I have an image in my files of the will of Henry Brewer of Sampson County, North Carolina.
Will of Henry Brewer, Sampson Co., NC vol. 1, pp. 228-29 (FamilySearch.org) |
Henry's will is dated 3 January 1834. It was probated during the July 1840 term (see page 229 in the image). The will was recorded in Sampson County, North Carolina, Vol. 1, pages 228-29. The
image (119) is found online at FamilySearch.org in their collection titled, "
North Carolina Probate Records, 1735-1970 - Sampson County."
Here is an image of the index page which includes this will.
Sampson Co., NC Wills Index 1620-1925 (FamilySearch.org) |
This index image is found
online at FamilySearch.org here. This particular index was filmed from back to front. In other word, it runs alphabetically from Z to A. The above index page image is image number 125 of this film (the pages are not numbered). The index includes both devisors (testators) and devisees. Alphabetization does not go beyond the first letter of the surname. They are instead listed by date. Since the filming was done from back to front, dates of probates are found from most recent to earliest.
A page with a devisor named Street Brewer and a Wiley Brewer can be found at
image 119. The dates of probates are 1912 for Street Brewer and 1914 for Wiley Brewer. Here is the image downloaded from the site. (I have not looked up these two wills).
Sampson Co., NC Wills Index 1620-1925 (FamilySearch.org) |
In his will Henry Brewer leaves legacies to his son Edward Brewer, to his daughter Catherine Casbodell (? the name spans two lines and is unclear to me), to his son Henry Brewer, and to daughter Nancy Brewer. A negro woman named Violet, a negro girl named Mary, a negro girl named Martha and a negro boy whose name is not clear to me, are left to his daughter Nancy. Ben Hargrove is appointed as executor. Henry does not mention a wife. He signs with his mark
H B. The record of probate lists Nancy Brewer, Edward Brewer and Henry Brewer, but the daughter Catherine's name is not included.
I do not know who this Henry Brewer is. I do not know how he might be placed among the various Brewer families in North Carolina. Keying off the fact that Henry did have a son named Edward, it may be that Henry is the son of Oliver Brewer of Chatham County, North Carolina, mentioned in the
post of January 18, 2015. Any insight or identification would be welcomed. Please use the Comments field.
BGB 594
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