1938) page 172. While Jacob is the only BROWER found on this list, researchers of Bergen County Dutch families will recognize the other names found on these two pages - ACKERMAN, BANTA, BERTHOLF, BOGERT and DEMAREST.
Unpublished Records - Irondequoit Cemetery, Monroe County; Friends Cemetery, Ontario County. Both of these cemeteries are in western New York State. Only one page from the Irondequoit Cemetery is included here. The oldest transcription is for a Jacob Brower, 1829 to 1919 (or 1914). I have noticed this individual in the past when searching through Monroe County, New York census records, but have not had the opportunity to pursue just who this Jacob Brower is any further. They are not found on the BGD.
The Presbyterian Church, New Hamburgh (NY) Cemetery. This annotated list taken from Old Gravestones of Dutchess County, New York, by. J. W. Poucher (1924), was put together by one of Bill Bogardus' many correspondents. It is a list of 62 gravestone transcriptions beginning with the surname ALLEN and running through to, and including, BROWER. Many of the BROWER names have been transcribed and published elsewhere and, although I have not checked each one, most should be on the BGD.
Sparta Cemetery, One Mile South of Ossining on State Rd., Westchester County, N. Y. The source of the three entries is not given. Nicholas Brower, d. 2-14-1814, age 67 yrs., would be the son of Nicholas Brouwer and Mary Dutcher, and is found on the BGD. Although there are a handful of men named Frederick Brower, who were born in the 1800s, I am not certain who the "Mary E. Brower, wife of Frederick," is in this file.
Ocean County Gravestones: Whitesville Cemetery. Only one entry. This is from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 24, no. 2 (April 1949), page 26. The transcription is for James F. Johnson (1852-1930) and his wife Hannah E. Brower (1851-1908). Hannah has not been identified but she may be the Hannah E. Brower, age 6 on the 1860 census at Brick, Ocean Co., New Jersey, and age 16 on the 1870 census at the same place, daughter of William H. Brower and Sarah Ann Cook.
Some Burials at the Old Cemetery, West Main St., Phelps, N. Y., Ontario County. The photocopied page is from Yesteryears, volume 6, number 23 (March 1963). The one BROWER entry is for "Thedrena, wife of John, d. Nov. 23, 1840, age 43." Three sons (Joseph, John and Peter) of Johannes Brouwer (1728-1809) and Tryntje Waldron, settled at Phelps, Ontario County, New York soon after the American Revolutionary War. However, I have not been able to identify this burial record within this family.
Cemetery Records - Oneida County, New York. This group is from Tree Talks, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 50. The burials are at Lee Center Cemetery in Oneida County, New York. There are six BROWER entries and all are new to me. The eldest one here is for John Brower, d. 15 Nov 1881, age 82 yrs. 8 mos. 15 days, which would place his birth at 28 February 1799. I have not identified him, or the others in this cemetery.
Barrett Hill Cemetery, Carmel, Putnam Co., New York. The note card states that the entries in this file were taken from FHL film #4382, but this cannot be correct as that film pertains to Land Records in Glastonbury, Connecticut. A search of the FHL catalog finds film #17128, items 36-38, Putnam County Cemeteries, which does include inscriptions from Barrett Hill Cemetery. They are also found in "Graveyard Inscriptions, Putnam County, New York," New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 56 (1925), page 309. I have not placed any of the names and do not know if these individuals are descendants of one of the original New Netherland BROUWER families, or is they are descendants of New England BREWER families. All will be included on the BGD with the next update.
Above are eight more files. Hopefully they will be of help to someone working at retracing their Brouwer, Brower or Brewer ancestry. If you do have any evidence as to who those who are unplaced are, please feel free to leave word using the Comments feature below.
BGB 302
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Matheus (Mathew) Brewer in Dutchess County, New York, "Ancient Documents"
Family Search has under its Historical Record Collections for New York, a collection of digitized records called New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971. There is no search engine for this collection, but you can browse through the images and many of the sub-categories have indexes that have also been digitized. With time and effort anyone should be able to locate whatever specific document it is they are looking for. A recent search in this collection resulted in locating a file that provided some new information and shed a little light on the life of one Brouwer family memebr in the Province of New York in the mid 1700s.
The New York Probate collection is arranged by county. Under Dutchess County we find a very long list of links to a series titled "Ancient Documents." Although nested under the New York Probate collection, it appears that few of these files have to do with probate issues, but instead have to do with other court and legal matters. Scroll down through the list of links and you will find General Indexes to at least part of this collection. Here is the index page on which the files (nos. 1681 and 1682) for Matheus/Mathew Brewer appear.
What has been labeled (probably by a 19th or 20th century clerk in the Dutchess County Court House) as Ancient Document no. 1681, is a suit brought by Dr. John Sackett against Matheus Brewer for a debt of two pounds, five shillings and nine pence, for medical services and travel expenses. The case was brought before the May 1743 session at the Court of Common Pleas in Poughkeepsie (often spelled Pokeepsie in that time and abbreviated as POK). The service for which Dr. John Sackett is seeking payment took place on 1 February 1741/42.
The language in the complaint (above) is a bit rambling and unclear as to just what took place between John Sackett and Mathew Brewer, but in the end John Sackett is represented by Gilbert Livingston, attorney, and they are seeking nine pounds from Mathew Brewer for "trespass upon the case." It is not specified as to how this case was resolved.
To me, the most interesting document in the two files is the one that follows, in which Dr. Sackett provides a list of his services and charges for treating Mathew Brewer.
In his bill, Dr. John Sackett charges for travel to "Sweago" to see Mathew Brewer. The year is 1741/42, and this prompted me to want to know just who this Mathew Brewer was, and where was "Sweago." Fortunately, the given name, Mathew (Matheus, Matthys, etc.) is relatively uncommon among the early families named Brouwer, Brower or Brewer of colonial New York. The Matheus, or Mathew Brewer featured in this law suit must have been an adult in 1741 and therefore born sometime prior to about 1720. There are only two known men that fill this requirement. The older of the two would be Matthys Brouwer, the son of Samuel Brouwer and Grietje Smith, who was baptized 3 April 1695 at the New York Reformed Dutch Church. He was married to Wyntje Kranckheyt on 19 March 1719 at the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow (later known as the First Reformed Church at Tarrytown) in Westchester County, New York. In 1741/42, Matthys would have been aged 46 or 47. The second candidate would be Matthys Brouwer, son of Johannes Brouwer and Marritje Lamb, who was baptized on 20 October 1711 at the New York Reformed Dutch Church. He was married to Maritie Cronkhite sometime before 1738 when their first known child was baptized. This second Matthys would have been aged 30 or 31 in 1741/42. Both of these Matthys Brouwers were grandsons of Matthys Brouwer (baptized in 1649) and great-grandsons of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island. But which one was the man named in the files is impossible to determine based upon the limited information found within the files.
The location, "Sweago" named in Dr. Sackett's bill, also is of interest. I believe it can only be a phonetic spelling for Oswego, which is located on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario in present day Oswego County, New York. According to the History of Oswego, New York (Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co., 1877), pages 19-24, the area saw English and Dutch traders by 1700. In 1721 or 1722, Fort Oswego, a trading post was established and a fort was built in 1727. Travel between Oswego and the greater New York City area (including Dutchess and Westchester Counties) would not have been easy or quick, although a good portion of it would have involved water travel on the Hudson River and it's largest tributary, the Mohawk River.
Prior to finding this file we were certainly aware of the fact that some English and Dutch colonists from the areas of New York where towns were well established, had interests in and made travels to some of the more outlying areas of their known world such as the trading post at Oswego. This file, however, is the first evidence I've found that specifically points to a member of one of the early colonial Brouwer famlies being involved in such an enterprise.
We also can only guess at exactly what ailment afflicted Mathew Brewer to the point that Dr. Sackett had to make a house call. His bill describes "drinks" and "engreediences" (ingredients) that were apparently used to induce vomiting and "purging," which evidently were method believed effective to cure Mathew Brewer of whatever condition it was he had. (Perhaps it was something affecting his gastrointestinal system). In any event, Mathew Brewer apparently recovered, and in 1743 was healthy enough to be sued by Dr. John Sackett. It also looks as if Mathew hired a man named John Alsop, as his attorney.
But again, the outcome of the case is not stated.
More info, details and source citations for the men named Matthys Brouwer, mentioned above, can be found on the Brouwer Genealogy Database website. All images were downloaded from the FamilySearch website; New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971; Dutchess (County); Ancient Documents 1721-1862, no. 1501-1793, images 883 to 890.
BGB 301
The New York Probate collection is arranged by county. Under Dutchess County we find a very long list of links to a series titled "Ancient Documents." Although nested under the New York Probate collection, it appears that few of these files have to do with probate issues, but instead have to do with other court and legal matters. Scroll down through the list of links and you will find General Indexes to at least part of this collection. Here is the index page on which the files (nos. 1681 and 1682) for Matheus/Mathew Brewer appear.
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New York Probate, Dutchess Co., General Index 1721-1862, no. 1-15181 A-K at |
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Sackett v. Brewer, May 1743 session, Dutchess Co. Court of Common Pleas |
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Ancient Documents no. 1682, Sackett - Brewer |
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Ancient Documents no. 1682 Sackett's bill for services to Mathew Brewer |
The location, "Sweago" named in Dr. Sackett's bill, also is of interest. I believe it can only be a phonetic spelling for Oswego, which is located on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario in present day Oswego County, New York. According to the History of Oswego, New York (Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co., 1877), pages 19-24, the area saw English and Dutch traders by 1700. In 1721 or 1722, Fort Oswego, a trading post was established and a fort was built in 1727. Travel between Oswego and the greater New York City area (including Dutchess and Westchester Counties) would not have been easy or quick, although a good portion of it would have involved water travel on the Hudson River and it's largest tributary, the Mohawk River.
Prior to finding this file we were certainly aware of the fact that some English and Dutch colonists from the areas of New York where towns were well established, had interests in and made travels to some of the more outlying areas of their known world such as the trading post at Oswego. This file, however, is the first evidence I've found that specifically points to a member of one of the early colonial Brouwer famlies being involved in such an enterprise.
We also can only guess at exactly what ailment afflicted Mathew Brewer to the point that Dr. Sackett had to make a house call. His bill describes "drinks" and "engreediences" (ingredients) that were apparently used to induce vomiting and "purging," which evidently were method believed effective to cure Mathew Brewer of whatever condition it was he had. (Perhaps it was something affecting his gastrointestinal system). In any event, Mathew Brewer apparently recovered, and in 1743 was healthy enough to be sued by Dr. John Sackett. It also looks as if Mathew hired a man named John Alsop, as his attorney.
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Ancient Documents file 1682. Mathew Brewer, John Alsop, his attorney |
More info, details and source citations for the men named Matthys Brouwer, mentioned above, can be found on the Brouwer Genealogy Database website. All images were downloaded from the FamilySearch website; New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971; Dutchess (County); Ancient Documents 1721-1862, no. 1501-1793, images 883 to 890.
BGB 301
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Cemetery and Gravestone Inscriptions from the William B. Bogardus Collection (Part II)
Following are more links for files from the William B. Bogardus Collection pertaining to cemetery and gravestone records and transcriptions. It is a varied collection.
"DAR Graves" - Brower. The cover card is not any more specific with regards to the original sources, but volume and page numbers are provided. This is an assortment of listings from various sites in New York State.
Essex County Gravestones: Old Methodist Churchyard, Belleville, N. J. Just three records here. They were transcribed from issues of The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey.
Book of the Dead of Monmouth. Six pages of transcriptions and photocopies taken from George Castor Martin, Book of the Dead of Monmouth (Asbury Park, N.J.: Martin & Allardyce, 1915-1916). Pertains to the "Old Cemetery between Farmingdale and Squankum." Many of the individual records have also been published elsewhere. I have not gone through each one but I suspect that many of those named can be found on the BGD. A few photocopied pages include some names other than Brewer or Brower.
Cemetery East of Christ Church, Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY. This transcription is from FHL film #931485. It pertains to John Brower, his wife Althea Merritt, and their daughter Charlotte A. Brower, none of who are currently found on the BGD.
Mercer County Gravestones: Titusville Methodist Episcopal Cemetery. This file is from material published in The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 50, no. 2 (May 1975). One (or part of one family) here, that of Henry S. Brower, his wife Hannah A., and son D. Urmstom. I believe they would be Henry Brower, his wife Hannah Evenston, and son Daniel Brower, who are found on the BGD. Henry's middle name was Striker, and he is probably a son of Thomas Le Foy Brouwer and Magdalena Van Aulst.
Monmouth County Gravestones. Bethesda Methodist Church Cemetery, Adelphia. The notes here are taken from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 21, no. 4 (Oct 1946), p. 89, vol. 22, no. 1 (Jan 1947), p. 19, vol. 23, no. 1 (Jan 1948), p. 18, and vol. 23, no. 4 (Oct 1948), p. 89. It is suggested that researchers consult both of these issues for clarification. The couple, Clarence L. Brower and Florence E. Murray are on the BGD, but "Sarah Wagner, wife of William Brower," is new to me.
Mercer County Gravestones: Titusville Presbyterian Churchyard. Also from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 29, nos. 3/4 (Jul-Oct 1954). The notes pertain to a Richard Brewer, his wife Rhoda, son Smith Titus Brewer, and a likely daughter (of Richard & Rhoda) named Francina. Smith T. Brewer and his father Richard are found in 1850 at Hopewell, Mercer Co., New Jersey, and this limited info is online on the BGD. This file adds considerably more to Richard Brewer, including a birth date of 1787.
Middlesex County Gravestones: Three Mile Run Cemetery, North Brunswick Township. The notes are for Maria Brower, wife of Rulaph Neefus. "Neefus" was a phonetic spelling of the family name more commonly seen as NEVIUS. The couple is found on the BGD, but this record adds a death date and place of burial for Maria. The source is the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 23, no. 4 (Oct 1948).
Graveyard Inscriptions, Blooming Grove and Montgomery, Orange Co., NY. The notes in this file are from Ray C. Sawyer, Graveyard Inscriptions of Greycourt Cemetery, Bloomingrove and the Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Montgomery, both located in Orange County, New York (1931). This file adds a date of death and burial place to John Brouwer, Jr., baptized 10 October 1773 at the New York Dutch Reformed Church, son of John Brouwer and Catharine Duryea. John Brouwer/Brower's wife was Magdalena Duryea. Their daughter, Catharine Ann, who died in 1803, at age 8 mos., 22 days, is buried here as well. The family is found on the BGD.
Cemetery Inscriptions - Montgomery County. The photocopied page is from Tree Talks, vol. 13, no. 9 (Sept. 1973). The Elizabeth Brouwer found here was a descendant of Willem Brouwer of Beverwijck, while Mary Anthony Brouwer, daughter of Jacob and Jane (DeReimer) Brouwer, was a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island. Both are found on the BGD.
Above are ten new files and in exploring them some new info was discovered. As usual, I recommend that researchers use the above as only a starting point and strongly recommend that you consult the original source for each file. As we all know, errors can be made when transcribing and when taking notes.
And a passing observation - this post marks a mile-stone, it is the 300th post on Brouwer Genealogy, and the past month of July marked five years since the Brouwer Genealogy Database was launched online along with the old Mac based Brouwer Genealogy blog, the precursor to this current blog. So thanks to all who stop by and read, and to all who have contributed and e-mailed in the past, and I hope at least some of you have found something of use along the way.
BGB 300
"DAR Graves" - Brower. The cover card is not any more specific with regards to the original sources, but volume and page numbers are provided. This is an assortment of listings from various sites in New York State.
Essex County Gravestones: Old Methodist Churchyard, Belleville, N. J. Just three records here. They were transcribed from issues of The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey.
Book of the Dead of Monmouth. Six pages of transcriptions and photocopies taken from George Castor Martin, Book of the Dead of Monmouth (Asbury Park, N.J.: Martin & Allardyce, 1915-1916). Pertains to the "Old Cemetery between Farmingdale and Squankum." Many of the individual records have also been published elsewhere. I have not gone through each one but I suspect that many of those named can be found on the BGD. A few photocopied pages include some names other than Brewer or Brower.
Cemetery East of Christ Church, Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY. This transcription is from FHL film #931485. It pertains to John Brower, his wife Althea Merritt, and their daughter Charlotte A. Brower, none of who are currently found on the BGD.
Mercer County Gravestones: Titusville Methodist Episcopal Cemetery. This file is from material published in The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 50, no. 2 (May 1975). One (or part of one family) here, that of Henry S. Brower, his wife Hannah A., and son D. Urmstom. I believe they would be Henry Brower, his wife Hannah Evenston, and son Daniel Brower, who are found on the BGD. Henry's middle name was Striker, and he is probably a son of Thomas Le Foy Brouwer and Magdalena Van Aulst.
Monmouth County Gravestones. Bethesda Methodist Church Cemetery, Adelphia. The notes here are taken from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 21, no. 4 (Oct 1946), p. 89, vol. 22, no. 1 (Jan 1947), p. 19, vol. 23, no. 1 (Jan 1948), p. 18, and vol. 23, no. 4 (Oct 1948), p. 89. It is suggested that researchers consult both of these issues for clarification. The couple, Clarence L. Brower and Florence E. Murray are on the BGD, but "Sarah Wagner, wife of William Brower," is new to me.
Mercer County Gravestones: Titusville Presbyterian Churchyard. Also from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 29, nos. 3/4 (Jul-Oct 1954). The notes pertain to a Richard Brewer, his wife Rhoda, son Smith Titus Brewer, and a likely daughter (of Richard & Rhoda) named Francina. Smith T. Brewer and his father Richard are found in 1850 at Hopewell, Mercer Co., New Jersey, and this limited info is online on the BGD. This file adds considerably more to Richard Brewer, including a birth date of 1787.
Middlesex County Gravestones: Three Mile Run Cemetery, North Brunswick Township. The notes are for Maria Brower, wife of Rulaph Neefus. "Neefus" was a phonetic spelling of the family name more commonly seen as NEVIUS. The couple is found on the BGD, but this record adds a death date and place of burial for Maria. The source is the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 23, no. 4 (Oct 1948).
Graveyard Inscriptions, Blooming Grove and Montgomery, Orange Co., NY. The notes in this file are from Ray C. Sawyer, Graveyard Inscriptions of Greycourt Cemetery, Bloomingrove and the Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Montgomery, both located in Orange County, New York (1931). This file adds a date of death and burial place to John Brouwer, Jr., baptized 10 October 1773 at the New York Dutch Reformed Church, son of John Brouwer and Catharine Duryea. John Brouwer/Brower's wife was Magdalena Duryea. Their daughter, Catharine Ann, who died in 1803, at age 8 mos., 22 days, is buried here as well. The family is found on the BGD.
Cemetery Inscriptions - Montgomery County. The photocopied page is from Tree Talks, vol. 13, no. 9 (Sept. 1973). The Elizabeth Brouwer found here was a descendant of Willem Brouwer of Beverwijck, while Mary Anthony Brouwer, daughter of Jacob and Jane (DeReimer) Brouwer, was a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island. Both are found on the BGD.
Above are ten new files and in exploring them some new info was discovered. As usual, I recommend that researchers use the above as only a starting point and strongly recommend that you consult the original source for each file. As we all know, errors can be made when transcribing and when taking notes.
And a passing observation - this post marks a mile-stone, it is the 300th post on Brouwer Genealogy, and the past month of July marked five years since the Brouwer Genealogy Database was launched online along with the old Mac based Brouwer Genealogy blog, the precursor to this current blog. So thanks to all who stop by and read, and to all who have contributed and e-mailed in the past, and I hope at least some of you have found something of use along the way.
BGB 300
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Petitions of John A. Brewer, "Confined in the Monmouth County Goal"
Documents no. 8 and no. 9 found on Abstracts of Early Monmouth County Court Papers, Part I, are petitions of John A. Brewer, confined in the Monmouth County Goal (jail), for having unpaid debts.
8. Petition of John A. Brewer
9. Petition of John A. Brewer
There are two men named John A. Brewer, contemporaries of each other, to consider when trying to determine just who the two petitions belong to. One of these men is John A. Brouwer, born 10 April 1788 at Gowanus, Long Island, a son of Adolph Brouwer and Aeltje Hulst (the A. here stands for Adolph, and is not technically a middle name as we think of them today). He is a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island. His name also appears as John A. BROWER, and he did live for a considerable portion of his life in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The second man, more often found as John A. BREWER, was born 7 May 1762 and baptized 30 April 1764 (recorded in the register of the Reformed Congregations of Freehold and Middletown). He was a son of Aris (Aaron) Brower and Neeltje Cooper, and a descendant of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, Long Island. In this case, the A. stands for John's father's name, Aris, and is not a middle name as we think of them today. He also lived in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Although there is no explicit or clear genealogical clues or information contained in the petitions, I suspect that the petitions belong to the later John A. Brewer, the one born in 1762, and descended from Jan Brouwer of Flatlands.
For background on this series of Monmouth County documents, please see the post of December 6, 2012.
For more details and source citations regarding John A. Brewer and John A. Brower, please refer to the Brouwer Genealogy Database website.
BGB 299
8. Petition of John A. Brewer
9. Petition of John A. Brewer
There are two men named John A. Brewer, contemporaries of each other, to consider when trying to determine just who the two petitions belong to. One of these men is John A. Brouwer, born 10 April 1788 at Gowanus, Long Island, a son of Adolph Brouwer and Aeltje Hulst (the A. here stands for Adolph, and is not technically a middle name as we think of them today). He is a descendant of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, Long Island. His name also appears as John A. BROWER, and he did live for a considerable portion of his life in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The second man, more often found as John A. BREWER, was born 7 May 1762 and baptized 30 April 1764 (recorded in the register of the Reformed Congregations of Freehold and Middletown). He was a son of Aris (Aaron) Brower and Neeltje Cooper, and a descendant of Jan Brouwer of Flatlands, Long Island. In this case, the A. stands for John's father's name, Aris, and is not a middle name as we think of them today. He also lived in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Although there is no explicit or clear genealogical clues or information contained in the petitions, I suspect that the petitions belong to the later John A. Brewer, the one born in 1762, and descended from Jan Brouwer of Flatlands.
For background on this series of Monmouth County documents, please see the post of December 6, 2012.
For more details and source citations regarding John A. Brewer and John A. Brower, please refer to the Brouwer Genealogy Database website.
BGB 299
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